CWTrainer "layout.h:16:28: fatal error: qmultilineedit.h: No such file or directory" QMultiLineEdit is now obsolete, so line 16 of layout.h was changed from #include <qmultilineedit.h> to #include <qtextedit.h>
lcdrange.h:12:19: fatal error: qvbox.h: No such file or directory Lines 30 and 31 changed from LCDRange* m_wpm; LCDRange* m_spacing; to QLCDNumber* m_wpm; QLCDNumber* m_spacing;
main.cpp:30:5: error: 'class QApplication' has no member named 'setMainWidget'
````a.setMainWidget( &w );``` in main.cpp deleted as per [this site](main.cpp:30:5: error: 'class QApplication' has no member named 'setMainWidget').
layout.cpp:14:19: fatal error: qgrid.h: No such file or directory
#include <qgrid.h>
deleted from layout.cpp
#include <QGridLayout>
used instead.
The constructor for QGridLayout is incorrect. What is the meaning of 2, 2, and 10, the arguments after the widget being passed? It looks like this system was built on Qt 3.3, so a quick look at the old documentation shows that TODO
The QPushButtons in layout.cpp were recieving the QButtonGroup as their parent widget in their constructors, which was throwing an error. I removed that and called the addButton of the QButtonGroup to add each of them.
I downloaded the latest version of the LCDRange example , which solved the problems withthat class.
The biggest replacement after this was replacing QButtonGroup, which is not a QWidget, with QGroupBox, which is.
After some more fairly straight-forward coding, it compiled. However, it wants to use OSS and I use ALSA, with OSS emulation not working, so I faked the /dev/dsp file by simply creating one. The program now starts, but the user interface displays improperly. Additionally, touching some programs causes teh program to crash with a
QGridLayout: Multi-cell fromRow greater than toRow
Segmentation fault