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CIFAR on Atlas Tutorial


Estimated time: 30 minutes


This tutorial demonstrates how to make use of the features of Atlas. Note that any machine learning job can be run in Atlas without modification. However, with minimal changes to the code we can take advantage of Atlas features that will enable us to launch many jobs and organize our model experiments more systematically.

This tutorial assumes that you have already installed Atlas. If you have not then you can download Foundations Atlas community edition for free from this link.

Downloading the code and data

The first thing you'll need to do is clone the repository and cd into it by running:

git clone cifar_demo

cd cifar_demo

In this tutorial we make use of the CIFAR-10 dataset. This is an image recognition dataset consisting of 60,000 32x32 RGB images.

These images belong to 10 categories including: dogs, cats, boats, cars, etc...

Run the following script to download the data and get started:


Enabling Atlas Features

You are provided with the following python scripts:

  • A driver script which downloads the dataset, prepares it for model training and evaluation, trains a simple convolutional network, then evaluates the model on the test set
  • Code to implement the convolutional network

Note that this is a fairly standard implementation and runs without any modification.

To enable Atlas features, we only to need to make a few changes. Firstly add the following line to the top of and

import foundations

Logging Metrics

In, there are some lines to print the test metrics that can be found in the evaluate() function. We'll replace those print statements with calls to the function foundations.log_metric(). This function takes two arguments, a key and a value. Once a job successfully completes, logged metrics for each job will be visible from the Foundations GUI. Copy the following two lines and replace the two print statements with them:

foundations.log_metric('test_loss', float(scores[0]))
foundations.log_metric('test_accuracy:', float(scores[1]))

Saving Artifacts

Currently, the evaluate() function saves images of the models most and least confident predictions to the data directory. With Atlas, we can save any artifact to the GUI with just one line. Add the following lines to the end of evaluate() to send the locally saved images to the Atlas GUI.

foundations.save_artifact('data/most_confident_image.png', "most_confident_image")
foundations.save_artifact('data/least_confident_image.png', "least_confident_image")

TensorBoard Integration

TensorBoard is a super powerful data visualization tool that makes visualizing your training extremely easy. Foundations Atlas has full TensorBoard integration. To access TensorBoard directly from the Atlas GUI, add the following line of code to start of


The function set_tensorboard_logdir() take one argument, the directory that your TensorBoard files will be saved to. TensorBoard files are generated at each epoch through a callback, you can find the code in train() function


Lastly, create a file in the project directory named "job.config.yaml", and copy the text from below into the file.

project_name: 'cifar-demo'
log_level: INFO

Running a Job

Activate the environment in which you have foundations installed, then from inside the project directory (cifar-demo) run the following command:

foundations submit scheduler .

This will schedule a job to be run. Now open the Atlas GUI in your browser: http://localhost:5555/projects. Click into the project 'cifar-demo', then click on the "Job Details" tab. Here, you'll see the running job. Once it completes, it will have a green status and you will see your logged metrics.

To view your saved artifacts, you can click on the expansion icon to the right of the running job, then click on the "Artifacts" tab, and select the artifact you want to view from the menu below.

To view your model training on TensorBoard, simply select the running job, and click the "Send to TensorBoard" button on the GUI.

Running a Hyperparameter Search

Atlas makes running and tracking the results of a hyperparameter easy. Create a new file called '' and paste in the following code:

import os
os.environ['FOUNDATIONS_COMMAND_LINE'] = 'True'
import foundations
import numpy as np
import copy

class SearchSpace:

    def __init__(self, min, max, type):
        self.min = min
        self.max = max
        self.type = type

    def sample(self):
        if self.type == int:
            return np.random.randint(self.min, self.max)
        elif self.type == float:
            return round(np.random.uniform(self.min, self.max), 2)

def sample_hyperparameters(hyperparameter_ranges):
    hyperparameters = copy.deepcopy(hyperparameter_ranges)
    for hparam in hyperparameter_ranges:
        if isinstance(hyperparameter_ranges[hparam], SearchSpace):
            search_space = hyperparameter_ranges[hparam]
            hyperparameters[hparam] = search_space.sample()
        elif isinstance(hyperparameter_ranges[hparam], list):
            for i, block in enumerate(hyperparameter_ranges[hparam]):
                for block_hparam in block:
                    if isinstance(block[block_hparam], SearchSpace):
                        search_space = block[block_hparam]
                        hyperparameters[hparam][i][block_hparam] = search_space.sample()
    return hyperparameters

hyperparameter_ranges = {'num_epochs': 4,
                         'batch_size': 64,
                         'learning_rate': 0.001,
                         'depthwise_separable_blocks': [{'depthwise_conv_stride': 2, 'pointwise_conv_output_filters': 6},
                                                  {'depthwise_conv_stride': 2, 'pointwise_conv_output_filters': 12}],
                         'dense_blocks': [{'size': SearchSpace(64, 256, int),
                                           'dropout_rate': SearchSpace(0.1, 0.5, float)}],
                         'decay': 1e-6}

num_jobs = 5
for _ in range(num_jobs):
    hyperparameters = sample_hyperparameters(hyperparameter_ranges)

This script samples hyperparameters uniformly from pre-defined ranges, then submits jobs using those hyperparameters. The job execution code is still coming from In order to get this to work, a small modification needs to be made to In the code block where the hyperparameters are defined (indicated by the comment 'define hyperparameters'), we'll load the sampled hyperparameters instead of defining a fixed set of hyperparameters explictely.

Replace that block with the following:

# define hyperparameters
hyperparameters = foundations.load_parameters()

Now, to run the hyperparameter search, from the project directory (cifar-demo) simply run



That's it! You've completed the Foundations Atlas Tutorial. Now, you should be able to go to the GUI and see your running and completed jobs, compare model hyperparemeters and performance, as well as view artifacts and training visualizations on TensorBoard.

Do you have any thoughts or feedback for Foundations Atlas? Join the Dessa Slack community!


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