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Perform NCN Personalization

NCN personalization is the process of applying product-specific configuration to NCNs post-boot.


Prior to running this procedure, gather the following information required by CFS to create a configuration layer:

  • HTTP clone URL for the configuration repository in VCS
  • Path to the Ansible play to run in the repository
  • Commit ID in the repository for CFS to pull and run on the nodes

Products may supply multiple plays to run, in which case multiple configuration layers must be created. Consult the manual for each product to configure them on NCNs by referring to the 1.5 HPE Cray EX System Software Getting Started Guide S-8000 on the HPE Customer Support Center.

Procedure: Perform NCN Personalization

Determine if NCN Personalization CFS Configuration Exists

If upgrading a product to a new version, an NCN personalization configuration in CFS should already exist. By default, the configuration is named ncn-personalization. If the default name is not used, substitute that name in the steps below.

  1. Determine if a configuration already exists.

    cray cfs configurations describe ncn-personalization --format json > ncn-personalization.json

If the configuration exists, the ncn-personalization.json file will be created and populated with previously defined configuration layers. If it does not exist, the file will be created empty and the command will respond with an error. This error can be ignored.

Add Layer(s) to the CFS Configuration

CFS executes configuration layers in order. Refer to the 1.5 HPE Cray EX System Software Getting Started Guide S-8000 on the HPE Customer Support Center at to determine if the configuration layer requires special placement in the layer list.

NOTE The CSM configuration layer MUST be the first layer in the NCN personalization CFS configuration.

  1. Add a configuration layer to the ncn-personalization.json file. Follow the appropriate step based on if an NCN personalization CFS configuration exists:
    • If the ncn-personalization.json file is empty, overwrite the file with the configuration layer(s) information gathered from the product that is configuring the NCNs. Use the sample file with a single layer as a template.

    • If a CFS configuration exists with one or more layers, add (or replace) the corresponding layer entry(ies) with the configuration layer information gathered for this specific product. For example:

      cat ncn-personalization.json

      Example configuration:

        "layers": [
          # ...
            "name": "<product-release-etc>",
            "cloneUrl": "https://api-gw-service-nmn.local/vcs/cray/<product>-config-management.git",
            "playbook": "site.yml",
            "commit": "<git commit>"
          # ...

Create/Update the NCN Personalization CFS Configuration Layer

  1. Upload the configuration file to CFS to update or create the ncn-personalization CFS configuration.

    cray cfs configurations update ncn-personalization --file ncn-personalization.json --format json

    Example output:

       "lastUpdated": "2021-07-28T03:26:01Z",
       "layers": [
          { ... layer information here ... },
       "name": "ncn-personalization"

Set the Desired Configuration on NCNs

  1. Update the desired configuration for all NCNs.

    for xname in $(cray hsm state components list --role Management --type node --format json | jq -r .Components[].ID)
        cray cfs components update --desired-config ncn-personalization --enabled true --format json $xname

    After this command is issued, the CFS Batcher service will dispatch a CFS session to configure the NCNs. Since the NCN is now managed by CFS by setting a desired configuration, the same will happen every time the NCN boots.

  2. Query the status of the NCN Personalization process. The status will be pending while the node is being configured by CFS, and will change to configured when the configuration has completed.

    for xname in $(cray hsm state components list \
                                --role Management --type node \
                                --format json |
                            jq -r .Components[].ID)
        cray cfs components describe --format json $xname |
            jq -r ' .id+" status="+.configurationStatus'

    Example output:

    x3000c0s17b0n0 status=configured
    x3000c0s19b0n0 status=pending
    x3000c0s21b0n0 status=configured

    The NCN personalization step is complete and the NCNs are now configured as specified in the ncn-personalization configuration layers when each node's status is configured.

    See Configuration Management of System Components for more information on setting desired configuration on specific nodes using CFS.

Procedure: Re-Run NCN Personalization

If no changes have been made to the configuration layers (such as a new layer, different playbook, or new commit made), but NCN personalization needs to be run again, CFS can re-run NCN personalization on specific nodes.

Re-run the configuration for an NCN by clearing the state of the node. Clearing the node state will cause CFS to reconfigure the node, so long as the desired configuration was set previously.

  1. Clear the state and error count of the node using CFS.

    Replace the <XNAME> string in the following command with the xname of the node being reconfigured.

    cray cfs components update --error-count 0 --state '[]' --format json <XNAME>
  2. (Optional) To re-run NCN personalization on all NCNs at once, use the following loop:

    for xname in $(cray hsm state components list \
                                --role Management --type node \
                                --format json |
                            jq -r .Components[].ID)
        cray cfs components update --error-count 0 --state '[]' --format json $xname