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dima edited this page Aug 14, 2010 · 26 revisions


Ruboss framework unified Rails/Merb integration support is currently in active development. Expect to see some progress in the next few weeks.

Getting up and running with the Ruboss framework and Merb

What you’ll need:

  1. Merb 0.9.3+ (merb-core, merb-more, merb_activerecord (part of merb-plugins))
  2. Flex SDK 3.0 (add Flex SDK bin folder to your $PATH variable)
  3. Git
  4. MySQL 5.0+

1. Do:

$>merb-gen app pomodo $>git clone git:// $>cd ruboss_on_ruby
  1. If this is your first time running hoe, run this command first:
    $>rake config_hoe

#The run
$>rake install_gem

2. Now edit pomodo/config/init.rb (pomodo is the new merb application we’ve just generated):

  • add dependency "ruboss_on_ruby"
  • uncomment use_orm: activerecord

3. Set up the database anyway you like. E.g.:

$>merb-gen ruboss_config $>cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml

Then edit database.yml to your liking.

4. Configure ruboss environment:

$>merb-gen ruboss_config

4. Place your YAML model file in schema/model.yml then run:

$>merb-gen ruboss_yaml_scaffold $>rake db:refresh $>rake ruboss:flex:build

5. Edit config/router.rb and add r.resources :<controller_name> for every controller you just generated. E.g.:

r.resources :users

This set’s up all model access via RESTful controller actions.

5. Run merb


OK, we can now navigate to http://localhost:4000 and checkout our newly set-up Flex app talking to Merb!


  1. The steps above assume that you are using ActiveRecord with Merb. Another popular choice is DataMapper, which still needs to be patched in a way that is consistent with Ruboss API requirements.
  2. Merb controllers are generated in a way that only sets them up for XML, Flex XML providers. HTML views are not even created.
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