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399 lines (277 loc) · 11 KB

File metadata and controls

399 lines (277 loc) · 11 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


v6.4.1 - 2022-08-31


  • Table Fixed datepicker filter value

v6.4.0 - 2022-07-01


  • Added support for React 18
  • Form - Added placeholder option for datepicker
  • Form - Added description option for select
  • Form - Added error description option for select
  • Form - Added error description option for datepicker


  • Made sure no extra space is created when flyout is closed

v6.3.1 - 2022-01-24


  • Table - export table component

v6.3.0 - 2022-01-1ß


  • Table - added table component

v6.2.1 - 2021-12-13


  • Autocomplete - prevent crash when going to index 0

v6.2.0 - 2021-12-07


  • Modal - added option to use custom component as confirm and deny button

v6.1.0 - 2021-11-25


  • Select - removed value from internal state
  • Autocomplete - removed defaultValue from internal state


  • Autocomplete Add disabled option to items array

v6.0.6 - 2021-10-08


  • Select - fixed defaultValue not working
  • Icon - fixed document reference

v6.0.5 - 2021-10-07


  • Autocomplete - removed focus state from fake input field

v6.0.4 - 2021-09-07


  • Fixed an issue with hard peer dependencies

v6.0.3 - 2021-09-02


  • Removed unnecessary dependencies, moved react and react-dom to peer dependencies


  • Form/Checkbox - no longer becomes disabled when no id is given (fixes #248)
  • Form/Datepicker - label selects datepicker even when no id is given
  • Form/Datepicker - cleaned up document event listeners (fixes #247)
  • Calendar headers now show monday first for en locale (fixes #246

v6.0.2 - 2021-06-08


  • Fixed an issue caused by babelHelpers that weren't included in the build

v6.0.1 - 2021-06-07 [BORKED]


  • Fixed the styleguide not building correctly


  • Optimized build

v6.0.0 - 2021-06-02


  • Icon [BREAKING] FontAwesome was replaced by support for Streamline icons.
  • Switch [BREAKING] Changed the way the Switch component works
  • Toggle [BREAKING] Changed the way the Toggle component works
  • Button [BREAKING] Removed 'alt' prop as it isn't valid
  • Antwerp UI


  • Accordion Improved accessibility
  • Accordion Improved accessibility
  • Calendar Improved accessibility
  • Datepicker Improved accessibility
  • Modal Improved accessibility
  • Slider Improved accessibility


  • Subfooter Please use the metanavigation instead

v5.0.6 - 30-03-2021


  • Autocomplete Fixed styling not being included in the build

v5.0.5 - 22-03-2021


  • Autocomplete Fixed a missing FlyoutContent import
  • Autocomplete Fixed component not showing in styleguide

v5.0.4 - 16-03-2021


  • Toggle Final fix for the toggle's mixed checked state
  • Optimized published package size

v5.0.3 - 11-03-2021


  • Fixed styleguide which was showing too many (sub) components
  • Autocomplete Fixed state error
  • Footer Fixed double package name for SubFooter
  • Form/TelephoneNumber Fixed minor styling issues
  • Form/TextField Fixed an issue with class names
  • Handle Replaced deprecated componentWillReceiveProps
  • Toggle Fixed an issue where the toggle's checked state could still get mixed up


  • Upgraded to the latest core branding (v4.3.1)
  • Updated Styleguidist
  • Form/Select Improved inner workings
  • Form/TelephoneNumber Fixed minor styling issues

v5.0.2 - 23-02-2021


  • Form/TelephoneNumber Fix infinite loop when setting initialValue

v5.0.1 - 19-02-2021


  • Form/TelephoneNumber Fix border & spacing

v5.0.0 - 19-02-2021


  • Input [BREAKING] We had to change the input's API to make it more consistent. This means that for some components 'type' had to be changed to 'size', in order to also support the standard 'type' attribute.


  • Form/TelephoneNumber Added new telephone number component

v4.9.0 - 18-02-2021


  • Form/TextField Support addons (addon-left, addon-right)
  • Form/TextField Pass type prop to child input
  • Form/TextField Allow for setting className on wrapper


  • Autocomplete Fixed a bug where search results were not correctly parsed
  • Toggle Fixed an issue where the toggle's checked state could get mixed up

v4.8.2 - 11-12-2020


  • Form/Datepicker Fixed order of the week days
  • Form/TextField Fixed ability to pass unexpected props
  • General Fixed changelog

v4.8.1 - 25-11-2020


  • Autocomplete Fixed an issue with tabIndex

v4.8.0 - 20-11-2020


  • RadioGroup Added support for RadioOption key attribute
  • RadioGroup Added support for multiple radiogroups with same values


  • Pagination Fixed Pagination not rerendering when itemsPerPage or totalValues change
  • Autocomplete Fixed an issue where an item sometimes wasn't selected
  • Autocomplete Improved overall accessibility

v4.7.0 - 05-10-2020


  • Textarea Added an option to pass onInvalidCapture as an attribute.
  • TextField Added support for colored description based on the state of the TextField


  • Checkbox Use checked instead of defaultChecked

v4.6.1 - 22-09-2020


  • Textarea Fixed unit tests
  • Switch Fixed unit tests
  • Switch Fixed updating inner state on props change
  • Autocomplete Fixed a crash when a non-existing defaultValue is provided
  • Autocomplete Fixed an issue where the correct value wasn't selected in combination single select and sync search mode
  • Autocomplete Fixed disappearing elements after selecting item synchronously and clearing field

v4.6.0 - 16-09-2020


  • Autocomplete Added support for placeholder and required attributes
  • Select Added support for disabled attribute
  • Select Added option to define size


  • Textarea Fixed an issue where required attribute was not being passed properly
  • AccordeonTab Added an option to pass a custom toggle function so that state can be managed in parent components
  • Select Fix select elements must be either controlled or uncontrolled react warning
  • Autocomplete component now can handle default values when using async loading items

v4.5.0 - 03-09-2020


  • Autocomplete Added an option to define the position of the flyout menu position for the Autocomplete component
  • UserMenu Added an option to hide the default external links


  • Autocomplete Fixed an issue where re-entering the autocomplete field would trigger an async search with empty query
  • Autocomplete Fixed an issue where debounce was using old query values

v4.4.0 - 27-07-2020


  • Autocomplete Put back the mapping on defaultValue -> Labels
  • Autocomplete Support for defaultValue


  • Autocomplete Support for unknown values

v4.3.0 - 02-06-2020


  • Form Added small and large variants to form fields

v4.2.0 - 25-05-2020


  • Autocomplete Added an option for multiple selection

v4.1.0 - 28-04-2020


  • Form/Checkbox Allow for passing a reactive handler to the checkbox input


  • Modal Fixed modal styling issues

v4.0.0 - 04-02-2020


  • Icon [BREAKING] Changed all <i> references to <span>
  • Pagination [BREAKING] Changed API in order to disallow buttons.
  • Slider [BREAKING] Changed the way units are displayed.
  • Slider/Handle [BREAKING] Added keyboard navigation for slider.
  • Alert Added aria-label.
  • Autocomplete Added the option to disable autocomplete
  • Autocomplete Added support for loading state
  • Autocomplete Added support for disabled state
  • Autocomplete Added support for handling autocomplete close
  • Autocomplete Added support for error states
  • Avatar Added u-screen-reader-only 'User Icon' info.
  • Avatar Added option for className
  • Badge Added aria-label and title.
  • Button Added aria-label.
  • Button Added support for --default
  • Button Added contrast warning for negative toggle. WCAG 2.1 AA - Contrast
  • ButtonGroup Added option for vertical button group (depends on core branding 3.2)
  • Calendar Added aria-label for navigation.
  • Card/CardIcon Added aria-label.
  • Flyout Added aria-label for toggle.
  • Flyout Added an option to handle state change
  • Flyout Added support for outside close actions
  • FlyoutButton Added aria-label for toggle.
  • Form/Datepicker Added an option to set locale
  • Form/Select Added support for defaultValue on select
  • Form/Select Added support for loading state
  • Form/TextField Added disabled option
  • Form/TextField Added support for left and right icon
  • Icon Added aria-label.
  • Pagination Added aria-label.
  • Slider Added aria-label.
  • Spinner Added aria-label.
  • Steps Added aria-label and screen-reader info.
  • SubFooter Added title and aria-label to subfooter.
  • Switch Added role and aria-checked.
  • Tabs Added screen-reader info.
  • Tag/TagListItem Added extra WCAG information for aria-label.
  • Toggle Added role and aria-checked.
  • UserMenu Added aria-label and screen-reader info.


  • Form/TextField Improved the visibility of the description field
  • Modal Updated design of the modal
  • UserMenu Updated design of the user menu.


  • Autocomplete Removed console log
  • Autocomplete Took propegation delay into account when triggering search from componentWillReceiveProps
  • Flyout Handled outside click state better
  • Form/Checkbox Fixed checking of checkboxes.
  • Form/Checkbox Fixed required label on checkboxes.
  • Form/Datepicker Fixed an issue where the datepicker spams console when it is not loaded correctly
  • Form/Radio Fixed checking of radio buttons.
  • Form/Switch Fixed behaviour of switch.
  • TextField Fixed console errors.
  • Button Fixed an unnecessary class in some cases.
  • Button Fixed transparant status.
  • Footer Fixed scroll to top.
  • Autocomplete Fixed items not updating when searching, added defaultValue option, added empty state, fixed open state issue.
  • Autocomplete Fixed handling dynamic values for defaultValue.

v1.0.1-16 - 2018-07-02


  • Alert
  • Avatar
  • Badge
  • Button
  • ButtonGroup
  • Calendar
  • Card
  • Contact
  • Content
  • FlyoutButton
  • Footer
  • Form
  • Form/Checkbox
  • Form/Datepicker
  • Form/Fieldset
  • Form/InputLabel
  • Form/Radio
  • Form/Select
  • Form/Textarea
  • Form/TextField
  • Form/Switch
  • Header
  • Hero
  • Icon
  • Label
  • Slider
  • Spinner
  • Steps
  • TagList
  • UserMenu