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Veewee Command Options

You can choose from a few different command line options when executing Veewee.

Veewee with bundle exec

Unless you've created an alias for veewee, always include the bundle exec prefix like this:

$ bundle exec veewee

Veewee without bundle exec

For convenience, it's handy to create an alias for the veewee command so we don't have to type bundle exec any longer.

Add the alias alias veewee='bundle exec veewee' to your shell's default startup file (e.g. ~/.bash_profile):

echo "alias veewee='bundle exec veewee'" >> ~/.bash_profile

For Ubuntu: Modify your ~/.profile instead of ~/.bash_profile.
For Zsh: Modify your ~/.zshrc file instead of ~/.bash_profile.

After adding the alias described above you'll be able to use the shorthand veewee command:

$ veewee

Veewee as a Vagrant Plugin

You can also use Veewee as a Vagrant plugin.

As a plugin, Veewee introduces the subcommand basebox on top of the vagrant command:

$ vagrant basebox
Usage: vagrant basebox <command> [<args>]

This allows you to use the vagrant command style, which may feel more natural if you're already used to working with Vagrant. Please see Veewee's Vagrant doc for more details.

Up Next

Veewee Basics covers creating standard-issue boxes.