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+# Spaces
+> **NOTE:** \
+> This extension is from [@deanoemcke](https://github.com/deanoemcke); this repo is just a fork. \
+> The description below is borrowed from the Chrome Web Store description.
+> **TODO** — add more sections
+> - [ ] Build from github
+> - [ ] License (currently unspecified)
+> - [ ] Shoutouts
+### A Chrome extension for Intuitive tab management
+Spaces is a workspace manager for chrome.
+It treats each chrome window like a different workspace and lets you name and save each space.
+You can close a window full of tabs at any time then reopen it later and continue exactly
+where you left off.
+Spaces keeps track of new tabs opened in each workspace and also tabs that you close.
+It also allows you to quickly move a tab that you are currently viewing into any
+other space- whether it's open or closed.
+Great for when you find yourself opening a tab out of context with what you are currently
+working on and want to come back to it later.
+Spaces was developed to help users that tend to have way too many tabs open in a chrome window.
+It encourages you to move tabs that are not immediately relevant into a different,
+more appropriate space - thus removing it from your current window.
+This keeps your chrome session manageable - both visually and from a memory perspective.
+Isn't this essentially just bookmarks with folders? Yeah, pretty much - but who uses bookmarks?
+### Chrome Web Store
+Spaces is also [available via the official Chrome Web Store](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/spaces/cenkmofngpohdnkbjdpilgpmbiiljjim).
+Please note that the webstore version may be significantly behind the latest version here.
+### Install as an extension from source
+1. Download the **[latest available version](https://github.com/jmason888/spaces/archive/master.zip)**
+2. Unarchive to your preferred location (e.g., `Downloads`).
+2. In **Google Chrome**, navigate to [chrome://extensions/](chrome://extensions/) and enable Developer mode in the upper right corner.
+3. Click on the LOAD UNPACKED button.
+4. Browse to the _root directory_ of the unarchived download, and click OPEN.
+> **TODO** — Update the download URL in step 1