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A Java Discord Bot

This is a Discord kiyobot implemented using Java. This kiyobot is a personal side project that is being updated over time. This kiyobot utilizes a few APIs I'm developing in Java as well. Diskiyord, the name of the Java library I've developed, allows the kiyobot to interact with Discord's API. It connects the kiyobot to Discord's Gateway via WebSockets, more specifially through a wss (WebSocket Secure) connection. JQL is the SQL library that makes sending queries to a SQL database less time consuming, compared to using raw SQL queries. These APIs are being developed to learn more about software development and what goes on behind the scenes when using 3rd party libraries.

Bot Functionality

  • Receive and send messages to channels in the Discord server the kiyobot is present at.
  • Receive commands and send messages to the channel these commands are called at.
    • Can be used for meme commands, eg. +kek
      • This kind of command could choose a random image link from a pool of links which would have pictures of people laughing or have the word "kek" in them.
      • Commands for the LULz
    • Implemented commands:
      • !addexgfx & !getexgfx
        • These commands will allow a user to add information to a database and get information back from that database; eg. PostgreSQL, MySQL
        • Format:
          • !addexgfx <filename> <description> <level type> <artIsFinished> <img link>
          • !getexgfx <filename>
        • These kinds of command would be useful for organizing project information in a workspace with other Discord users.
      • !ping
        • Pings the kiyobot, who responds with "Pong!".
        • Don't overuse the commands though ;)
      • !commands
        • Sends a message containing a list of the currently implemented commands to the current channel.
    • Eventer commands:
      • !createuser <username>
        • Sends a POST request to Eventer to create a user
        • Returns the resulting user id
      • !getuser <userid>
        • Sends a GET request to Eventer to get info on a specified user
      • !createvent <userid> <eventname> <number_of_tickets_available>
        • Sends a POST request to Eventer to purchase tickets to an event for a user
      • !getevent <eventid>
        • Sends a GET request to Eventer to get info on a specified event
      • !getevents
        • Sends a GET request to Eventer to get info on all events
      • !purchasetickets <eventid> <userid> <number_of_tickets>
        • Sends a POST request to Eventer to purchase a number of tickets to an event for a user
      • !transfertickets <eventid> <userid> <targetuser> <number_of_tickets>
        • Sends a POST request to Eventer to transfer a number of tickets to an event to another user

Example Bot

This is an example of how a simple kiyobot can be created using this API. This kiyobot will be able to read messages being sent to a server and respond if a certain command is in that message.

public class MessageBot {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // api token goes here. NOTE* Make sure to store it securely and not in any public repository.
        String token = "api_token";

        // Creates the api for the kiyobot.
        DiskiyordApi api = DiskiyordApiBuilder.buildApi(token);
        // Adds an event listener specifically for detecting text messages being sent in a server.
        api.addMessageCreateListener(messageEvent -> {
            String message = messageEvent.getMessageContent();
            // Can parse the message for arguments after the command; in this case it splits on 2 space characters
            String[] messageArgs = message.split(" {2}");
            String errorMessage = "";
            try {
                // Using switch() for different possible commands.
                switch (messageArgs[0]) {
                    // If someone types "!ping", the kiyobot responds with "Pong!"
                    case "!ping":
            } catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException aiobe) {

Sample Commands

The following are some examples of commands you could make the kiyobot do.

public class MessageBot {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // db setup
        JsonSqlConfigParser sqlparser = new JsonSqlConfigParser();
        String modelDirectory = sqlparser.getModelDirectory();

        SQLModelBuilder builder = new SQLModelBuilder();
        if(!builder.areModelsFormattedCorrectly()) {
        Map<String, SQLModel> models = builder.getCopyOfModels();
        PostgresHandler pghandler = new PostgresHandler(models);

        // Connects the PostgreSQLhandler to the Postgres database
        pghandler.setConnection(sqlparser.getDb(), sqlparser.getHost(), sqlparser.getPort(),
                sqlparser.getUsername(), sqlparser.getPassword());

        // api token goes here. NOTE* Make sure to store it securely and not in any public repository.
        String token = "api_token";
        // Creates the api for the kiyobot.
        DiskiyordApi api = DiskiyordApiBuilder.buildApi(token);
        // Adds an event listener specifically for detecting text messages being sent in a server.
        api.addMessageCreateListener(messageEvent -> {
            String message = messageEvent.getMessageContent();
            // Can parse the message for arguments after the command; in this case it splits on 2 space characters
            String[] messageArgs = message.split(" {2}");
            String errorMessage = "";
            try {
                // Using switch() for different possible commands.
                switch (messageArgs[0]) {
                    case "!addexgfx":
                        errorMessage = MessageArgumentError.NOT_ENOUGH_ARGUMENTS.getErrorMsg();
                        //!addexgfx  <filename>  <description>  <type>  <completed>  <imglink>
                        if(messageArgs.length != 6) {
                        ColumnObject[] columns = new ColumnObject[5];
                        columns[0] = new ColumnObject<>(FILENAME, messageArgs[1], STRING);
                        columns[1] = new ColumnObject<>(DESCRIPTION, messageArgs[2], STRING);
                        columns[2] = new ColumnObject<>(TYPE, messageArgs[3], STRING);
                        columns[3] = new ColumnObject<>(COMPLETED, Boolean.parseBoolean(messageArgs[4]), BOOLEAN);
                        columns[4] = new ColumnObject<>(IMG_LINK, messageArgs[5], STRING);
                        dbhandler.executeUpdate(dbhandler.insert(EXGFX, columns));

                        messageEvent.getChannel().sendTextMessage("Data successfully added to the database!");


Java Discord API

NOTE April 16, 2019: The location of the Diskiyord code is now located over at This current verison of Kiyobot is using a 3rd party implementation of a Java Discord bot API. To see the old implementation see the previous commits starting at January 21, 2019:

Diskiyord is a custom JAVA API that allows communication between Discord's API and a Java program. This was developed specifically for Kiyobot so it has limited functionality. Even though it's basic, other users can still use this library to make other basic messaging bots. The library connects to Discord's gateway to obtain the websocket connection. This websocket connection allows kiyobot authentication and communication between the program and Discord's API.



This API allows users to create SQL tables by utilizing JSON model files. The following is an example of what a model file would look like.

	"name": "user",
	"autoIncrement": true,
	"columns": [{
		"key": "username",
		"attributes": {
			"type": "STRING",
			"length": 20,
			"lengthIsVar": true,
			"isUnique": true,
			"allowNull": false
	}, {
		"key": "tickets",
		"attributes": {
			"type": "INTEGER",
			"defaultValue": 0,
			"allowNull": false

The name field determines what the name of the table will be. This will also default the primary key to be id. You can also specify if you want the primary key to auto increment. The columns field will contain all the information on the column name and its attributes.

These are some of the possible attributes you can use: type: Determines the type of value to be stored in the column. length: Determines the length of String values. lengthIsVar: Determines if the length is variable or fixed. isUnique: Can make the column only have unique values. allowNull: Determines if the column can have null values or not. defaultValue: Sets the value of a new entry into the table to be the specified default value if no value was specified upon insertion.


The SQLModel class is meant to hold information about a particular table in a database. Its main use is to parse information from a .json file representing the desired model. Rather than having to create a class each time a user wants to create a model, they only need to create a .json of the model(s) they want, and use the SQLModelBuilder to build those models. The SQLModelBuilder will look at all the files in "./models" and try to create models of all present .json files.

The following code is all the code needed to build the models.

public class MessageBot {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Creates the model builder
        SQLModelBuilder builder = new SQLModelBuilder();
        // Locates all the .json model files in ./models
        // Reads in those files and creates SQLModels from them

The following is an example of how to setup a SQLModel so that the JDBCHandler can extract information and set up the appropriate table.

    "name": "exgfx",
    "autoIncrement": true,
    "columns": [
            "key": "filename",
            "attributes": {
                "type": "STRING",
                "length": 8,
                "lengthIsVar": true,
                "allowNull": false
            "key": "description",
            "attributes": {
                "type": "STRING",
                "length": 100,
                "lengthIsVar": true,
                "allowNull": false
            "key": "type",
            "attributes": {
                "type": "STRING",
                "length": 40,
                "lengthIsVar": true,
                "allowNull": false
            "key": "completed",
            "attributes": {
                "type": "BOOLEAN",
                "defaultValue": false

Kiyobot Revision History

Version 1.2.1

  • Fixed error where error inputstream was not being read in by the kiyobot. Will now display the correct error message output form the Eventer service.
  • Fixed gson wrongly escaping characters with HTML encoding which is not needed for Discord display.

Version 1.2.0

  • Added functionality that integrates Project 4 Eventer: An Event Ticket Service.
    • Eventer is a basic testing webservice that allows clients to create users, create events, purchase tickets, and transfer tickets between users.
    • The kiyobot's commands basically make API calls to the appropriate URLs, sending the appropriate request body, and outputting the response back to the Discord channel the command was called in.

Version 1.1.0

  • Added exgfx commands: !addexgfx and !getexgfx that interact with a SQL database

Version 1.0.0

  • Kiyobot:
    • A basic messaging kiyobot.
    • It can read in commands from the channel, and output the corresponding message to that channel.
    • It can also interact with a MySQL or PostgreSQL database.
      • It uses the below SQLModeler API.
    • The user will also need to specify their kiyobot's authorization token in a config.json file.
      • The user needs to create a Discord application before using this API or else the API does nothing.
      • Read this first.
      • Link to making a Discord application.
      • NOTE: Please DO NOT store your token in a public location as it is against Discords policy (and will allow unintended users to use your kiyobot!).

Version 0.1.0

  • Basic library testing for the kiyobot.

Version 0.0.0

  • Repository setup.

Diskiyord Revision History

Version 1.0.0

  • Diskiyord API:
    • A basic java API that allows users to create their own basic messaging kiyobot for Discord.
    • The user can make the kiyobot respond to messages in the same channel, or make message output to a different channel if they need something like a debugging channel.
    • Requires an authorization token from Discord to make a kiyobot with this API.

Version 0.1.0

  • Basic library set up, allows kiyobot to view and send messages to a channel.

JQL Revision History

Version 1.2.0

  • Renamed ResultSetHandler to SQLManager for better clarity: This class manages all SQL queries for the user.

Version 1.1.0

  • Now has an ResultSetHandler which handles all ResultSet queries for the user, so as to not expose those ResultSets to the clients.

Version 1.0.0

  • JQL API:
    • A basic java API that allows users to interact more easily with SQL databases rather than do raw SQL queries.
    • Users will create .json files representing the the information of the table they would like to create, and these files will should be put into a models folder. This folder can be specified in the sqlconfig.json file or will default to ./models.
    • NOTE: This version only allows users to create INTEGER primary keys. STRING primary keys are not yet supported.

Version 0.1.0

  • JDBCHandler setup. Meant to handle all JDBC queries.


Drew Noma - [email protected]

Kiyobot Current Version 1.2.1 Diskiyord Current Version 1.1.0 JQL Current Version 1.2.0


Since this is implementing a custom library, it may not be finished in time.

In the case that this custom library is not finished in time, an existing Discord Java library like Javacord or JDA will be used in its place.

API was developed on time!