- https://www.stickermule.com/user/1070644219/stickers
- Fluxx cards
- Verizon Puck
- iPad and charger and cable
- Macbook and charger
- Mouse and keyboard
- See issues for this repo
- The external IP address
- Atom with remote editing
- Putty or ConEmu or iTerm or Terminal
- Using
- Creating users alpha, bravo and jenkins:
for user in alpha bravo jenkins; do
sudo chef-server-ctl user-create $user $user cheffian [email protected] $secret -f $user.pem
- Then add to new org,
sudo chef-server-ctl org-create $org $org -f $org.pem -a pdb -a alpha -a bravo -a jenkins
- Add all the users as admins of fluxx (except jenkins):
for user in pdb alpha bravo; do
chef-server-ctl org-user-add $org -a $user
- Copy all the pems to $HOME/.chef/cheffian
- $HOME/.chef/knife.rb can use 'pdb' as the node name and 'pdb.pem' as the client key
- $HOME/.chef/knife.rb chef_server_url is currently "https://chefserver.cheffian.com/organizations/fluxx" but will need to use an ENV var for multi-org
- Berksfiles are unhappy about the SSL certs, so
knife ssl fetch https://chefserver.cheffian.com
to create~/.chef/trusted_certs/chefserver.cheffian.com.pem
- Then append all the others with:
cat /opt/chefdk/embedded/ssl/certs/cacert.pem >> ~/.chef/trusted_certs/chefserver_cheffian_com.crt
- And either set the evn var, or put this as the first line of Berksfile:
ENV['SSL_CERT_FILE'] = "#{ENV['HOME']}/.chef/trusted_certs/chefserver_cheffian_com.crt"
- Set up user-data in i2d_aws/libraries/helpers.rb to use new server and orgs
- Set up chef-repo/.chef/fluxx.rb to use the fluxx org
- For the client to work, the self-signed cert needs to go on the client box, so user-data helper now does that, and
on box has:ssl_ca_file '/etc/chef/chefserver_cheffian_com.crt'
Each pair gets:
- combined Jenkins/ChefServer at jenkins.fluxx.cheffian.com/chefserver.fluxx.cheffian.com
- their own workstation at a.fluxx.cheffian.com and b.fluxx.cheffian.com
- a pre-provisioned dev.fluxx.cheffian.com
Fluxx domains (longer names at end)
- Party
- Milk
- Eye
- Sun
- Brain
- Moon
- Dreams
- Time
- Sleep
- Music
- Money
- Rocket
- Bread
- Love
- Peace
- Toaster
- Cookies
- Television
- Chocolate
Remote workstations have either IAM roles or the AWS keys to
- provision ELB, prod nodes, autoscale group
- launch configuration uses:
iam_instance_profile: 'pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap'
aws iam get-instance-profile --instance-profile-name 'pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap'
# shows role name is pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap
aws iam list-attached-role-policies --role-name 'pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap'
# show role policies are get-object-s3-pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap
# and change-chefdemo-net-route53-records-pburkholder'
aws iam get-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::862552916454:policy/get-object-s3-pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap
aws iam get-policy-version --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::862552916454:policy/change-chefdemo-net-route53-records-pburkholder --version-id v2
have those 2 policies for managing Route53 and getting s3 objects
have s3 bucket for user-data bootstrap
- pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap
- singleton
- group
- pburkholder-ec2-bootstrap
chefdemo.net is zone Z20GXCA1KGHB6A
created policy: change-chefdemo-net-route53-records-pburkholder
created role: manage-chefdemo-route53-pburkholder
created 'instance profile' "If you use the AWS Management Console to create a role, the console automatically creates an instance profile and gives it the same name as the role"
Add instance profile to launch configuration
Slides are written in Markdown and displayed with reveal-md
from https://github.com/webpro/reveal-md
Install per the README, then reveal-md slides/
Added chef_slides style, and this to the chef_slides.css
file under /usr/local/lib/node-modules/reveal-md....
.two-floating-elements > ul ~ p,
.two-floating-elements > p ~ ul {
max-width: 50%;
float: left;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box; }
.two-floating-elements > p ~ ul {
margin-left: 0; }
per the answer at hakimel/reveal.js#841