[This is my fork of Hoboken gem that i fixed and optimised to deploy to Heroku]
Leverages the ruby framework sinatra to provide a very(!) basic wiki. It supports tagging, versions, and (of course) inter-linking, all with the wiki text formatting you're used to (if you've used wikipedia, that is). Oh, hey, it is ruby 1.9 compatible; so there's that...
Originally developed by semanticart [https://github.com/semanticart/hoboken]
Clone this repository
Update your gem
$ bundle install
Deploy to Heroku
Prepare your DB (don't forget to add PostgreSQL DB to your Heroku App)
$ rake migrate
That's it!
Hoboken uses Wiki markup [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Wiki_markup]
Standard WikiText applies per the wikitext gem. Versioning is active, though complex diffs on versions aren't yet available and merging is still rudimentary.
When rendering a wiki page, items that exist in the database as other pages will be automatically linked to.