diff --git a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.cxx b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.cxx index ed3b2f4f997..438596be704 100644 --- a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.cxx +++ b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.cxx @@ -60,9 +60,9 @@ void o2::aod::emphotonhistograms::DefineHistograms(THashList* list, const char* list->Add(new TH1F("hNclsITS", "number of ITS clusters", 8, -0.5, 7.5)); list->Add(new TH1F("hChi2ITS", "chi2/number of ITS clusters", 360, 0, 36)); list->Add(new TH1F("hITSClusterMap", "ITS cluster map", 128, -0.5, 127.5)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hXY", "X vs. Y;X;Y", 200, 0, 200, 100, -50, 50)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hZX", "Z vs. X;Z;X", 200, -100, 100, 200, 0, 200)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hZY", "Z vs. Y;Z;Y", 200, -100, 100, 100, -50, 50)); + list->Add(new TH2F("hXY", "X vs. Y;X (cm);Y (cm)", 100, 0, 100, 100, -50, 50)); + list->Add(new TH2F("hZX", "Z vs. X;Z (cm);X (cm)", 200, -100, 100, 100, 0, 100)); + list->Add(new TH2F("hZY", "Z vs. Y;Z (cm);Y (cm)", 200, -100, 100, 100, -50, 50)); list->Add(new TH2F("hDCAxyZ", "DCAxy vs. Z;Z (cm);DCA_{xy} (cm)", 200, -100, +100, 100, -50, 50)); } if (TString(histClass) == "V0") { @@ -75,10 +75,6 @@ void o2::aod::emphotonhistograms::DefineHistograms(THashList* list, const char* list->Add(new TH2F("hAPplot", "AP plot;#alpha;q_{T} (GeV/c)", 200, -1.0f, +1.0f, 250, 0.0f, 0.25f)); list->Add(new TH2F("hMassGamma", "hMassGamma;R_{xy} (cm);m_{ee} (GeV/c^{2})", 200, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100, 0.0f, 0.1f)); list->Add(new TH2F("hMassGamma_recalc", "recalc. hMassGamma;R_{xy} (cm);m_{ee} (GeV/c^{2})", 200, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100, 0.0f, 0.1f)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hMassGammaKF_SV_Rxy", "recalc. hMassGamma KF SV;R_{xy} (cm);m_{ee} (GeV/c^{2})", 200, 0.0f, 100.0f, 100, 0.0f, 0.1f)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hMassGammaKF_PV_SV", "hMassGamma;m_{ee} at PV (GeV/c^{2});m_{ee} at SV (GeV/c^{2})", 100, 0.0f, 0.1f, 100, 0.0f, 0.1f)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hMassGammaKF_SV_PsiPair", "#psi_{pair} for photon conversion;#psi_{pair} (rad.);m_{ee} at SV (GeV/c^{2})", 150, 0, TMath::PiOver2(), 100, 0.0f, 0.1f)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hMassGammaKF_SV_PhiV", "#varphi_{V} for photon conversion;#varphi_{V} (rad.);m_{ee} at SV (GeV/c^{2})", 100, 0, TMath::Pi(), 100, 0.0f, 0.1f)); list->Add(new TH2F("hGammaRxy", "conversion point in XY;V_{x} (cm);V_{y} (cm)", 400, -100.0f, 100.0f, 400, -100.0f, 100.0f)); list->Add(new TH2F("hGammaRxy_recalc", "recalc. conversion point in XY;V_{x} (cm);V_{y} (cm)", 400, -100.0f, 100.0f, 400, -100.0f, 100.0f)); list->Add(new TH2F("hKFChi2vsR", "KF chi2 vs. recalc. conversion point in XY;R_{xy} (cm);KF chi2/NDF", 200, 0.0f, 200.0f, 100, 0.f, 100.0f)); @@ -86,8 +82,8 @@ void o2::aod::emphotonhistograms::DefineHistograms(THashList* list, const char* list->Add(new TH2F("hKFChi2vsY", "KF chi2 vs. recalc. conversion point in Y;Y (cm);KF chi2/NDF", 200, -100.0f, 100.0f, 100, 0.f, 100.0f)); list->Add(new TH2F("hKFChi2vsZ", "KF chi2 vs. recalc. conversion point in Z;Z (cm);KF chi2/NDF", 200, -100.0f, 100.0f, 100, 0.f, 100.0f)); list->Add(new TH1F("hNgamma", "Number of #gamma candidates per collision", 101, -0.5f, 100.5f)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hCorrTgl", "correlation of track tgl between e^{+} and e^{-};e^{-} track tgl;e^{+} track tgl", 300, -1.5f, 1.5f, 300, -1.5f, 1.5f)); - list->Add(new TH2F("hCorrZ", "correlation of track iu z between e^{+} and e^{-};e^{-} track iu Z (cm);e^{+} track iu Z (cm)", 400, -100.f, 100.f, 400, -100.f, 100.f)); + // list->Add(new TH2F("hCorrTgl", "correlation of track tgl between e^{+} and e^{-};e^{-} track tgl;e^{+} track tgl", 300, -1.5f, 1.5f, 300, -1.5f, 1.5f)); + // list->Add(new TH2F("hCorrZ", "correlation of track iu z between e^{+} and e^{-};e^{-} track iu Z (cm);e^{+} track iu Z (cm)", 400, -100.f, 100.f, 400, -100.f, 100.f)); if (TString(subGroup) == "mc") { list->Add(new TH1F("hPt_Photon_Primary", "pT;p_{T} (GeV/c)", 1000, 0.0f, 10)); // for MC efficiency diff --git a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.h b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.h index f993566e4bb..54a6e570106 100644 --- a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.h +++ b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Core/HistogramsLibrary.h @@ -75,16 +75,12 @@ void FillHistClass(THashList* list, const char* subGroup, T const& obj) reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hAPplot"))->Fill(obj.alpha(), obj.qtarm()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hMassGamma"))->Fill(obj.v0radius(), obj.mGamma()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hMassGamma_recalc"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxR(), obj.mGamma()); - // reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hMassGammaKF_SV_Rxy"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxR(), obj.mGammaKFSV()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hGammaRxy"))->Fill(obj.vx(), obj.vy()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hGammaRxy_recalc"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxX(), obj.recalculatedVtxY()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hKFChi2vsR"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxR(), obj.chiSquareNDF()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hKFChi2vsX"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxX(), obj.chiSquareNDF()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hKFChi2vsY"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxY(), obj.chiSquareNDF()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hKFChi2vsZ"))->Fill(obj.recalculatedVtxZ(), obj.chiSquareNDF()); - // reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hMassGammaKF_PV_SV"))->Fill(obj.mGammaKFPV(), obj.mGammaKFSV()); - // reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hMassGammaKF_SV_PsiPair"))->Fill(abs(obj.psipair()), obj.mGammaKFSV()); - // reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hMassGammaKF_SV_PhiV"))->Fill(obj.phiv(), obj.mGammaKFSV()); } else if constexpr (htype == EMHistType::kV0Leg) { reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hPt"))->Fill(obj.pt()); reinterpret_cast(list->FindObject("hQoverPt"))->Fill(obj.sign() / obj.pt()); diff --git a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/TableProducer/photonconversionbuilder.cxx b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/TableProducer/photonconversionbuilder.cxx index bb85389c8c5..0fca8b037f1 100644 --- a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/TableProducer/photonconversionbuilder.cxx +++ b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/TableProducer/photonconversionbuilder.cxx @@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ struct PhotonConversionBuilder { Configurable maxchi2its{"maxchi2its", 5.0, "max chi2/NclsITS"}; Configurable maxpt_itsonly{"maxpt_itsonly", 0.15, "max pT for ITSonly tracks at SV"}; Configurable maxTPCNsigmaEl{"maxTPCNsigmaEl", 4.0, "max. TPC n sigma for electron"}; + Configurable kfMassConstrain{"kfMassConstrain", -1.f, "mass constrain for the KFParticle mother particle"}; int mRunNumber; float d_bz; @@ -331,8 +332,9 @@ struct PhotonConversionBuilder { KFParticle gammaKF; gammaKF.SetConstructMethod(2); gammaKF.Construct(GammaDaughters, 2); - // gammaKF.SetNonlinearMassConstraint(0.0f); - + if (kfMassConstrain > -0.1) { + gammaKF.SetNonlinearMassConstraint(kfMassConstrain); + } KFPVertex kfpVertex = createKFPVertexFromCollision(collision); KFParticle KFPV(kfpVertex); @@ -403,6 +405,7 @@ struct PhotonConversionBuilder { return; } pca_map[std::make_tuple(v0.globalIndex(), collision.globalIndex(), pos.globalIndex(), ele.globalIndex())] = pca_kf; + cospa_map[std::make_tuple(v0.globalIndex(), collision.globalIndex(), pos.globalIndex(), ele.globalIndex())] = cospa_kf; if (filltable) { registry.fill(HIST("V0/hAP"), alpha, qt); @@ -455,8 +458,9 @@ struct PhotonConversionBuilder { } Preslice perCollision = o2::aod::v0::collisionId; - - std::map, float> pca_map; //(v0.globalIndex(), collision.globalIndex(), pos.globalIndex(), ele.globalIndex()) -> pca + std::map, float> pca_map; //(v0.globalIndex(), collision.globalIndex(), pos.globalIndex(), ele.globalIndex()) -> pca + std::map, float> cospa_map; //(v0.globalIndex(), collision.globalIndex(), pos.globalIndex(), ele.globalIndex()) -> cospa + std::vector> stored_v0Ids; //(pos.globalIndex(), ele.globalIndex()) void process(aod::Collisions const& collisions, aod::V0s const& v0s, MyTracksIU const& tracks, aod::BCsWithTimestamps const&) { @@ -468,45 +472,65 @@ struct PhotonConversionBuilder { auto v0s_per_coll = v0s.sliceBy(perCollision, collision.globalIndex()); // LOGF(info, "n v0 = %d", v0s_per_coll.size()); for (auto& v0 : v0s_per_coll) { + // LOGF(info, "collision.globalIndex() = %d, v0.globalIndex() = %d, v0.posTrackId() = %d, v0.negTrackId() = %d", collision.globalIndex(), v0.globalIndex(), v0.posTrackId() , v0.negTrackId()); fillV0Table(v0, false); } // end of v0 loop } // end of collision loop + stored_v0Ids.reserve(pca_map.size()); // number of photon candidates per DF + // find minimal pca for (const auto& [key, value] : pca_map) { auto v0Id = std::get<0>(key); - // auto collisionId = std::get<1>(key); + auto collisionId = std::get<1>(key); auto posId = std::get<2>(key); auto eleId = std::get<3>(key); float v0pca = value; + float cospa = cospa_map[key]; bool is_closest_v0 = true; + bool is_most_aligned_v0 = true; for (const auto& [key_tmp, value_tmp] : pca_map) { + auto v0Id_tmp = std::get<0>(key_tmp); + auto collisionId_tmp = std::get<1>(key_tmp); auto posId_tmp = std::get<2>(key_tmp); auto eleId_tmp = std::get<3>(key_tmp); float v0pca_tmp = value_tmp; + float cospa_tmp = cospa_map[key_tmp]; - if (eleId == eleId_tmp && posId == posId_tmp) { // skip exactly the same V0 + if (v0Id == v0Id_tmp) { // skip exactly the same v0 continue; } + + if (collisionId != collisionId_tmp && eleId == eleId_tmp && posId == posId_tmp && cospa < cospa_tmp) { // same ele and pos, but attached to different collision + // LOGF(info, "!reject! | collision id = %d | posid1 = %d , eleid1 = %d , posid2 = %d , eleid2 = %d , cospa1 = %f , cospa2 = %f", collisionId, posId, eleId, posId_tmp, eleId_tmp, cospa, cospa_tmp); + is_most_aligned_v0 = false; + break; + } + if ((eleId == eleId_tmp || posId == posId_tmp) && v0pca > v0pca_tmp) { // LOGF(info, "!reject! | collision id = %d | posid1 = %d , eleid1 = %d , posid2 = %d , eleid2 = %d , pca1 = %f , pca2 = %f", collisionId, posId, eleId, posId_tmp, eleId_tmp, v0pca, v0pca_tmp); is_closest_v0 = false; break; } - } // end of pca_map loop + } // end of pca_map tmp loop - if (is_closest_v0) { + bool is_stored = std::find(stored_v0Ids.begin(), stored_v0Ids.end(), std::make_pair(posId, eleId)) != stored_v0Ids.end(); + if (is_closest_v0 && is_most_aligned_v0 && !is_stored) { auto v0 = v0s.rawIteratorAt(v0Id); // auto collision = collisions.rawIteratorAt(collisionId); // auto pos = tracks.rawIteratorAt(posId); // auto ele = tracks.rawIteratorAt(eleId); - // LOGF(info, "!accept! | collision id = %d | posid1 = %d , eleid1 = %d , pca1 = %f", collisionId, posId, eleId, v0pca); + // LOGF(info, "!accept! | collision id = %d | v0id1 = %d , posid1 = %d , eleid1 = %d , pca1 = %f , cospa = %f", collisionId, v0Id, posId, eleId, v0pca, cospa); fillV0Table(v0, true); + stored_v0Ids.emplace_back(std::make_pair(posId, eleId)); } } // end of pca_map loop // LOGF(info, "pca_map.size() = %d", pca_map.size()); pca_map.clear(); + cospa_map.clear(); + stored_v0Ids.clear(); + stored_v0Ids.shrink_to_fit(); } // end of process }; diff --git a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/Pi0EtaToGammaGamma.cxx b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/Pi0EtaToGammaGamma.cxx index 4d81cd76bc8..06c83dcc0b5 100644 --- a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/Pi0EtaToGammaGamma.cxx +++ b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/Pi0EtaToGammaGamma.cxx @@ -377,7 +377,6 @@ struct Pi0EtaToGammaGamma { ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v1(g1.pt(), g1.eta(), g1.phi(), 0.); ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v2(g2.pt(), g2.eta(), g2.phi(), 0.); ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v12 = v1 + v2; - if (abs(v12.Rapidity()) > maxY) { continue; } @@ -433,6 +432,13 @@ struct Pi0EtaToGammaGamma { ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v2(g2.pt(), g2.eta(), g2.phi(), 0.); if constexpr (pairtype == PairType::kPCMDalitz) { v2.SetM(g2.mee()); + auto pos_sv = g1.template posTrack_as(); + auto ele_sv = g1.template negTrack_as(); + auto pos_pv = g2.template posTrack_as(); + auto ele_pv = g2.template negTrack_as(); + if (pos_sv.trackId() == pos_pv.trackId() || ele_sv.trackId() == ele_pv.trackId()) { + continue; + } } ROOT::Math::PtEtaPhiMVector v12 = v1 + v2; if (abs(v12.Rapidity()) > maxY) { diff --git a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQC.cxx b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQC.cxx index 52a3d81a1db..587763e4f48 100644 --- a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQC.cxx +++ b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQC.cxx @@ -163,8 +163,8 @@ struct PCMQC { if (cut.IsSelected(v0)) { o2::aod::emphotonhistograms::FillHistClass(list_v0_cut, "", v0); nv0++; - reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrTgl"))->Fill(ele.tgl(), pos.tgl()); - reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrZ"))->Fill(ele.z(), pos.z()); + // reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrTgl"))->Fill(ele.tgl(), pos.tgl()); + // reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrZ"))->Fill(ele.z(), pos.z()); for (auto& leg : {pos, ele}) { o2::aod::emphotonhistograms::FillHistClass(list_v0leg_cut, "", leg); } diff --git a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQCMC.cxx b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQCMC.cxx index bbf2b526267..e921ed29d86 100644 --- a/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQCMC.cxx +++ b/PWGEM/PhotonMeson/Tasks/pcmQCMC.cxx @@ -213,8 +213,8 @@ struct PCMQCMC { reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hConvPoint_diffZ_recalc"))->Fill(elemc.vz(), v0.recalculatedVtxZ() - elemc.vz()); nv0++; - reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrTgl"))->Fill(ele.tgl(), pos.tgl()); - reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrZ"))->Fill(ele.z(), pos.z()); + // reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrTgl"))->Fill(ele.tgl(), pos.tgl()); + // reinterpret_cast(fMainList->FindObject("V0")->FindObject(cut.GetName())->FindObject("hCorrZ"))->Fill(ele.z(), pos.z()); for (auto& leg : {pos, ele}) { o2::aod::emphotonhistograms::FillHistClass(list_v0leg_cut, "", leg); }