diff --git a/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/App.kt b/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/App.kt
index 7dc7ee59f..f33f62ce9 100644
--- a/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/App.kt
+++ b/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/App.kt
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.ImageBlockScreen
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputAgeScreen
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputBarCodeScreen
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputCheckBoxScreen
+import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputDropDownScreen
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputEmailScreen
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputIntegerScreen
 import org.hisp.dhis.common.screens.InputLetterScreen
@@ -177,6 +178,7 @@ fun Main() {
             Components.INPUT_POLYGON -> InputPolygonScreen()
             Components.INPUT_ORG_UNIT -> InputOrgUnitScreen()
             Components.IMAGE_BLOCK -> ImageBlockScreen()
+            Components.INPUT_DROPDOWN -> InputDropDownScreen()
diff --git a/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/Components.kt b/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/Components.kt
index 1b6cb208b..fbf5c135d 100644
--- a/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/Components.kt
+++ b/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/Components.kt
@@ -49,4 +49,5 @@ enum class Components(val label: String) {
     INPUT_POLYGON("Input Polygon"),
     INPUT_ORG_UNIT("Input Org. Unit"),
     IMAGE_BLOCK("Image Block"),
+    INPUT_DROPDOWN("Input Dropdown"),
diff --git a/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/InputDropDownScreen.kt b/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/InputDropDownScreen.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..15e02910d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/common/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/common/screens/InputDropDownScreen.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.common.screens
+import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.Spacer
+import androidx.compose.foundation.layout.size
+import androidx.compose.material3.DropdownMenu
+import androidx.compose.material3.DropdownMenuItem
+import androidx.compose.material3.Text
+import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
+import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
+import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
+import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
+import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
+import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component.ColumnComponentContainer
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component.InputDropDown
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component.InputShellState
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component.SubTitle
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component.Title
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.theme.Spacing
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.theme.TextColor
+fun InputDropDownScreen() {
+    ColumnComponentContainer {
+        val options = listOf("Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3", "Option 4", "Option 5", "Option 6", "Option 7")
+        var expanded by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
+        Title("Input Dropdown", textColor = TextColor.OnSurfaceVariant)
+        SubTitle("Basic Input Dropdown ", textColor = TextColor.OnSurfaceVariant)
+        var selectedItem by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
+        InputDropDown(
+            title = "Label",
+            state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+            selectedItem = selectedItem,
+            onResetButtonClicked = {
+                selectedItem = null
+            },
+            onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {
+                expanded = !expanded
+            },
+        )
+        DropdownMenu(
+            expanded = expanded,
+            onDismissRequest = { expanded = false },
+        ) {
+            options.forEach {
+                DropdownMenuItem(
+                    text = { Text(it) },
+                    onClick = {
+                        selectedItem = it
+                        expanded = false
+                    },
+                )
+            }
+        }
+        Spacer(Modifier.size(Spacing.Spacing18))
+        SubTitle("Basic Input Dropdown with content ", textColor = TextColor.OnSurfaceVariant)
+        var selectedItem1 by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<String?>(options[0]) }
+        InputDropDown(
+            title = "Label",
+            state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+            selectedItem = selectedItem1,
+            onResetButtonClicked = {
+                selectedItem1 = null
+            },
+            onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {
+            },
+        )
+        Spacer(Modifier.size(Spacing.Spacing18))
+        SubTitle("Error Input Dropdown ", textColor = TextColor.OnSurfaceVariant)
+        var selectedItem2 by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<String?>(null) }
+        InputDropDown(
+            title = "Label",
+            state = InputShellState.ERROR,
+            selectedItem = selectedItem2,
+            onResetButtonClicked = {
+                selectedItem2 = null
+            },
+            onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {
+            },
+        )
+        Spacer(Modifier.size(Spacing.Spacing18))
+        SubTitle("Disabled Input Dropdown with content ", textColor = TextColor.OnSurfaceVariant)
+        var selectedItem3 by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<String?>(options[1]) }
+        InputDropDown(
+            title = "Label",
+            state = InputShellState.DISABLED,
+            selectedItem = selectedItem3,
+            onResetButtonClicked = {
+                selectedItem3 = null
+            },
+            onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {
+                expanded = !expanded
+            },
+        )
+        Spacer(Modifier.size(Spacing.Spacing18))
+    }
diff --git a/designsystem/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/ui/designsystem/component/InputDropDown.kt b/designsystem/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/ui/designsystem/component/InputDropDown.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41e5a7c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designsystem/src/commonMain/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/ui/designsystem/component/InputDropDown.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component
+import androidx.compose.material.icons.Icons
+import androidx.compose.material.icons.outlined.ArrowDropDown
+import androidx.compose.material.icons.outlined.Cancel
+import androidx.compose.material3.Icon
+import androidx.compose.material3.MaterialTheme
+import androidx.compose.material3.Text
+import androidx.compose.runtime.Composable
+import androidx.compose.runtime.remember
+import androidx.compose.ui.Modifier
+import androidx.compose.ui.focus.FocusRequester
+import androidx.compose.ui.focus.focusRequester
+import androidx.compose.ui.focus.onFocusChanged
+import androidx.compose.ui.platform.testTag
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.theme.TextColor
+ * DHIS2 Input dropdown. Wraps DHIS ยท [InputShell].
+ * @param title controls the text to be shown for the title
+ * @param state Manages the InputShell state
+ * @param selectedItem manages the value of the selected item
+ * @param supportingTextData is a list of SupportingTextData that
+ * manages all the messages to be shown
+ * @param legendData manages the legendComponent
+ * @param isRequiredField controls whether the field is mandatory or not
+ * @param onFocusChanged gives access to the onFocusChanged returns true if
+ * item is focused
+ * @param modifier allows a modifier to be passed externally
+ * @param onResetButtonClicked callback to when reset button is clicked
+ * @param onArrowDropDownButtonClicked callback to when arrow drop down button is clicked
+ */
+fun InputDropDown(
+    title: String,
+    state: InputShellState,
+    selectedItem: String? = null,
+    supportingTextData: List<SupportingTextData>? = null,
+    legendData: LegendData? = null,
+    isRequiredField: Boolean = false,
+    modifier: Modifier = Modifier,
+    onFocusChanged: ((Boolean) -> Unit)? = null,
+    onResetButtonClicked: () -> Unit,
+    onArrowDropDownButtonClicked: () -> Unit,
+) {
+    val focusRequester = remember { FocusRequester() }
+    InputShell(
+        modifier = modifier
+            .testTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN")
+            .focusRequester(focusRequester),
+        title = title,
+        state = state,
+        isRequiredField = isRequiredField,
+        onFocusChanged = onFocusChanged,
+        supportingText = {
+            supportingTextData?.forEach { label ->
+                SupportingText(
+                    label.text,
+                    label.state,
+                    modifier = modifier.testTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_SUPPORTING_TEXT"),
+                )
+            }
+        },
+        legend = {
+            legendData?.let {
+                Legend(legendData, modifier.testTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_LEGEND"))
+            }
+        },
+        inputField = {
+            Text(
+                modifier = Modifier.testTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_TEXT"),
+                text = selectedItem ?: "",
+                style = MaterialTheme.typography.bodyLarge.copy(
+                    color = if (state != InputShellState.DISABLED) {
+                        TextColor.OnSurface
+                    } else {
+                        TextColor.OnDisabledSurface
+                    },
+                ),
+            )
+        },
+        primaryButton = {
+            IconButton(
+                modifier = Modifier.testTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_ARROW_BUTTON").onFocusChanged {
+                    onFocusChanged?.invoke(it.isFocused)
+                },
+                enabled = state != InputShellState.DISABLED,
+                icon = {
+                    Icon(
+                        imageVector = Icons.Outlined.ArrowDropDown,
+                        contentDescription = "Dropdown Button",
+                    )
+                },
+                onClick = {
+                    focusRequester.requestFocus()
+                    onArrowDropDownButtonClicked.invoke()
+                },
+            )
+        },
+        secondaryButton =
+        if (!selectedItem.isNullOrEmpty() && state != InputShellState.DISABLED) {
+            {
+                IconButton(
+                    modifier = Modifier.testTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON"),
+                    icon = {
+                        Icon(
+                            imageVector = Icons.Outlined.Cancel,
+                            contentDescription = "Reset Button",
+                        )
+                    },
+                    onClick = {
+                        focusRequester.requestFocus()
+                        onResetButtonClicked.invoke()
+                    },
+                )
+            }
+        } else {
+            null
+        },
+    )
diff --git a/designsystem/src/desktopTest/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/ui/designsystem/component/InputDropDownTest.kt b/designsystem/src/desktopTest/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/ui/designsystem/component/InputDropDownTest.kt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..720f80021
--- /dev/null
+++ b/designsystem/src/desktopTest/kotlin/org/hisp/dhis/mobile/ui/designsystem/component/InputDropDownTest.kt
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+package org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.component
+import androidx.compose.runtime.getValue
+import androidx.compose.runtime.mutableStateOf
+import androidx.compose.runtime.saveable.rememberSaveable
+import androidx.compose.runtime.setValue
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertHasClickAction
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertIsEnabled
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertIsNotEnabled
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.assertTextEquals
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.junit4.createComposeRule
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.onNodeWithTag
+import androidx.compose.ui.test.performClick
+import org.hisp.dhis.mobile.ui.designsystem.theme.SurfaceColor
+import org.junit.Rule
+import org.junit.Test
+class InputDropDownTest {
+    @get:Rule
+    val rule = createComposeRule()
+    @Test
+    fun shouldDisplayInputDropDownCorrectly() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_LEGEND").assertDoesNotExist()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_SUPPORTING_TEXT").assertDoesNotExist()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldAllowDropDownSelectionWhenEnabled() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_ARROW_BUTTON").assertIsEnabled()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_ARROW_BUTTON")
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldNotAllowDropDownSelectionWhenDisabled() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                state = InputShellState.DISABLED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_ARROW_BUTTON").assertIsNotEnabled()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldShowResetButtonWhenItemIsSelected() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                selectedItem = "Input",
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON").assertExists()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldHideResetButtonWhenNoItemIsSelected() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON").assertDoesNotExist()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldHideResetButtonWhenDisabled() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                selectedItem = "Option 1",
+                state = InputShellState.DISABLED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON").assertDoesNotExist()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldRemoveSelectedItemWhenResetButtonIsClickedAndHideResetButton() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            var itemSelected by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf<String?>("Option 1") }
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                selectedItem = itemSelected,
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {
+                    itemSelected = null
+                },
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON").performClick()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_TEXT").assertTextEquals("")
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_RESET_BUTTON").assertDoesNotExist()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldShowLegendCorrectly() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                legendData = LegendData(SurfaceColor.CustomGreen, "Legend"),
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_LEGEND").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_LEGEND").assertHasClickAction()
+    }
+    @Test
+    fun shouldShowSupportingTextCorrectly() {
+        rule.setContent {
+            InputDropDown(
+                title = "Label",
+                supportingTextData = listOf(SupportingTextData("Supporting text", SupportingTextState.DEFAULT)),
+                state = InputShellState.UNFOCUSED,
+                onArrowDropDownButtonClicked = {},
+                onResetButtonClicked = {},
+            )
+        }
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN").assertExists()
+        rule.onNodeWithTag("INPUT_DROPDOWN_SUPPORTING_TEXT").assertExists()
+    }