This code is to run MRIQC preprocessing. The general overview:
- template.mriqc
- This is the template used to copy data to a tmp area to preprocess locally. It also includes the singularity run for MRIQC + the sync to s3
- resources_*.sh
- This is your research request for each MRIQC job that is submitted to slurm (takes ~20-35min each)
- submit_*.sh
- jobs are submitted using arrays indicating the runs in
folder - to submit the first 100 subjs for independent slurm jobs use: ./ 0-100
- jobs are submitted using arrays indicating the runs in
The singularity run is currently templated as:
singularity run --cleanenv \
-B ${data_dir}/bids_dir/sub-${subj_id}_ses-${ses_id}:/bids_dir \
-B ${data_dir}/processed/sub-${subj_id}_ses-${ses_id}:/output_dir \
-B ${data_dir}/work_dir//sub-${subj_id}_ses-${ses_id}:/wd \
${sif_img} \
/bids_dir /output_dir participant \
--ants-nthreads 12 \
--nprocs 12 \
--mem_gb 40 \
-vv \
--verbose-reports \
-w /wd \
-m bold T1w T2w