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A Dockerfile for building a Meteor development container.

Updated to Meteor version Mantainer: Tadeo Gutierrez

Install & Run

The meteor development environment works on Linux, Mac, and Windows. It can be installed with the following instructions for each platform or manually configured through the commands described in the "Manual configuration" section at the end of this document.


a) Download and Install Docker for your linux distro:

b) Copy the following command in a new console and press enter:

curl > $HOME/kstart;chmod +x $HOME/kstart
  • This will create a script called "kstart" in your current path and a new folder at /opt/application (you should have user privileges to this folder). All your applications will be created on that folder of your host machine and mounted inside the container under /opt/application.

c) Once Docker is installed in your host machine, open the docker application and "settings/Shared drives" add /opt/application to the shared volumes

d) Type ./kstart at the command line to start the container


a) Download and Install Docker for Mac:

Note: Choose either versions (stable or edge). Try stable first. If you experience problems, uninstall it and try with the edge version.

b) Copy the following command in a new console and press enter:

curl > $HOME/kstart;chmod +x $HOME/kstart;mkdir -p $HOME/Desktop/k-meteor-dev
  • This will create a script called "kstart" in your home path (/Users/youruser) and a new folder at /Users/youruser/Desktop/k-meteor-dev. This folder will be mounted inside the container under /opt/application.

c) Type ./kstart at the command line to start the container.

NOTE: Docker beta and latest versions cover some special cases that help running it on different configurations. Take a look at Docker for Mac startup guide


a) Install Docker for Windows

-Docker for Windows Installer (stable)
-Docker for Windows Installer (edge)

Note: Choose either versions (stable or edge). Try stable first. If you experience problems, uninstall it and try with the edge version.

The new version of docker (Native windows virtualization for Hyper-V) works on windows 10 Professional.

If you have an older version of windows you can still run it under VirtualBox with Docker Toolbox for Windows but the development folder for your applications will only work inside the virtual machine and will not be accesible from your windows host. You can use docker commands to copy and access your application source files inside the k-meteor-dev-local volume.

b) Create a folder for your application code.

c) Download k-md-start.bat file and save it in your desktop. The batch file uses "E:\meteor" for the applications code, but you can replace E:\meteor reference at line 100 to point to the folder you created in the previous step.

d) Open the docker application by right clicking the little docker whale icon at the system tray and in "settings/Shared drives". Check the drive where you created the application code folder and click apply.

e) To run the container double click the batch file you downloaded to your desktop.

Guides: Docker for Windows startup guide /

Manual configuration

IF your Host system can not run Docker in Native mode (windows pre 10 pro or Older Macs). Just copy and paste the following command at the docker console:

curl > $HOME/kstart;chmod +x $HOME/kstart

Just run the kstart script at the docker console to start the container


You can also run the commands manually.

a)Run the first 3 commands to create image and volumes (only needed once)

docker build --tag="k-meteor-dev" git://
docker volume create --name k-meteor-dev-local
docker volume create --name k-meteor-dev-app

b)Use the next three commands every time to start environment

docker run -d --name k-meteor-dev --user root -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -v k-meteor-dev-app://opt/application -v  k-meteor-dev-local://home/meteor k-meteor-dev
docker exec -it --user root k-meteor-dev chown -Rh meteor /opt/application
docker exec -it --user meteor k-meteor-dev /bin/bash k menu

c)Create sftp container to access /opt/application (/server/data/) on sftp port 2222. The server will receive requests from a user with name "meteor" and password "changeme". You can change user and password in the command as desired. The "1000" is the Linux user ID needed to share the volume.

docker run -d --name sftp-container -v k-meteor-dev-app:/home/meteor/share -p 2222:22 -d atmoz/sftp meteor:changeme:1000



Digital Intelligence Technology developmente environment






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