This repository contains code and data for my article "How to build a Bayesian Knowledge Graph".
The scripts are for data flow between Google Sheets, Neo4j and OpenMarkov.
The source data folder contains the TSV downloaded from the Google Sheets for debugging purpose. The pgmx_output folder contains TSV files that are extracted from a pgmx file.
Neo4j Desktop
First, config the config.yaml to match your Google Sheets setup.
- Convert data from Google Sheets to a pgmx file
python [model_name] > [model].pgmx
For example:
python Asia > manmade_google.pgmx
- Convert data from Google Sheets to Neo4j
It generates a series of files in the ./neo4j folder.
- Other utility files. is to parse a PGMX file and generate a node, a link and a potential TSV file. You use this script when you have modified data in OpenMarkov and want to overwrite the changes back into your TSV files.
And you can use to upsert the new data into an old TSV file.
- Sixing Huang - Concept and Coding
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details