Download and install raspbian: https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/raspbian/ (the minimal image is enough)
Install to SD card: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/installation/installing-images/README.md
Boot raspbian (connected to monitor and keyboard) and login (default login: pi:raspberry)
do the setup headless: https://hackernoon.com/raspberry-pi-headless-install-462ccabd75d0
sudo raspi-config
to set the password and timezone -
Setup Wifi: https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentation/configuration/wireless/wireless-cli.md
Install needed packages:
sudo apt-get install vim ruby ruby-dev git imagemagick time sqlite3 gphoto2 libssl-dev nodejs libsqlite3-dev network-manager
Fedora docs have a pretty good description how to handle connections with Networkmanager on the console.
To connect the raspi to an wifi network (either provided by an on site router, or an access point running on your tablet), I ran:
> nmcli con add con-name nexus7-photobox ifname wlan0 type wifi ssid photobox
> nmcli con modify nexus7-photobox wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-psk
> nmcli con modify nexus7-photobox wifi-sec.psk '<your password>'
> nmcli con modify nexus7-photobox ipv4.dns ""
> nmcli con up nexus7-photobox
nmcli dev status
will display the current connection state.
If you configure multiple connections, they can have assigned a priority in case multiple of them are available:
nmcli -f autoconnect-priority,name c
nmcli c mod "mypreferred" conn.autoconnect-p 10
nmcli c mod "xfinitywifi" conn.autoconnect-p -10
The available connection are stored at /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections
. Don't forget to restart Networkmanager (systemctl restart NetworkManager
) after changging files manually.
To add additional fonts for the polaroid caption, use these commands:
: List available fontsconvert -list font
: List available fonts for ImageMagickfc-cache -fv
: Run after installing new fonts to/usr/share/fonts/
A nice caption font for example is: https://www.dafont.com/simplicity-6.font