- generate key
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f github.id_rsa
- edit
( replace devel0 with your username )
Host github.com
User devel0
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/github.id_rsa
- copy public key to github ssh keys
cat ~/.ssh/github.id_rsa.pub
- test access
devel0@tuf:~/.ssh$ ssh -T [email protected]
Hi devel0! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
- test DENY
ssh-add -D
will remove cached ssh agent keys
mv ~/.ssh/github.id_rsa ~/.ssh/github.id_rsa.disabled
ssh-add -D
now a login ty
devel0@tuf:~/.ssh$ ssh -T [email protected]
sign_and_send_pubkey: signing failed for RSA "/home/devel0/.ssh/github.id_rsa" from agent: agent refused operation
[email protected]: Permission denied (publickey).
then restore valid key
mv ~/.ssh/github.id_rsa.disabled ~/.ssh/github.id_rsa
to view current remote
git remote -v
if you have a working copy clone though https and want to switch to ssh can do with
git remote set-url origin [email protected]:USERNAME/REPO.git
the url can be retrieved from CLONE btn of your repo selecting ssh, example
git remote set-url [email protected]:devel0/iot-examples.git