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History / Test App Server


  • bison wallet and v1

    @buck54321 buck54321 committed Jul 27, 2024
  • multi: build with eth code by default This negates the lgpl build tag, making it nolgpl. The importlgpl.go files in the CLI app (main) packages are updated to indicate that the `nolgpl` build tag should be used to exclude such code if it is not acceptble. Use eth-specific packages now implies lgpl. That is, we gate at the import of these packages in the cmd apps that would use them via their importlgpl.go files that require the !nolgpl build tag. All docs and scripts are updated for the new default.

    @chappjc chappjc committed Feb 23, 2023
  • fix wiki lint errors

    @ukane-philemon ukane-philemon committed Aug 22, 2022
  • docs: Add the wiki to docs/wiki This imports the wiki contents at commit 3f0a68ea2897c54c64c9d859b7b7c5575fd4387e to the docs/wiki folder. Created with the command: git subtree add --prefix docs/wiki/ master --squash After these changes, collaborators can update the wiki in the docs/wiki folder with normal pull requests to the dcrdex repository. Once PRs are merged, the updated docs/wiki folder can then be pushed to the actual wiki by a wiki admin with something like: git subtree push --prefix docs/wiki thewiki master or git push thewiki $(git subtree split --prefix docs/wiki):master --force where "thewiki" is a remote name for

    @JoeGruffins JoeGruffins committed Aug 1, 2022