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may-bee edited this page Oct 30, 2014 · 22 revisions
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IDE Setup

We are using the ClientPE for development. To get started follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest client-pe-software-\*.zip and client-pe-scripts-*.zip from \\de-file10\ClientPE\Releases

  2. Choose a location for your project (e.g. C:\projects\cobigen) and extract the downloaded ZIP files via 7-Zip (Extract Here). Do not use the Winodws internal ZIP viewer to extract.

  3. Create a file named variables-customized.bat in your project location with the following contents:

    set MAIN_BRANCH=master
    set SETTINGS_REL_PATH=tools-cobigen\ide-settings
    rem this is optional if you want to keep the maven repository in the default location
    set M2_REPO=%USERPROFILE%/.m2/repository

    The OASP_NEXUS_USER and OASP_NEXUS_PASSWD can be retrieved from the developers of CobiGen.

  4. Create a new directory 'master' in 'workspaces' (workspaces\master\) and clone the git repositories into it.
    You should have a structure like this

    • conf

    • scripts

    • software

    • system

    • workspaces

      • master

        • tools-cobigen

          • ide-settings

          • …​


    • console.bat

    • …​

    • variables.bat

    • variables-customized.bat

  5. Run the script create-or-update-workspace.bat

  6. Run the newly created script eclipse-master.bat

  7. In Eclipse select File > Import... > Import existing Maven Projects and then choose the cloned projects of cobigen from your workspace. Do not import the cobigen-eclipse* projects as maven projects. This is not possible due to the Manifest-first build approach of the eclipse plug-in. You might also not want to import all the parent pom projects as well…​

  8. Now select File > Import... > Import existing Projects in category general and import the cobigen-eclipse* projects as normal eclipse projects. Their eclipse configuration is commited to git.

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