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Section 5 (Part 2): Scale up your analysis horizontally

In the second part of section 5 you will investigate your cluster setup and use the infrastructure for your computations.

5.2 Investigate your cluster setup

  1. Click on the Clusters tab (Overview -> Clusters). After you have initiated the start-up of the cluster, you should have been automatically redirected there. Now open the "How to connect" dropdown of your machine. Click on the Theia ide URL which opens a new browser tab.

  2. Click on Terminal in the upper menu and select New Terminal.

  3. Check how many nodes are part of your cluster by using sinfo


which will produce the following example output

debug*       up   infinite      2   idle bibigrid-worker-1-1-us6t5hdtlklq7h9,bibigrid-worker-1-2-us6t5hdtlklq7h9

The important columns here are STATE which tells you if the worker nodes are processing jobs or are just in idle state and the column NODELIST which is just a list of nodes.

  1. You could now submit a job and test if your cluster is working as expected. /vol/spool is the folder which is shared between all nodes. You should always submit jobs from that directory.

    cd /vol/spool
  2. Please fetch the script that we want to execute


    The script contains the following content:

    #Do not do anything for 30 seconds 
    sleep 30
    #Print out the name of the machine where the job was executed


    • sleep 30 will delay the process for 30 seconds.
    • hostname reports the name of the worker node.
  3. You could now submit the job to the SLURM scheduler by using sbatch and directly after that check if SLURM is executing your script with squeue.





    which will produce the following example output:

    212     debug   ubuntu  R       0:03      1 bibigrid-worker-1-1-us6t5hdtlklq7h9

    Squeue tells you the state of your jobs and which nodes are actually executing them. In this example you should see that bibigrid-worker-1-1-us6t5hdtlklq7h9 is running (ST column) your job with the name

  4. Once the job has finished you should see a slurm output file in your directory (Example: slurm-212.out) which will contain the name of the worker node which executed your script. Open the file with the following command:

    cat slurm-*.out

    Example output:

  5. One way to distribute jobs is to use so-called array jobs. With array jobs you specify how many times your script should be executed. Every time the script is executed, a number between 1 and the number of times you want the script to be executed is assigned to the script execution. The specific number is saved in a variable (SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID). If you specify --array=1-100 then your script is 100 times executed and the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID variable will get a value between 1 and 100. SLURM will distribute the jobs on your cluster.

    Please fetch the modified script


    Which is simply reading out the SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID variable and placing them in a file in an output directory:

    # Create output directory in case it was not created so far
    mkdir -p output_array
    #Do not do anything for 10 seconds 
    sleep 10
    #Create a file with the name of SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID content. 
    touch output_array/${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID}

    You can execute this script a 100 times with the following command

    sbatch --array=1-100

    If you now check the output_array folder, you should see numbers from 0 to 100.

    ls output_array

5.3 Scan the SRA for genomes

  1. We can now reuse the search function of the third part of this tutorial and submit an array job with the number of datasets we want to scan. Remember the search function searches a list of genomes in a list of metagenomic datasets.

Please download the updated script by using wget:

Show Explanation This is the content of the script #!/bin/bash

#Create an output directory mkdir output_final

#Use the conda environment you installed in your snapshot and activate it eval "$(conda shell.bash hook)" conda activate denbi

#Add S3 SRA OpenStack Config /vol/spool/mc config host add sra "" ""

#Define search function you have already used in part 3 search(){ left_read=$(echo $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 1);
right_read=$(echo $1 | cut -d ' ' -f 2); sra_id=$(echo ${left_read} | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev | cut -d '_' -f 1 | cut -d '.' -f 1); /vol/spool/mc cat $left_read $right_read | mash screen -p 3 genomes.msh -
| sed "s/^/${sra_id}\t/g"
| sed 's///\t/' > output_final/${sra_id}.txt ; }

#Create a variable for the array task id LINE_NUMBER=${SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID} LINE=$(sed "${LINE_NUMBER}q;d" reads2.tsv)

#Search for the datasets search ${LINE}

  1. The input for the script is a file containing fastq datasets (reads.tsv) and a file containing a sketch of the genomes.

Fastq datasets:



  1. We also need to download mc again since it was not saved as part of the snapshot.

Please set executable rights:

chmod a+x mc
  1. You can execute the array job by using the following command:
sbatch --array=1-386
  1. You could now check the state of your jobs by using squeue. Please note that the job execution might take a few hours. The VM will be available even after the workshop. If you are interested in the results, you could plot them later.

  2. Concatenate all results into one file via cat output_final/*.txt > output_final.tsv

  3. Let's plot how many genomes we have found against the number of their matched k-mer hashes: Activate the denbi conda environment:

    conda activate denbi

    Run csvtk on the output

    csvtk -t plot hist -H -f 3 output_final.tsv -o output_final.pdf

    You can open this file by a click on the Explorer View and selecting the pdf.

    Since there are many matches with a low number of k-mer hashes, you could filter the table first and plot the filtered results.

    sort -rnk 3,3 output_final.tsv | head -n 50 > output_final_top50.tsv
    csvtk -t plot hist -H -f 3 output_final_top50.tsv -o output_final_top50.pdf
  4. Finally, you could view the top matches via less and check their description on the SRA website by providing the SRA run accession (Example ERR4181696) for further investigation.

    less output_final_top50.tsv

Back to Section 5 (Part 1)