A customized build of Olivia Jack's Hydra
The code is on the gh-pages branch, it's hosted at: https://delanni.github.io/hydralisk
Click the "Import from remote" button to get a big set of projects
Extra features:
- tap tempo: ALT + Space (at least 4 beats, but keep tapping :) )
- auto-mutate: CTRL + (1,2,3,4,5, 0) - for (every beat, every other beat, every 4 beats..., 0 => stop automutate)
- undo 5x: CMD + [ (helpful if the auto-mutate screws up the state)
- quick save / quick load: CMD + S / CMD + L
- speed dial: CTRL + (7,8,9) - for (slower, 1x, faster)
- reverse speed: CTRL + SHIFT + 8
- save sketch: floppy disc
- browse local sketches: CTRL + SHIFT + C
- full screen: CTRL + SHIFT + G
- extra functions: createLFO({ amplitude, phase, trans, waveform }), beatPattern(length, hits, transform), color(hexCode)
- midi binds: midi(ccIndex, {min,max,channel,transform}), where ccIndex="b1" ("b2",... will bind to the first, second... changed cc value for easy bind)
- work in progress: upload and download sketches