If the project’s imposer/
directory contains a dev.state.md
, prod.state.md
, etc., it’s automatically loaded when a matching $WP_ENV
is in effect.
To allow environment-specific blocks of YAML, css, shell, etc., an if-env
function is supplied. It takes one or more arguments that are environment names, and can optionally have a first argument of not
to indicate the block should only be used if the environment is not one of the ones listed.
So for example a block tagged yaml !if-env dev
would only run if $WP_ENV
equals dev
, while a block tagged shell !if-env not prod
would only run if $WP_ENV
does not equal prod
if [[ ${WP_ENV-} && -f "$LOCO_ROOT/imposer/$WP_ENV.state.md" ]]; then
event on "module loaded imposer:project" require "$WP_ENV"
if-env() {
[[ $1 == not ]] || set -- "" "$@"
printf -v REPLY '|%q' "${@:2}"
echo -n "case \${WP_ENV-} in ${REPLY#|})${1:+ :;; *)}"
echo; mdsh-block "$mdsh_lang" "$mdsh_block" "$block_start"; echo
echo "esac"
A quick way to apply updates in production.
imposer.pull() { git pull && composer install && exec imposer apply; }
If working with a new database, the Wordpress core may need to be installed, and sample data deleted. This is done automatically upon imposer apply
. (Note that to perform an install, the active container needs to have a WP_ADMIN_EMAIL
variable defined. WP_ADMIN_USER
can optionally be set as well; if not defined, random values are generated, used, and echoed to the docker logs so you can find out what they are.)
event on "before_apply" mantle-initdb
mantle-initdb() {
mantle-is-installed && return
mantle-db-exists || event emit "mantle create db"
event emit "mantle install db"
mantle-is-installed && return
[[ ${WP_ADMIN_USER-} ]] || echo "Admin ID: ${WP_ADMIN_USER:=$(openssl rand -base64 6)}"
[[ ${WP_ADMIN_PASS-} ]] || echo "Password: ${WP_ADMIN_PASS:=$(openssl rand -base64 9)}"
wp core install --skip-email --url="$WP_HOME" --title="Placeholder" \
--admin_user="$WP_ADMIN_USER" --admin_email="$WP_ADMIN_EMAIL" \
wp post delete 1 2 3 --force # delete placeholder posts
mantle-db-command() { mysql -h "$DB_HOST" -u "$DB_USER" -p"$DB_PASSWORD" "$DB_NAME" "$@"; }
mantle-db-query() { echo "$@" | mantle-db-command; }
mantle-is-installed() { mantle-db-query "SHOW CREATE TABLE ${DB_PREFIX-wp_}options" >/dev/null 2>&1; }
mantle-db-exists() { mantle-db-query >/dev/null 2>&1; }
If a new database needs to be created, and an imposer/snapshot.sql
or imposer/snapshot.sql.gz
file exists, it’s loaded into the newly-created database.
event on "mantle create db" mantle-create-db
mantle-create-db() {
wp db create
set -- imposer/snapshot.sql
if [[ -f "$1" ]]; then
mantle-db-command <"$1"
elif [[ -f "$1.gz" ]]; then
gunzip -c "$1.gz" | mantle-db-command
Whenever imposer apply
is run, we also import content from the content/
directory, which saves a lot of PHP/Wordpress startup overhead that would happen from running it as a separate command.
require "dirtsimple/postmark"
postmark-module "content"
To avoid changing post guids between dev, staging, and prod, we use proper UUID URNs as guids. (This also avoids potential leakage of non-public URLs in RSS feeds.)
function generate_proper_guid_for_post( $data, $postarr ) {
if ( '' === $data['guid'] ) {
$data['guid'] = wp_slash( 'urn:uuid:' . wp_generate_uuid4() );
return $data;
add_filter( 'wp_insert_post_data', 'generate_proper_guid_for_post', 10, 2 );
add_filter( 'wp_insert_attachment_data', 'generate_proper_guid_for_post', 10, 2 );