diff --git a/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/FilterSelector.spec.js b/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/FilterSelector.spec.js
index ded375771..108da2d4e 100644
--- a/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/FilterSelector.spec.js
+++ b/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/FilterSelector.spec.js
@@ -2,81 +2,65 @@ import { useDhis2ConnectionStatus } from '@dhis2/app-runtime'
import { render, screen } from '@testing-library/react'
import React from 'react'
import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
-import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
+import { createStore } from 'redux'
import useDimensions from '../../../../modules/useDimensions.js'
import FilterSelector from '../FilterSelector.js'
-const mockStore = configureMockStore()
jest.mock('@dhis2/app-runtime', () => ({
useDhis2ConnectionStatus: jest.fn(() => ({ isDisconnected: false })),
-/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
- '../../../../components/DropdownButton/DropdownButton.js',
- () =>
- function Mock({ children, ...props }) {
- return (
- )
- }
-/* eslint-enable react/prop-types */
jest.mock('../../../../modules/useDimensions', () => jest.fn())
useDimensions.mockImplementation(() => ['Moomin', 'Snorkmaiden'])
+const baseState = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
+const createMockStore = (state) =>
+ createStore(() => Object.assign({}, baseState, state))
test('is disabled when offline', () => {
jest.fn(() => ({ isDisconnected: true }))
- const store = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
const props = {
allowedFilters: [],
restrictFilters: false,
- const { container } = render(
+ const { getByTestId } = render(
- expect(container).toMatchSnapshot()
+ expect(getByTestId('dhis2-uicore-button')).toBeDisabled()
test('is enabled when online', () => {
- // useDhis2ConnectionStatus.mockImplementation(jest.fn(() => ({ isDisconnected: false })))
- const store = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
+ useDhis2ConnectionStatus.mockImplementation(
+ jest.fn(() => ({ isDisconnected: false }))
+ )
const props = {
allowedFilters: [],
restrictFilters: false,
- const { container } = render(
+ const { getByTestId } = render(
- expect(container).toMatchSnapshot()
+ expect(getByTestId('dhis2-uicore-button')).toBeEnabled()
test('is null when no filters are restricted and no filters are allowed', () => {
- const store = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
const props = {
allowedFilters: [],
restrictFilters: true,
const { container } = render(
@@ -84,48 +68,43 @@ test('is null when no filters are restricted and no filters are allowed', () =>
test('is null when no filters are restricted and allowedFilters undefined', () => {
- const store = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
const props = {
restrictFilters: true,
const { container } = render(
test('shows button when filters are restricted and at least one filter is allowed', () => {
- const store = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
const props = {
allowedFilters: ['Moomin'],
restrictFilters: true,
- expect(screen.getByRole('button')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(screen.getByRole('button')).toBeVisible()
test('shows button when filters are not restricted', () => {
- const store = { activeModalDimension: {}, itemFilters: {} }
const props = {
allowedFilters: [],
restrictFilters: false,
- expect(screen.getByRole('button')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(screen.getByRole('button')).toBeVisible()
diff --git a/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/__snapshots__/FilterSelector.spec.js.snap b/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/__snapshots__/FilterSelector.spec.js.snap
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d53db4ad..000000000
--- a/src/components/DashboardsBar/InformationBlock/__tests__/__snapshots__/FilterSelector.spec.js.snap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-// Jest Snapshot v1, https://goo.gl/fbAQLP
-exports[`is disabled when offline 1`] = `
-exports[`is enabled when online 1`] = `
diff --git a/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenu.spec.js b/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenu.spec.js
index 7dfb0a38d..0eb1fab56 100644
--- a/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenu.spec.js
+++ b/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenu.spec.js
@@ -67,8 +67,10 @@ test('renders a notification if no dashboards are available', () => {
- expect(getByText('No dashboards available.')).toBeTruthy()
- expect(getByText('Create a new dashboard using the + button.')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(getByText('No dashboards available.')).toBeVisible()
+ expect(
+ getByText('Create a new dashboard using the + button.')
+ ).toBeVisible()
test('renders a placeholder list item if no dashboards meet the filter criteria', () => {
@@ -81,6 +83,8 @@ test('renders a placeholder list item if no dashboards meet the filter criteria'
- expect(getByPlaceholderText('Search for a dashboard').value).toBe(filterStr)
- expect(getByText('No dashboards found')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(getByPlaceholderText('Search for a dashboard')).toHaveValue(
+ filterStr
+ )
+ expect(getByText('No dashboards found')).toBeVisible()
diff --git a/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenuItem.spec.js b/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenuItem.spec.js
index 455a0d0cd..c0261e884 100644
--- a/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenuItem.spec.js
+++ b/src/components/DashboardsBar/NavigationMenu/__tests__/NavigationMenuItem.spec.js
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ test('renders an inactive MenuItem with a star icon, for a starred dashboard', (
- expect(getByTestId('starred-dashboard')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(getByTestId('starred-dashboard')).toBeVisible()
test('renders an inactive MenuItem with an offline icon for a cached dashboard', () => {
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ test('renders an inactive MenuItem with an offline icon for a cached dashboard',
- expect(getByTestId('dashboard-saved-offline')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(getByTestId('dashboard-saved-offline')).toBeVisible()
test('renders an active MenuItem for the currently selected dashboard', () => {
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ test('renders an active MenuItem for the currently selected dashboard', () => {
- expect(getByTestId('dhis2-uicore-menuitem')).toBeTruthy()
+ expect(getByTestId('dhis2-uicore-menuitem')).toBeVisible()
test('Navigates to the related menu item when an item is clicked', () => {
diff --git a/src/components/DashboardsBar/__tests__/DashboardsBar.spec.js b/src/components/DashboardsBar/__tests__/DashboardsBar.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f4a720ba..000000000
--- a/src/components/DashboardsBar/__tests__/DashboardsBar.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-import { within } from '@testing-library/dom'
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
-import { createMemoryHistory } from 'history'
-import React from 'react'
-import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
-import { Router } from 'react-router-dom'
-import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
-import WindowDimensionsProvider from '../../WindowDimensionsProvider.js'
-import DashboardsBar, {
-} from '../../DashboardsBar/DashboardsBar.js'
-jest.mock('@dhis2/analytics', () => ({
- useCachedDataQuery: () => ({
- currentUser: {
- username: 'rainbowDash',
- id: 'r3nb0d5h',
- },
- }),
-const mockStore = configureMockStore()
-const dashboards = {
- rainbow123: {
- id: 'rainbow123',
- displayName: 'Rainbow Dash',
- starred: false,
- },
- fluttershy123: {
- id: 'fluttershy123',
- displayName: 'Fluttershy',
- starred: true,
- },
-jest.mock('@dhis2/app-runtime', () => ({
- useDhis2ConnectionStatus: () => ({ isConnected: true }),
- useCacheableSection: jest.fn(() => ({
- isCached: false,
- recordingState: 'default',
- })),
- useDataEngine: jest.fn(),
-test('minimized DashboardsBar has Show more/less button', () => {
- const store = {
- dashboards,
- dashboardsFilter: '',
- controlBar: { userRows: parseInt(MIN_ROW_COUNT) },
- selected: { id: 'rainbow123' },
- }
- const { queryAllByRole, queryByLabelText } = render(
- )
- const links = queryAllByRole('link')
- expect(links.length).toEqual(Object.keys(dashboards).length)
- expect(queryByLabelText('Show more dashboards')).toBeTruthy()
-test('maximized DashboardsBar does not have a Show more/less button', () => {
- const store = {
- dashboards,
- dashboardsFilter: '',
- controlBar: { userRows: parseInt(MAX_ROW_COUNT) },
- selected: { id: 'rainbow123' },
- }
- const { queryByLabelText } = render(
- )
- expect(queryByLabelText('Show more dashboards')).toBeNull()
-test('renders a DashboardsBar with selected item', () => {
- const store = {
- dashboards,
- dashboardsFilter: '',
- controlBar: { userRows: parseInt(MIN_ROW_COUNT) },
- selected: { id: 'fluttershy123' },
- }
- const { queryAllByRole } = render(
- )
- const chips = queryAllByRole('link')
- const fluttershyChip = chips.find((lnk) =>
- within(lnk).queryByText('Fluttershy')
- )
- expect(fluttershyChip.firstChild.classList.contains('selected')).toBe(true)
- const rainbowChip = chips.find((lnk) =>
- within(lnk).queryByText('Rainbow Dash')
- )
- expect(rainbowChip.firstChild.classList.contains('selected')).toBe(false)
-test('renders a DashboardsBar with no items', () => {
- const store = {
- dashboards: {},
- dashboardsFilter: '',
- controlBar: { userRows: parseInt(MIN_ROW_COUNT) },
- selected: { id: 'rainbow123' },
- }
- const { queryByRole } = render(
- )
- expect(queryByRole('link')).toBeNull()
diff --git a/src/components/DashboardsBar/__tests__/Filter.spec.js b/src/components/DashboardsBar/__tests__/Filter.spec.js
deleted file mode 100644
index af465685b..000000000
--- a/src/components/DashboardsBar/__tests__/Filter.spec.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import { render } from '@testing-library/react'
-import React from 'react'
-import { Provider } from 'react-redux'
-import configureMockStore from 'redux-mock-store'
-import WindowDimensionsProvider from '../../WindowDimensionsProvider.js'
-import Filter from '../../DashboardsBar/Filter.js'
-const mockStore = configureMockStore()
-test('Filter renders with empty filter text', () => {
- const store = {
- dashboardsFilter: '',
- }
- const props = { classes: {} }
- const { container } = render(
- )
- expect(container).toMatchSnapshot()
-test('Filter renders with filter text', () => {
- const store = {
- dashboardsFilter: 'rainbow',
- }
- const props = { classes: {} }
- const { container } = render(
- )
- expect(container).toMatchSnapshot()