- Firebase.zip/Google-Mobile-Ads-SDK/UserMessagingPlatform.framework
<path>libs</path> <!-- path where UserMessagingPlatform.framework (and other) are located -->
Add the following dependency to your build.gradle
repositories {
maven { url 'https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots' }
dependencies {
... other dependencies ...
implementation "io.github.dkimitsa.robovm:robopods-firebase-google-ump-ios:$altpodsVersion"
// Create a UMPRequestParameters object.
UMPRequestParameters parameters = new UMPRequestParameters();
// Set tag for under age of consent. Here NO means users are not under age.
// Request an update to the consent information.
UMPConsentInformation.getSharedInstance().requestConsentInfoUpdate(parameters, error -> {
if (error != null) {
// Handle the error.
} else {
// The consent information state was updated.
// You are now ready to check if a form is
// available.