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Daniel Leong edited this page Sep 13, 2016 · 6 revisions

Title IDs

A Title ID, as used in the start cli command or the startTitle socket function, is a unique string that identifies a PS4 application. The active Title ID should be listed when you execute ps4-waker search (see: running-app-titleid). Below is a table of some known Title IDs:

App Title ID
Netflix CUSA00129
Amazon Video CUSA00130
Youtube CUSA01015

In addition, the Title ID can be discovered when viewing a game on the PSN Store by looking at the URL in your browser's address bar. For example, the URL for GTAV in the UK is:!/en-gb/games/grand-theft-auto-v/cid=EP1004-CUSA00411_00-GTAVDIGITALDOWNL

So, its Title ID is CUSA00411


Credentials are saved in your HOME directory as .ps4-wake.credentials.json, unless you provide a custom location (using the -c flag to the cli). On Linux/macOS that's just ~/.ps4-wake.credentials.json from the Terminal.

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