diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 40efa6c797..05da098cd1 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,206 +1,22 @@
-# ui-core
+[![@dhis2/ui on npm](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/@dhis2/ui.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dhis2/ui)
+[![conventional commits](https://img.shields.io/badge/Conventional%20Commits-1.0.0-yellow.svg)](https://conventionalcommits.org)
-**[Online docs and demos (latest master build)](https://ui-core.dhis2.nu/)**
-## Requires polyfills
+- Docs: [ui.dhis2.nu](https://ui.dhis2.nu)
+- Live demo: [ui.dhis2.nu/demo](https://ui.dhis2.nu/demo)
+- API reference: [ui.dhis2.nu/api](https://ui.dhis2.nu/api)
-These are included with apps generated with Create React App, but if you
-want to use this library with the environments in `.browserslistrc` you
-need to polyfill the following:
-- web.dom.iterable
-- es6.array.fill
-- es6.array.iterator
-- es6.function.name
-- es6.object.assign
-- es6.object.keys
-- es6.object.set-prototype-of
-- es6.promise
-- es6.regexp.match
-- es6.regexp.split
-- es6.string.starts-with
-- es6.string.iterator
-- es6.symbol
-- es7.symbol.async-iterator
-### Review
-Make a PR from the component branch. Add a team member who can review
-the code and example for both **LTR** and **RTL** modes.
-## Development
-We use [Storybook](https://storybook.js.org) that is excellent for
-testing components while developing them.
-yarn install
-yarn start
-The Storybook runs on localhost:5000.
-### Apply the code style
-This library follows the [dhis2
-code-style](https://github.com/dhis2/cli-style). There is a commit hook
-that will apply the code style to staged files, but if you want to do
-this manually during development, run:
-yarn format
-### Commit messages
-This library follows the commit message style defined in [@commitlint/config-conventional](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@commitlint/config-conventional#rules). There is a pre-commit hook that will stop commits that don't follow the convention.
-### Releasing
-When a PR is merged to the **master** branch, the release process
-automatically starts.
-It is very important that the commit that lands on **master** follows
-the conventional commit format, since that is what is used to
-automatically determine the next version.
-**Never push straight to master, always go through a PR!**
-## Testing
-Testing is done with cypress & cucumber.
-- Run `yarn cypress:run`
- This will run cypress and exit with either 0 or 1
-- Run `yarn cypress:open`
- This will open the cypress gui, which is useful for writing tests
-### Recording videos and taking screenshots
-When running `yarn cypress:run`, by default no video is recorded and no
-screenshot will be taken.
-- Recording videos can be enabled by supplying the
- `CYPRESS_VIDEO=true` env var.
-- Taking screenshots can be enabled by supplying the
- `CYPRESS_SCREENSHOT=true` env var.
-### Storybook stories for testing
-Sometimes it's required to add stateful stories to test certain behavior.
-That's why you can add files with the following file name format: `*.stories.testing.js`
-These stories will not be used when generating the docs storybook and can
-contain more sophisticated scenarios for testing.
-## FAQ
-### How to avoid a global style rule from affecting a ui-core component?
-The best practice is that each component has styles that are scoped to
-that component to avoid style rules that leak out from one component and
-bleeds into another component.
-Generally all the CSS-in-JS solutions grant this out of the box, and
-this is only a problem when using global stylesheets, e.g. by importing
-`index.css` in an application and adding global rules to it.
-There are two ways to work around the problem.
-#### Example CSS
-Given the following CSS:
-div {
- padding: 20px;
-.disabled {
- opacity: 0.5;
-These styles will bleed into all components that use `div` or
-`.disabled` and doesn't itself set those rules and win by specificity.
-If a rule is not set by the component, the technique that overrides
-through the use of `className` still applies, it's just "softer" and
-does not require `!important` to counter the rules.
-If the rules do something `!important`, the only course of action is to
-counter it with another `!important` rule. Given the following CSS:
-div {
- padding: 20px !important;
-.disabled {
- opacity: 0.5 !important;
-Now there is no way for specificity to win, and all components that use
-those classes or elements will inherit those rules.
-#### Cascading override
-By using a cascading override, the style bleed can be stopped by
-utilizing a wrapper element for the component, and this will cascade
-down to the children of the component as well. The technique allows for
-a workaround which does not affect the component itself, and is easily
-removed when the App no longer uses leaky styles.