- OCI infrastructure must exist with private or public IP.
- OCI credentials.
Once in the container, you can describe the infrastructure you wish to begin with. Below is an example of an OCI testing infrastructure name "oci_testing":
Create a directory under ./configuration/infrastructure
with your infrastructure name:
mkdir ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing
Copy the adaquat template file located under ./configuration/infrastructure_sample
cp ./configuration/infrastructure_sample/oci/variables.yml ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing
vi ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/variables.yml
Adapt at least the below parameter:
- compartment_id
- availability_domain
- security_list
- subnet_id
# File ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/variables.yml
is_cloud_environement: yes
environment: oci_testing
ansible_user: opc
provider: oci
region_id: eu-zurich-1
compartment_id: ****
availability_domain: *****
security_list: ******
subnet_id: ******
Environment: Test
Department: Development YaK
Business_unit: YaK
max_size_gb: 100
xxxxxxxxxx: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
You should now see your infrastructure in the Ansible inventory:
$ ansible-inventory --graph --vars
| |--{ami_id = ami-07e51b655b107cd9b}
| |--{availability_zone = eu-central-1a}
| |--{environment = oci-testing}
| |--{instance_type = t3.large}
| |--{is_cloud_environment = True}
| |--{provider = oci}
| |--{region_id = eu-central-1}
| |--{security_group_id = sg-*****}
| |--{subnet_id = subnet-**********}
|--{ansible_winrm_read_timeout_sec = 60}
|--{yak_inventory_type = file}
|--{yak_local_ssh_config_file = ~/yak/configuration/infrastructure/.ssh/config}
|--{yak_secrets_directory = /workspace/yak/configuration/infrastructure/secrets}
Here are more details about infrastructure declaration.
Create a directory under your infrastructure ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing
with your server name:
mkdir ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01
Copy one of the below server template file for Linux or Windows under ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01
In our example we choose the Linux templates
cp ./configuration/infrastructure_sample/oci/srv-linux-test-01/variables.yml ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01
vi ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01/variables.yml
Adapt at least the below parameters:
- hostname
- host_ip_access: private_ip|public_ip
- private_ip
- mode : manual | auto
- ip : ip_address_value | or leave_it_empty_with_auto
- public_ip
- mode : manual | auto | none
- ip : ip_address_value | or leave_it_empty_with_auto_or_none
- mode : manual | auto | none
# File ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/srv01/variables.yml
hostname: srv01
is_physical_server: no
ansible_user: opc
host_ip_access: public_ip
mode: auto
mode: auto
operating_system: Oracle-Linux-8.5-2022.01.24-0
image_id: ocid1.image.oc1.eu-zurich-1.aaaaaaaamtulj4fmm6cx6xq6delggc5jhfoy652lbxxj2xbnzzxik7sgsnva
name: VM.Standard.E4.Flex
memory_in_gbs: 8
ocpus: 2
You should now see your server in the Ansible inventory:
$ ansible-inventory --graph
| |--oci_testing/srv01
| |--oci_testing/srv01
Here are more details about server configuration.
A SSH key (for Linux) will be used for your server connection. For Windows, you'll need to generate certificate.
Create a directory secrets
under your infrastructure ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing
mkdir ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/secrets
Generate your default SSH key with the script gen_secret
cd ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/secrets
cd -
You should now see the SSH key used by your server:
$ ansible-inventory --host oci_testing/srv01
"ami_id": "ami-07e51b655b107cd9b",
"ansible_host": "",
"ansible_ssh_private_key_file": "/workspace/yak/configuration/infrastructure/aws_testing/secrets/sshkey",
"ansible_ssh_public_key_file": "/workspace/yak/configuration/infrastructure/aws_testing/secrets/sshkey.pub",
"ansible_user": "ec2-user",
. . .
cd ./configuration/infrastructure/oci_testing/secrets
# Set the name of the local user that will have the key mapped to
cat > openssl.conf << EOL
distinguished_name = req_distinguished_name
extendedKeyUsage = clientAuth
subjectAltName = otherName:;UTF8:$USERNAME@localhost
export OPENSSL_CONF=openssl.conf
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:2048 -out cert.pem -outform PEM -keyout cert_key.pem -subj "/CN=$USERNAME" -extensions v3_req_client
rm openssl.conf
cd -
More options on the Ansible documentation for Windows managed host.
Here are more details about key management.
Use your OCI CLI programmatic access key variables:
export OCI_USER_ID=*****
export OCI_TENANCY=*****
export OCI_REGION=eu-zurich-1
export OCI_USER_KEY_FILE=$HOME/.ssh/oracleidentitycloudservice.pem
export OCI_ANSIBLE_AUTH_TYPE=api_key
Here are more details about the Cloud provider authentification.
ansible-playbook servers/deploy.yml -e target=oci_testing/srv01
Here are more details about the server deployment possibilities
Ping with the Ansible module to ensure the connectivity works:
ansible -m ping oci_testing/srv01
Connect via SSH to the server:
ssh oci_testing/srv01
The component configuration is located under a separated directory structure ./configuration/components
To deploy the disks for your server, you can use a DEMO component
Create a directory under ./configuration/components
with your component name DEMO in our case
mkdir ./configuration/components/DEMO
Copy the adaquat template file located under ./configuration/components_sample/DEMO
cp ./configuration/components_sample/DEMO/variables.yml ./configuration/components/DEMO
vi ./configuration/components/DEMO/variables.yml
Now you can update the parameters for your required filesystem or windows disks
# File ./configuration/components/DEMO/variables.yml
# Copyright: (c) 2023, dbi services, distributed without any warranty under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3
component_type: os_storage/storage
# Variable indicated in the manifest and declaring the servers belonging to group 'my_servers'
- oci_testing/srv01
- { size_gb: 5, filesystem_type: "xfs", mount_point: "/u01" }
- { size_gb: 5, filesystem_type: "xfs", mount_point: "/u02" }
- { size_gb: 5, drive_letter: F, partition_label: data }
- { size_gb: 5, drive_letter: G, partition_label: backup }
ansible-inventory --graph
This Ansible playbook will deploy the storage of the component attached to your server:
ansible-playbook servers/deploy.yml -e target=oci_testing/srv01
Once completed, connect via SSH to the server and look at the storage layout:
$ ssh oci_testing/srv01 df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
devtmpfs 3.7G 0 3.7G 0% /dev
tmpfs 3.7G 8.0K 3.7G 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 3.7G 17M 3.7G 1% /run
tmpfs 3.7G 0 3.7G 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/nvme0n1p1 10G 1.8G 8.3G 18% /
tmpfs 757M 0 757M 0% /run/user/1000
/dev/mapper/data-u01 4.0G 62M 4.0G 2% /u01
/dev/mapper/data-u02 12G 119M 12G 1% /u02
You are now ready to operate your components on your server!
GNU General Public License v3.0 or later See COPYING to see the full text.