- 'bin' Empty folder that will contain the executable mission_generator after compilation
- 'generated_missions' Empty folder that will contain the argos configuration files and a text file containing all string representation of the missions after the execution of mission_generator
- 'params/configurationParametersMG1.txt' The parameters of MG1
- 'src' The source files of the package
- 'argos3' Symbolic link to the current folder for compliance with ARGoS3.
- 'cmake' The .cmake files.
- 'demiurge/generic-loop-functions/Arenas' The source files of the arenas (walls, floor patches, lights, obstacles, etc.)
- 'demiurge/generic-loop-functions/Missions' The source files of the missions (constraints on the arena, objective function, etc.)
- 'demiurge/generic-loop-functions/Generator' The source files of the generator (sampling of the variables, parsing of the missions configurations, etc.)
- ARGoS3 (3.0.0-beta48)
- argos3-epuck (v48)
- demiurge-epuck-dao (master)
$ mkdir build
$ cmake ../src/
$ make
Once compiled, the 'bin/' folder should contain the 'mission_generator' executable.
The executable 'mission_generator' takes 3 parameters: 1 mandatory and 2 optionals.
- '--conf ' The configuration file [MANDATORY];
- '--seed ' The seed for the generator [OPTIONAL];
- '--nb ' The numbers of missions to generate [OPTIONAL].
./bin/mission_generator --seed 12345 --nb 30 --conf params/configurationParametersMG1.txt