The enviroment
of rid-kit software is a bit complex, it uses dflow
to manage the workflow in kubernetes
enviroment refered to as management environment
. The actual rid-kit code runs on local or remote (slurm, cloud) enviroment refered to as computation environment
. The settings of the management enviroment
has already been described in Tutorial, only settings of computation enviroment
is given as follows.
If you want to set environments by hand, please follow settings of this section.
You can also set computation environment of rid through docker, just run "docker pull pkufjhdocker/rid-kit:latest" to get the docker image we built. Or build the image through the dockerfile in rid-kit/install directory.
We recommend using conda to manage the python enviroment. Use the command
conda create -n rid-drop python=3.9 libtensorflow_cc=2.6.2=*cuda110* tensorflow=2.6.2=*cuda110* -c conda-forge
conda activate rid-drop
conda install mdtraj nccl -c conda-forge
conda install cudatoolkit-dev -c conda-forge
pip install cmake cython
pip install matplotlib parmed scikit-learn dpdata
to get the compiled libtensorflow_cc and other necessary packages. After installation, activate the enviroment and set library path
conda activate rid-drop
To compile plumed with our free energy model interface, you need to copy compiled DeePFE.cpp
to the plumed directory. This file locates at rid-kit/install/DeePFE.cpp
Note that here we use c++ 14 standard to compile, the gcc version need to be newer than 6.1.0. In slurm enviroment, if the software is managed by Enviroment Module
, one can load gcc such as module load gcc/10.1.0
or other available versions.
set CC and CXX enviroment variables
export CC=/yourpath/to/gcc-10.1.0
export CXX=/yourpath/to/g++-10.1.0
tar -xvzf plumed-2.8.1.tgz
cp DeePFE.cpp plumed-2.8.1/src/bias
cd plumed-2.8.1
./configure --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX \
LDFLAGS=" -L$CONDA_PREFIX/lib -ltensorflow_cc -ltensorflow_framework"
make -j 6
make install
Set the enviroment variables
export PLUMED_KERNEL=${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib/libplumedKernel.@SOEXT@
Note that in order to compile gromacs with GPU support, you need to have CUDA toolkit installed. In slurm enviroment, if the software is managed by Enviroment Module
, one can load CUDA toolkits such as module load cuda/11.4
. Also note that in most slurm environment, there is no network connection at computing node, but if you want to compile gromacs without fftw installed, you will have to compile it on login-in node where network connection is on.
However if the network is not on in the slurm machine, you can first compile fftw manually by
cd fftw-3.3.8
./configure --prefix=$CONDA_PREFIX
make install
tar -xzvf gromacs-2022.4.tar.gz
cd gromacs-2022.4
plumed patch -p # make sure you use the correct gromacs version
mkdir build
cd build
# if the network is on
# if the network is off
make -j 4
make install
Set the enviroment variables
source ${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/GMXRC
If you want to install Lammps into your enviroment, you can execute the following part, otherwise neglect it
tar -xzvf stable_23Jun2022_update1.tar.gz
cd lammps-stable_23Jun2022_update1/src
make packages you will use
make yes-extra-fix
make yes-extra-dump
make yes-kspace
make plumed
make lib-plumed args="-p $CONDA_PREFIX -m runtime"
make yes-plumed
make serial -j4 #build serial version of lammps
ln -s /home/dongdong/software/lammps-stable_23Jun2022_update1/src/lmp_serial /home/dongdong/software/anaconda3/envs/rid_lmp/bin/lmp_serial