sudo gem install fastlane
fastlane fetch_dev_certificates
Fetches development certificates and provisioning profiles
fastlane fetch_distribution_certificates
Fetches distribution certificates and provisioning profiles
fastlane update_devices
Update device list
fastlane update_localizable_strings
Update localizable strings from webtranslate
fastlane tests
Run all Zattoo TV Tests: Unit, UI, and Top Shelf Extension
fastlane unit_tests
Run Unit tests
fastlane ui_tests
Run UI Tests
fastlane lint
Check style and conventions
fastlane release
Release build to TestFlight
fastlane release_preview
Release a Preview version to TestFlight
fastlane release_applestore
Release a new version for boxes on the Apple Stores
fastlane screenshots
Generate screenshots
This is auto-generated and will be re-generated every time fastlane is run. More information about fastlane can be found on The documentation of fastlane can be found on GitHub.