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Antwerp UI Test Automation Guide

When automating tests, one of the challenges is to keep the test resilient to code changes. Using data attributes can help you with that, by creating unique selectors for your tests.

Using unique data attributes with Antwerp UI

It's not possible to add unique data attributes to the Antwerp UI component library for the simple reason that the attribute won't be unique anymore when you use the component multiple times on the same page.

But in your app you can simply add a data attribute to each individual Antwerp UI component so you can target the component that you want to test.


The following example shows the Antwerp UI datepicker with the unique qa data attribute id-1234.


Which will result in:

<aui-datepicker data-qa="id-1234" autocomplete="off" formcontrolname="inputDate" ...>

Branding classes

Since you probably want to target a specific element or a subcomponent, selecting the parent component won't be enough. You can however target these elements and subcomponents based on their CSS classes in combination with the unique data attribute of the parent component.


In this example the calendar of the datepicker component can be opened or closed by toggling the <span> tag, which is nested in the datepicker with data attribute data-qa="id-1234" and CSS class aui-flyout-action.

<aui-datepicker ... data-qa="id-1234" ...>
    <div ...>
        <input type="text" name="input-datepicker" ...>
        <span class="aui-flyout-action ...">...</span>


To help you locate a specific element of a component, we've made an overview of all Antwerp UI components and the CSS classes they use. When an element doesn't have a class set, you can still target it by selecting the element type or its custom attribute.

Component Class Element / Attribute Description
Autocomplete aui-flyout-action input text input field
aui-selectable-list ul selectable list
m-selectable-list__item > li selectable list item
Datepicker no classname input text input field
aui-flyout-action span open/close toggle
m-datepicker__nav div navigation bar
fa-angle-left > button > i previous
fa-angle-right > button > i next
m-datepicker__title > button view toggle
m-datepicker__calendar tbody calendar field
no classname > td > button calendar element, depending on the selected view: day, month, year
Filter (checkbox) a-list ul filter list
no classname > li filter element
no classname > > input checkbox
Filter (input) no classname input text input field
Filter (select) no classname > select select
Flyout aui-flyout-action button open/close toggle
m-flyout__content content content of the flyout
no classname auiflyoutclose close button in content field
Footer aui-footer footer footer wrapper
o-footer > div subfooter wrapper
Header o-header header header wrapper
o-header__menu-items > div header element wrapper
o-header__menu-item > > div header element
Logo o-header__logo a logo link
Map o-leaflet div map component wrapper
o-leaflet__content > div map pane
o-leaflet__wrapper > div Leaflet map wrapper
o-leaflet__controls > > div Leaflet action buttons wrapper
Modal m-overlay aui-modal-overlay overlay
m-modal > div modal
m-modal__header > > div modal header wrapper
m-modal__close > > > button close button
m-modal__footer > > div modal footer wrapper
no classname > > > button modal action button(s)
Pagination (default) m-pagination ul pagination wrapper
m-pagination__prev > li element to previous page
m-pagination__next > li element to next page
Pagination (items per page) aui-items-per-page div pagination wrapper
no classname > select select
Range slider m-range-slider__inner div range slider selection wrapper
m-range-slider__bar > div range slider selection bar
m-range-slider__handle > span range slider selection button
Search filter aui-flyout-action button open/close toggle
m-search-filter__search button open/close toggle
no classname button open/close toggle
m-search-filter__results-title button open/close toggle
a-list > ul list
m-search-filter__results-item > > li list item
a-input__checkbox > > > div checkbox wrapper
no classname > > > > input checkbox
Selectable list m-selectable-list ul selectable list
m-selectable-list__item li selectable list item
Table a-table table table wrapper
Time picker m-timepicker div select boxes wrapper
no classname formcontrolname hours / minutes hour / minute selection
Upload m-upload div upload input field wrapper
m-upload__input > input input field
a-upload-queue__wrapper aui-upload-queue files to upload and upload button wrapper
m-upload__files > ul list of files to upload
m-upload__filename > > span name of file to upload
m-upload__error > > span error message for faulty file
a-button > button upload button