A header component with logo.
import { HeaderModule } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-layout';
Visit our documentation site for full how-to docs and guidelines
Name | Default value | Description |
@Input() hasLogo: Boolean; |
false |
Whether there is a logo or not in the header. Also sets the has-logo class. |
@Input() hasContent: Boolean; |
false |
Whether there is content or not in the header. |
- auiHeaderContent
- auiHeaderLogo
- auiHeaderMenuItem
The main (or only) functionality of these directives is helping you laying out your header.
import { HeaderModule } from '@acpaas-ui/ngx-layout';
imports: [
export class AppModule {};
Note that the example below makes use of the Antwerp UI logo component and Antwerp UI icon component.
<div auiHeaderLogo>
<aui-logo title="Antwerp logo." src="./assets/a-logo.svg" [link]="'/'"></aui-logo>
<div auiHeaderContent><!-- Optional --></div>
<div auiHeaderMenuItem>
class="a-button--text o-header__button has-icon-left"
<aui-icon name="ai-developer-community-github-1"></aui-icon>GitHub
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