The file takes two arguments, one for image output, and the other for the folder containing all the images for a listing.
At a high level, we believed a staged listing (one with furniture) will make a listing feel more 'homely' and increase iterest, along with having plants, more images, and high contrast values. We infer high contrast means images have been post-processed, and will be more appealing. We also infer having more images than less images will create more interest.
The script uses a pre-compiled computer vision model from a python library. The script will find furniture, appliances, and plants. The script will also extract contrast values, calculating the constrast average and count the number of images.
The extracted features will have a format such as [int(# of images), int(# of plants), bool(image of kitchen), bool(image of bathroom), bool(contrast > 0.90)]
import cvlib as cv
import cv2
from cvlib.object_detection import draw_bbox
import numpy as np
import sys
import os
# usage: python3 [0:no output, 1:output] [image folder path]
# check if want to see image output with first argument (iterate through images with 'q')
check_output = sys.argv[1]
# maps frequency of features
def frequency(features):
freq = {}
for feature in features:
freq[feature] = features.count(feature)
#for key, value in freq.items():
#print("% s: % s"%(key, value))
return freq
# take image folder as argument & extract image paths
folder_path = sys.argv[2]
images = []
for r, d, f in os.walk(folder_path):
for file in f:
if '.jpg' in file:
images.append(os.path.join(r, file))
# extract features from collection of images
img_contrasts = []
features = []
for image in images:
in_img = cv2.imread(image)
# show original image
cv2.imshow('Image', in_img)
# check contrast
c = cv2.cvtColor(in_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2YUV)[:,:,0]
c_min = float(np.min(c))
c_max = float(np.max(c))
contrast = (c_max-c_min)/(c_max+c_min)
img_contrasts.append(round(contrast, 2))
# perform analysis
bbox, label, conf = cv.detect_common_objects(in_img)
out_img = draw_bbox(in_img, bbox, label, conf)
# show output image
if check_output == '1':
cv2.imshow('labeled', out_img)
# show features extracted
for l in label:
# filter features into important ones
f = frequency(features)
print('\nImages have the following features & frequencies\n================================================\n')
# check if listing furnished
furn_count = 0
filt_feat = ['bench', 'chair', 'couch', 'bed', 'dining table', 'tv', 'clock', 'vase']
for item in filt_feat:
if item in f:
furn_count = furn_count+f[item]
print('\nthere are', furn_count, 'pieces of furniture')
# check for plants
plant_count = 0
filt_feat = 'potted plant'
if filt_feat in f:
plant_count = plant_count+f[filt_feat]
print('there are', plant_count, 'plants')
# check contrast (avg < 0.9 not as nice looking)
avg = 0
for cont in img_contrasts:
avg = avg+cont
avg = round(avg/len(img_contrasts), 2)
print('image contrast values are', img_contrasts, 'with an average of', avg)
# check if bathroom or kitchen is shown
kitchen = False
filt_feat = ['microwave', 'oven', 'toaster', 'refrigerator']
for item in filt_feat:
if item in f:
kitchen = True
if kitchen == True:
print('Kitchen shown')
print('Kitchen not shown')
bathroom = False
if 'toilet' in f:
bathroom = True
print('Bathroom shown')
print('Bathroom not shown')
# check other features
print('there are', len(images), 'pictures')