DHIS2-9266: Config option for disabling all audit services
Components: [API] System configuration
DHIS2-9056: Front-end support for translation of RelationshipType From/To name
Components: [App] Maintenance
DHIS2-10082: Report Rates - Daily calculation failing
Components: [API] Analytics
DHIS2-6642: Impossible to permanently delete soft deleted events
Components: [API] Data administration
DHIS2-9949: Error importing dataValueSet with new periods
Components: [API] Data value set
DHIS2-7937: [ Internal Server Error ] Cannot filter events on certain kind of values [ phoneNumber ]
Components: [API] Events
DHIS2-9571: Schedule and Send message PRAs do not work
Components: [API] Messaging, [App] Messaging
DHIS2-10044: orgunit api returns duplicates with pagination
Components: [API] Metadata model
DHIS2-10220: Search functionality within sharing dialog doesn't work across first and last names
Components: [API] Other
DHIS2-9941: SMS inbound issue on originator and user phone
Components: [API] SMS
DHIS2-10341: Slow PSQL queries when checking that TEA is unique
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-9985: TrackedEntityInstances API should respect both ownership and registration OU for Access control checks.
Components: [API] Tracker
DHIS2-9454: User API NextPage Only Shows One User per Page
Components: [API] User, [App] User
DHIS2-10135: User App Pagination issue (existing in 2.35.1)
Components: [API] User
DHIS2-5490: Program indicators concatenating numerical TEAs when null
Components: [App] Capture
DHIS2-10070: Lag in Capture app for Large Event Program
Components: [App] Capture, [App] Event capture
DHIS2-9725: Adding an organisation unit filter to a dashboard with a widget crashes the dashboard
Components: [App] Dashboard
DHIS2-2510: Allow for implied 0s for non decimals between 0 and 1
Components: [App] Data entry
DHIS2-10163: Event Reports 'breaks' with Data Elements, Attributes and Program Indicators selected
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-10379: Cannot see the fixed period selection field in Event Reports
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-10355: In pivot tables two relative period are selected
Components: [App] Event reports, [App] Pivot table, [App] Settings
DHIS2-9839: Enrollment Line List in Event Report cannot sort with DEs from multiple stages
Components: [App] Event reports
DHIS2-6191: Error creating a program if the user only has authority to create private programs
Components: [App] Maintenance
DHIS2-9913: Labels for "Numerator Description" and "Denominator Description"
Components: [App] Maintenance, [App] Translations
DHIS2-8658: Maps app: Non-translatable fields
Components: [App] Maps
DHIS2-10411: Not able to add user to the recipients for messages
Components: [App] Messaging
DHIS2-9849: Message attachements can't be opened in messaging app
Components: [App] Messaging
DHIS2-10301: Login page does not show favicon
Components: [App] Other
DHIS2-8811: Expiry period and days does't work properly in tracker capture
Components: [App] Tracker capture