This assignment will give you the chance to implement a simple cloth simulation. We will leverage our new found expertise on finite element methods to build a FEM cloth simulation. This simulation will use triangles, rather than tetrahedron as the finite elements and will use a principal stretch-based model for the cloth material. You will also implement your first contact response model, a simple velocity filter that can be bolted onto standard time integration schemes.
On all platforms, we will assume you have installed cmake and a modern c++ compiler on Mac OS X¹, Linux², or Windows³.
We also assume that you have cloned this repository using the --recursive
flag (if not then issue git submodule update --init --recursive
Note: We only officially support these assignments on Ubuntu Linux 18.04 (the OS the teaching labs are running) and OSX 10.13 (the OS I use on my personal laptop). While they should work on other operating systems, we make no guarantees.
All grading of assignments is done on Linux 18.04
All assignments will have a similar directory and file layout:
file will describe the background, contents and tasks of the
The CMakeLists.txt
file setups up the cmake build routine for this
The main.cpp
file will include the headers in the include/
directory and
link to the functions compiled in the src/
directory. This file contains the
function that is executed when the program is run from the command line.
The include/
directory contains one file for each function that you will
implement as part of the assignment.
The src/
directory contains empty implementations of the functions
specified in the include/
directory. This is where you will implement the
parts of the assignment.
The data/
directory contains sample input data for your program. Keep in
mind you should create your own test data to verify your program as you write
it. It is not necessarily sufficient that your program only works on the given
sample data.
This and all following assignments will follow a typical cmake/make build routine. Starting in this directory, issue:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
If you are using Mac or Linux, then issue:
Compiling the code in the above manner will yield working, but very slow executables. To run the code at full speed, you should compile it in release mode. Starting in the build directory, do the following:
cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
Followed by:
Your code should now run significantly (sometimes as much as ten times) faster.
If you are using Windows, then running cmake ..
should have created a Visual Studio solution file
called a4-cloth-simulation.sln
that you can open and build from there. Building the project will generate an .exe file.
Why don't you try this right now?
Once built, you can execute the assignment from inside the build/
While running, you can activate or de-activate the collision sphere by pressing c
In this assignment we will move from the simulation of volumetric objects to the simulation of thin sheets or thin shells. For thin objects, rather than discretize the volume with tetrahedra (as was done in assignment 2 and assignment 3) we discretize the medial surface of the cloth. This surface takes the form of a two-dimensional (2d) manifold embedded in (3d) space. While many of the concepts you have already learned will carry over to this assignment, the major confounding factor will be evaluating the material model for the cloth on this manifold. To make things more interesting, we will see our first material model expressed in terms of the "principal stretches" of the deformation.
In order to allow for more interesting interactions with the cloth, we will also implement collision detection and resolution with an analytical sphere. We will implement a simple collision resolution scheme, via velocity filter. These algorithms try to prevent collisions by "filtering" a previously computed velocity to remove any components that might make collisions worse. While running the assignment code, you can activate or de-activate the collision sphere by pressing c
Somewhat sadly, it is difficult to find a comprehensive resource for modern cloth simulation. However, there are a collection of seminal papers that are helpful to peruse. The first, Large-Steps in Cloth Simulation is widely recognized for introducing the linearly-implicit time integrator to graphics. While we won't deal with bending stiffness (think the difference between a Kleenex and a steel sheet), Discrete quadratic curvature energies are still the state-of-the-art approach for triangle mesh cloth. Finally, modern cloth simulators rely on aggressive remeshing schemes to capture detail while retaining performance.
Our major challenge in this assignment arises from the difference in the dimensionality of the cloth material and the world (deformed) space (NOTE: I use the terms world and deformed space interchangeably). Cloth is locally two-dimensional (2d) while the world is 3d. What will be comforting is that, a relatively straight-forward application of the finite-element-method (FEM) will allow us to build a passable dynamic cloth simulator.
The previous assignment applied FEM to volumetric simulation -- the simulation of objects with geometry of dimension equal to that of the world space (i.e our bunny and armadillo were 3d as was the world). In this case our finite elements were also volumetric ... they were tetrahedra in the undeformed space of the simulated object.
In the case of cloth, the underformed geometry is of different dimension (2d) than the world space (3d). Because our finite elements divide up the undeformed space, they also need to be 2d. As such we will use triangles, not tetrahedra as our elements.
Just as in the previous assignment, we need to choose basis, or shape functions with which to approximate functions on our, now triangular, mesh. A triangle as 3 nodes our approximations become
However, cloth is really a thin volumetric construct, of which our triangle only represents a small part. We might need information lying slightly off the triangle surface. To account for this we will need to modify our FEM model a bit. First, let's assume our triangle is actually embedded in a 3D undeformed space
Given any point
$$\begin{bmatrix}\phi_1\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\\phi_2\left(\mathbf{X}\right)\end{bmatrix} = \left(T^{T}T\right)^{-1}T^T\left(\mathbf{X} - \mathbf{X}_0\right)$$,
where $T=\begin{bmatrix}\left(\mathbf{X}_1- \mathbf{X}_0\right) & \left(\mathbf{X}_2- \mathbf{X}_0\right)\end{bmatrix}$ is a matrix of edge vectors. We use the constriaint
Let's assume that our point
$$ x\left(\mathbf{X}\right)=\sum_{i=0}^{2}\mathbf{x}_i\phi_i\left(\mathbf{X}\right)+\left(\mathbf{X}-\mathbf{X}_0\right)^T\mathbf{N}\cdot\mathbf{n}\left(\mathbf{x}_0,\mathbf{x}_1,\mathbf{x}_2\right) $$.
Now we can choose the generalized coordinates (
There are lots of ways to handle build a cloth deformation gradient in literature. In this assignment we will be able to avoid these more complicated solution due to our particular choice of undeformed to world space mapping which allows us to directly compute a
Armed with the generalized velocities, the formula for the per-triangle kinetic energy is eerily similar to that of assignment 3. It's an integral of the local kinetic energy over the entire triangle, multiplied by the thickness of the cloth,
and can be compute analytically using a symbolic math package. The per-element mass matrices for every cloth triangle can then be assembled into the mass matrix for the entire mesh.
For this assignment we will use a different type of material model to describe the elastic behaviour of the cloth. This is motivated by the fact that cloth is typically very resistant to stretching. For these materials, a linear stress-strain relationship is often desirable. Unfortunately, cloth triangles also rotate a lot (every time they fold-over for instance). Rotations are NOT linear and so a purely linear relationship will suffer from severe artifacts. To avoid this we will build a material model that only measures the in plane deformation of the cloth via its principal stretches.
Recall that in the previous assignment we used the right Cauchy strain tensor (
Now we can formulate a linear elastic model using the principal stretches which "filters out" any rotational components. Much like the Neohookean material model, this model will have one energy term which measures deformation and one energy term that tries to preserve volume (well area in the case of cloth). We already know we can measure deformation using the principal stretches. We also know that the determinant of
The strain energy density for principal stretch models, like the one above, are relatively easy to implement and understand. This is a big reason we like them in graphics. We'll also see that the gradient of this model (needed for force computation) is also pretty easy to compute.
Really, the derivative we need to understand how to compute is
Unfortunately, the gradient of the principal stretch energy is not enough. That's because our favourite implicit integrators require second order information to provide the stability and performance we crave in computer graphics. This is where things get messy. The good news is that, if we can just compute
$$\frac{\partial }{\partial F_{ij}}\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial F} = \frac{\partial U}{\partial F_{ij}}dS V^T + U\mbox{diag}\left(\mathbf{ds}{ij}\right)V^T + UdS \frac{\partial V}{\partial F{ij}}^T$$
$$ \mathbf{ds}{ij} = \begin{bmatrix}\frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_0^2} & \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_0\partial s_1} & \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_0\partial s_2} \ \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_0\partial s_1} & \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_1^2} & \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_1\partial s_2} \ \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_0\partial s_2} & \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_1\partial s_12} & \frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial s_2^2}\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial s_0}{\partial F{ij}} \ \frac{\partial s_1}{\partial F_{ij}} \ \frac{\partial s_2}{\partial F_{ij}}\end{bmatrix}$$
When looking at this formula DON'T PANIC. It's a straight forward application of the chain rule, just a little nastier than usual. Also remember that I am giving you the code to compute SVD derivatives in dsvd.h/dsvd.cpp.
If we define the svd of a matrix as
The hardest part of implementing this gradient correctly is handling the SVD terms. These gradients have a different form based on whether your
To make this assignment a little more visually interesting, you will implement simple collision detection and resolution with an analytical sphere. Collision Detection is the process of detecting contact between two or more objects in the scene and Collision Resolution is the process of modifying the motion of the object in response to these detected collisions.
For this assignment we will implement per-vertex collision detection with the sphere. This is as simple as detecting if the distance from the center of the sphere to any vertex in your mesh is less than the radius of the sphere. If you detect such a collision, you need to store an index to the colliding vertex, along with the outward facing contact normal(
The minimal goal of any collision resolution algorithm is to prevent collisions from getting worse locally. To do this we will implement a simple velocity filter approach. Velocity filters are so named because the "filter out" components of an objects velocity that will increase the severity of a collision. Given a vertex that is colliding with our sphere, the only way that the collision can get worse locally is if that vertex moves into the sphere. One way we can check if this is happening is to compute the projection of the vertex velocity onto the outward facing contact normal (
The thing we will do is project out, or filter out, the component of the velocity moving in the negative, normal direction like so:
This "fixes" the collision. This approach to collision resolution is fast but for more complicated scenes it is fraught with peril. For instance it doesn't take into account how it is deforming the simulated object which can cause big headaches when objects are stiff or rigid. We'll see a cleaner mathematical approach to content in the final assignment of the course.
In this assignment you will reuse your linearly implicit integrator to time step the dynamic system. Also, we will eschew implementing the strain energy density function, quadrature rule and potential energies separately. Instead functions for potential energy and its derivatives should directly compute the integrated values for a triangular element.
Piecewise constant gradient matrix for linear shape functions. Row
The kinetic energy of the whole cost mesh.
Gradient of potential energy due to gravity
Potential energy for the cloth stretching force
Gradient of the cloth stretching energy.
Hessian matrix of the cloth stretching energy
Use your code from the last assignment
Use your code from the last assignment
Assemble the full mass matrix for the entire tetrahedral mesh.
Assemble the global force vector for the finite element mesh.
Assemble the global stiffness matrix for the finite element mesh.
Use your code from the last assignment
Use your code from the last assignment
Detect if any mesh vertex falls inside a sphere centered at (0,0,0.4) with radius 0.22
Project out components of the per-vertex velocities which are in the positive direction of the contact normal
Use your code from the last assignment