- Work with a non-trivial application
- Create a Deployment
- Deploy the application on your cluster
- Scale the application
- Create a Service
- Expose the application on your cluster
This application is composed of multiple pieces:
- One main back-end service.
- A front-end (UI) service.
- A data layer.
We will deploy these pieces one at a time on our cluster.
Clone the demo application's repository to your VM
$ git clone https://github.com/idcrosby/k8s-example.git
A Deployment manages ReplicaSets and defines how updates to Pods should be rolled out.
A ReplicaSet ensures that a specified number of Pods are running at any given time.
A Pod is a group of one or more containers deployed and scheduled together.
Look in "./resources" folder for the following Deployment configuration.
# resources/deployment.yaml
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: k8s-real-demo
replicas: 1
app: k8s-real-demo
- name: k8s-real-demo
image: icrosby/k8s-real-demo
- containerPort: 8080
$ kubectl apply -f resources/deployment.yaml
Use the "kubectl get" and "kubectl describe" to view details of the deployed resources:
$ kubectl get deployments
$ kubectl get replicasets
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe pods <pod-name>
- Pods get a private IP address by default.
- Cannot be reached from outside the cluster.
- Use
kubectl port-forward
to map a local port to a port inside thek8s-real-demo
$ kubectl port-forward <pod-name> 8080:8080
$ curl
Hello from Container Solutions.
I'm running version 1.0 on k8s-real-demo-648d67845-hh8bn
- Deployments manage ReplicaSets.
- Each deployment is mapped to one active ReplicaSet.
- Use
kubectl get replicasets
to view the current set of replicas. kubectl get deployments
will give us the same info (plus more)
$ kubectl get rs
k8s-real-demo-364036756 1 1 1 16s
$ kubectl scale deployments k8s-real-demo --replicas=2
deployment "k8s-real-demo" scaled
Notice the new Pod(s)
$ kubectl get pods
Look at the Events
at the bottom
$ kubectl describe deployment k8s-real-demo
What happens if we kill one of the Pods?
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl delete pod <pod-name>
Use kubectl logs
to view the logs for the <pod-name>
$ kubectl logs <pod-name>
Use the -f flag and observe what happens.
Execute a shell in a Pod, like in Docker:
$ kubectl exec -ti <pod-name> /bin/sh
- Pods are ephemeral (no fixed IP)
- Port-forwarding strictly a debugging tool
- Need to be able to scale
- Stable endpoints for Pods.
- Based on Labels and Selectors.
- Label: key/value pair attached to objects (e.g. Pods)
- Selector: Identify and group a set of objects.
ClusterIP (Default): Exposes the service on a cluster-internal IP.
NodePort: Expose the service on a specific port on each node.
LoadBalancer: Use a loadbalancer from a Cloud Provider. Creates
. -
ExternalName: Connect an external service (CNAME) to the cluster.
Look in "./resources" folder for the following Service configuration.
# resources/service.yaml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: k8s-real-demo
app: k8s-real-demo
type: NodePort
- name: http
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
app: k8s-real-demo
$ kubectl apply -f ./resources/service.yaml
Find the NodePort (via Service) and IP (via Node)
$ curl [IP]:[NODE_PORT]
Make several calls to the service and notice the different responses.
$ kubectl get services k8s-real-demo
k8s-real-demo <nodes> 8080:30080/TCP 1m
$ kubectl describe services k8s-real-demo
Notice the Endpoints:
Use kubectl get pods
with a label query, e.g. for troubleshooting.
$ kubectl get pods -l "app=k8s-real-demo"
Use kubectl label
to add labels to a pod.
$ kubectl label pod [POD_NAME] 'secure=disabled'
$ kubectl get pods -l "app=k8s-real-demo"
$ kubectl get pods -l "secure=disabled"
We can also modify existing labels
$ kubectl label pod [POD_NAME] "app=new-label" --overwrite
$ kubectl describe pod [POD_NAME]
View the endpoints of the k8s-real-demo
(Note the difference from the last call to describe
. What has happened?)
kubectl describe services k8s-real-demo
Revert the label to the original setting.
- RollingUpdate is the default strategy.
- Updates Pods one (or a few) at a time.
- Update the application, and create a new version.
- Build the new image and tag it with the new version, i.e. v2.
- Update the Deployment with the new image
First check the current version running
$ curl [EXTERNAL_IP]:[NodePort]
Hello from Container Solutions.
I'm running version 1.0 on k8s-real-demo-648d67845-jml8j
Next, update the image:
$ kubectl set image \
deployment/k8s-real-demo k8s-real-demo=icrosby/k8s-real-demo:v2
Check status via
kubectl rollout status deployment k8s-real-demo
Now verify the new version
$ curl [EXTERNAL_IP]:[NodePort]
Build your own image and push to Docker Hub.
Open the example application in "k8s-example/"
docker build -t [DOCKERHUB_USER]/k8s-real-demo:v1.0.0 .
docker push [DOCKERHUB_USER]/k8s-real-demo:v1.0.0
- Create a Deployment configuration for your Image.
- Use the same Image name as above.
- Deploy on the cluster.
- Scale the Deployment to 3 instances.
- Verify the scaling was successful and all instances are getting requests.
- Modify the
to return a different Version. - Build the Image and tag as
. - Update the Deployment to use the new tag.
- Verify the new version by making an HTTP request.
- View the logs of the application.
In the /resources folder you will find configuration files for the front-end (Deployment and Service).
- ./resources/front-end-deploy.yaml
- ./resources/front-end-svc.yaml
Using these configuration files deploy and expose the application on to the cluster.
$ kubectl apply -f ./resources/front-end-deploy.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./resources/front-end-svc.yaml
Find the port on which the front end is exposed (via the Service) and access this in your browser.
$ kubectl get svc front-end
While we would like to ideally run stateless applications on Kubernetes, we will eventually run into the challenge of requiring state within our cluster.
An open source 'Cloud Native' SQL database.
We will deploy CockroachDB to maintain the state for our demo application.
$ kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cockroachdb/cockroach/master/cloud/kubernetes/cockroachdb-statefulset.yaml
service "cockroachdb-public" created
service "cockroachdb" created
poddisruptionbudget "cockroachdb-budget" unchanged
statefulset "cockroachdb" created
- Pull the Kubernetes configuration file from Github
- Created two Services
- Created a
- Created a
- Three Pods
- Three PersistentVolumes
- Three PersistentVolumeClaims
Don't worry, we will cover StatefulSets and PersistentVolumes later on
- How to deploy a 'real world' application on Kubernetes
- Deal with Deployment and Services
- Connecting Services with labels and selectors
- Scale up/down
- Update a Deployment (rolling update)