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Boolean attributes in riot 2.3

From HTML5 - A vocabulary and associated APIs for HTML and XHTML - W3C Recommendation, 28 October 2014:

2.4.2 Boolean attributes

A number of attributes are boolean attributes. The presence of a boolean attribute on an element represents the true value, and the absence of the attribute represents the false value.

If the attribute is present, its value must either be the empty string or a value that is an ASCII case-insensitive match for the attribute's canonical name, with no leading or trailing whitespace.

Note: The values "true" and "false" are not allowed on boolean attributes. To represent a false value, the attribute has to be omitted altogether.

When the expression is trueish, riot sets the boolean attribute value to the attribute's name:

<my-tag disabled={ 'yes' }></my-tag>

riot replaces disabled with __disabled to avoid issues, then at runtime will generate

<my-tag disabled="disabled"></my-tag>

Boolean attributes are ignored (i.e. not rendered) when the expression value is falsy.

Recognized attributes

There's no official list with all the boolean attributes, but we collect that information from different sources. Currently riot v2.3.x recognizes these:

  • allowfullscreen - <iframe> - WHATWG HTML Living Standard, not in W3C HTML5
  • checked - <input> - for type "radio" or "checkbox"
  • compact - <ol>/<ul>/<dir> - deprecated in html5
  • disabled - used in almost all form elements
  • ismap - for <img> elements descendant of an <a> element with href
  • noresize - <frame> - deprecated in html5
  • noshade - <hr> - deprecated in html5
  • nowrap - <td> - deprecated in html5
  • readonly - <input>/<textarea>
  • reversed - <ol>
  • seamless - <iframe> - WHATWG HTML Living Standard, not in W3C HTML5
  • selected - <option>
  • truespeed - <marquee> - not supported by Chrome/Opera

...and these html5 attributes:

  • autofocus
  • autoplay - <audio>/<video>
  • controls - <audio>/<video>
  • default - <track>/<menuitem> (menuitem is not yet supported by browsers)
  • formnovalidate
  • hidden
  • itemscope - for html5 Microdata
  • loop - <audio>/<video>
  • multiple
  • muted - <audio>/<video>
  • novalidate
  • open - <details>/<dialog>
  • required
  • sortable - html 5.1
  • typemustmatch - <object>

Warning: Please don't use expressions in the loop attribute for <img> tags. In images, loop is not a boolean attribute. This will fix soon.

Tested with the w3c Validator

Removed attributes

The following unused or non-boolean attributes, recognized in previous versions, are removed in v2.3.0:

  • async - <script> - riot does not support async scripts in custom tags
  • declare - <object> - unuseful in main browsers
  • defaultChecked - it is a property, not an attribute
  • defer - <script> - riot does not handle this, only IE8/9 honors this attribute
  • draggable - not boolean, this is an enumerated attribute: true, false, auto
  • inert - this proposed html5 attribute was dropped from the spec
  • enabled - not in the HTML spec
  • indeterminate - this attribute can't be set with markup
  • nohref - <area> - deprecated, same effect as not including a href attribute
  • pauseonexit - <track> - not for markup, it is too complex
  • spellcheck - not boolean, this is an enumerated attribute: true, false
  • translate - not boolean, this is an enumerated attribute: yes, no
  • visible - not in the HTML spec

Special Attributes

The following attributes give error when parsed on browsers with { exrp_value }.
d describes the SVG <path>, Chrome gives error if the value has an invalid format.


  • style
  • src
  • d
