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Execution Trace Team Work

David Gonzalez edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 14 revisions

#Team Management

Get from other's branch

git branch "your own branch" git pull origin "someone's branch"


 issue 11 Find loops (AST) -->
      issue 16 Stack trace (Instrumentation)--> End Sprint 1.
         issue 20 Type trace --> 
            issue 17 Location trace -->
                 issue 18 Trace search. End Sprint 2.

Communication Policy

We must acknowledge every Slack message.

##Development Policies ###Nightly commits for personal branches.

###Weekly commits (Mondays 9PM) for team branch.

###Closing Issues Stage 1: Peer review (your partner test cases passed)

Stage 2: Team review (pull request on ExecutionTrace)

Stage 3: Professor Review (pull request on master)

#Delegation Sprint 2:

Integration (David in charge of Execution Trace branch).

Team Scheduling(Slack meetups Dana, commits Han).

Code Reviews (David and Dana, Han and Venkat).

Repository WorkFlow

##Initial Setup Clone the project's repository in your Cloud9 workspace. [How To](dana's wiki).

List of GitHub Commands Create your branch.

   git branch branch_name

##Pull Before Pushing

Get up to date with the team branch.

   git pull origin ExecutionTrace
   git push origin your_branch

Pull a request to push your work

Do some work.

###Commit your work.

   git add --all
   git commit --all (git commit -m "my commit message")
   git push --all origin your_branch	

###Using the repository's Github page.

  Add a pull request from your branch to the team branch. 
  Explain your changes.
  Commit to team branch by merge the pull request.

#Sprint 2 To-do list

    traverse tree [done]
	find types [done]
	instrument code [done]
	add data to stack trace [done]
    collect stack trace
	search by type, identifier, line