Made an update that made the package compatible with the new ggplot that is coming out soon. The patch is backwards compatible.
Removed the tidyverse Suggests, it was unnecessary, used subpackages from it are already listed under Imports.
Added additional vignettes and sorted out DESCRIPTION file so there are 0 notes.
A minor upgrade to one of the functionalities of the package.
Initial submission.
- local OS X Monetery 12.3.1, R 4.1.3
- local Windows 10, R 4.1.3
- win-builder (R-devel)
- Ubuntu Linux 16.04 LTS (rhub)
- Fedora Linux, R-devel (rhub)
- 1 note: "Non-standard files/directories found at top level: ‘autohrf.Rproj’ ‘’".
There are currently no downstream dependencies for this package.