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API routes

Ivo Karagyozov edited this page Aug 8, 2016 · 6 revisions


Users connected

  • POST /api/users - Create new user
  • GET /api/users - Get all users
  • PUT /api/users/:id - Update the given user
  • DELETE /api/users/:id - Delete the given user
  • GET /api/users/:id - Get user with the given id
  • POST /api/users/:id/vehicles - Add new vehicle to the given user's vehicles
  • GET /api/users/:id/vehicles - Get all vehicles of the given user
  • GET /api/users/:userId/vehicles/:vehicleId - Get the given vehicle from the given user
  • DELETE /api/users/:userId/vehicles/:vehicleId - Delete the given vehicle from the given user
  • GET /api/users/:id/routes - Get all routes of the given user
  • GET /api/users/:id/addresses - Get all addresses of the given user
  • POST /api/users/:id/addresses - Add new address to the given user
  • GET /api/users/:userId/addresses/:addressId - Get the given address for the given user
  • DELETE /api/users/:userId/addresses/:addressId - Delete the given address from the given user
  • GET /api/users/:id/groups - Get all groups of the given user
  • GET /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId - Get the given group of the given user
  • DELETE /api/users/:userId/groups/:groupId - Remove given group from the given user

Groups connected

  • POST /api/groups - Create a new group
  • GET /api/groups - Get all groups
  • GET /api/groups/:id - Get group with the given id
  • PUT /api/groups/:id - Update the given group
  • DELETE /api/groups/:id - Delete the given group
  • GET /api/groups/:id/users - Get all users in the given group
  • GET /api/groups/:id/routes - Get all routes in the given group

Routes connected

  • POST /api/routes - Create a new route
  • GET /api/routes - Get all routes
  • GET /api/routes/:id - Get the route with the given id
  • PUT /api/routes/:id - Update the given route
  • DELETE /api/routes/:id - Delete the given route
  • GET /api/routes/:id/passengers - Get all passengers for the given route
  • POST /api/routes/:id/passengers - Add new passenger to the given route
  • DELETE /api/routes/:routeId/passengers/:passengerId - Delete given passenger from the given route
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