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260 lines (222 loc) · 12.8 KB


Practical tasks

  • Fibonacci recursive, iterative, stream.
  • Factorial recursive, iterative, stream.
  • Get rid of instanceOf() from code sample.
  • Reverse string recursive, iterative, stream.
  • Reverse array recursive, iterative, stream.

Basic tasks

  • Implement custom Stack / List / Queue.
  • Implement custom Stack / List / Queue using pure TDD.
  • Implement Stack / List / Queue methods using only recursion.
  • Fibonacci recursive, iterative, stream.
  • Factorial recursive, iterative, stream.
  • Get rid of instanceOf() from code sample.
  • Reverse string recursive, iterative, stream.
  • Reverse array recursive, iterative, stream.


  • How can we construct a new object in Java (i.e. a new operator, cloning, deserialization, reflection -> Class.forName())
  • What primitive types do you know? What is the size of each?
  • Describe what is the meaning of following keywords: protected, private, public, no keyword.
  • Overloading vs overriding vs hiding
  • What are rules of overloading?
  • What is the difference between override and overload + static and runtime polymorphism.
  • How can you prevent class from being subclassed?
  • Transient keyword, what is it used for?
  • How to make an object immutable?
  • What do we gain from class immutability?
  • What is a defensive copying?
  • Hard, soft, weak, phantom references. What are differences? How to make a cache from weak references? What can be used instead of finalize method?
  • How to make a memory leak in Java? How to analyze memory leaks in Java? What tools you can use?
  • What is new in JDK7/8/9/10...?
  • Checked vs unchecked exceptions. Can we catch Error? How to make a good API?
  • Exceptions translation
  • Can static method be overloaded? What is hiding? What will happen if extending class will define the non-static method with the same name?
  • Difference between object and primitive?
  • How to observe polymorphism in Java? Provide an example.
  • Can interface have methods implemented?
  • Can interface have private methods?
  • What are final, finalize, finally?
  • When finally is not going to be executed?
  • Will finally be executed when we override SecurityManager behavior?
  • What is Boxing/Unboxing/Autoboxing and what are the performance implications?
  • What is try-with-resources?
  • What does it mean that a stream (from Java8) is lazy?
  • What are terminal vs non-terminal operations in streams? What are types returned from such operations?
  • For loop performance vs Stream performance for 100 items.
  • How to analyze the app performance? What tools you can use?
  • What good pratices for benchmarking in Java do you know?
  • Clone in Java (Cloneable interface, clone() method). How to implement a clone mechanism properly? Shall we use that at all?
  • How to serialize object in Java? What is versionUID?
  • What is "transient" keyword?
  • Can Java return a covariant type?
  • String in in Java. intern() method. Security of a String pool
  • Can we extend a String?
  • How many compilers are there in the JDK distribution?
  • What is immutable object pattern? Is it used in java (JDK)? Describe immutable types
  • What design patterns are used in JDK? (i.e. Decorator in I/O, Strategy in Comparators, Singleton while getting runtime, Builder in StringBuilder)
  • What methods are defined in Object class in Java?
  • There are two methods with same name - one takes the argument of Object, another one of String. Which one will be invoked if we pass null and why? (The "Most Specific" Principle)
  • Is it a good practice to use "Optional" as a method argument? How about serialization?
  • What do you think about returning a Stream from a method?
  • There is set of users. Each user contains set of languages he speaks. How to get all languages spoken by all users? (stream with flatmap and distincts)
  • Fields in lambdas are effective final. How we can bypass that to i.e. increment a value inside (use objects like i.e. AtomicInteger to increment)
  • What is a classloader? What is a hierarchy of classloaders (Bootstrap, Platform, Application, Custom)?
  • How to create an annotation?
  • Is it possible to have a final constructor and why?
  • Do we need to override hashcode if we override equals?
  • What is a ThreadLocal? Where can it be helpful?
  • What is a difference between Inner (non-static) and Nested (static) Class?
  • When we need a private constructor?
  • How can we make a XOR in Java?
  • How can we create a copy constructor?
  • What is a Dynamic Binding?
  • Explain when default methods in interfaces can be handy.


  • What is a "type erasure"? Why it was introduced? What version of Java introduced generics?
  • PECS ("Producer extends, Consumer super") - when to use super, extends. What limitations they have? (i.e. putting/getting from collections, cast required etc.)
  • invariance vs covariance vs contravariance
  • Are arrays covariant?
  • What is the difference between i.e. List<?> vs List<Object>? What is the purpose of the wildcard here? Where such construct can be used?
  • Can we have generic fields in a non-generic class?


  • What is deadlock, race-condition, data-race, livelock, starvation?
  • What is the thread lifecycle (states) in JVM?
  • What is double-checked-locking? How to make it right?
  • How to implement singleton in the safe way? Enums as singletons.
  • i++ How many operations must jvm perform in such line?
  • What methods should be overridden in HttpServlet, what can we tell about thread safety of fields in servlet?
  • java.util.concurrent -> CountDownLatch, Semaphores, Read/Write locks (ReentrantLock, ReentrantReadWriteLock), Atomic types etc.
  • synchronized based on method, object, class etc. Pros/Cons of each solution
  • How Atomic types work? What is CAS?
  • How volatile works?
  • How to create and start a new thread?
  • How to stop a thread? (stop is deprecated)
  • Runnable vs Callable
  • Describe Features
  • What is the difference between synchronization of static and non-static methods?
  • What does it mean that lock is reentrant?
  • Write a code to make a deadlock
  • How to debug deadlocks?
  • What is thread dump? How to analyze that? What tools you can use to analyze a thread dump?
  • What does it mean that synchronized methods are reentrant synchronization?
  • What is the difference between wait and sleep?
  • wait/notify/notifyAll, sleep, yield - what are they for?
  • What happens to a thread when it sleeps? How and from where to call the wait method?
  • What is POJO and where we should use it?
  • What is JNI (Java Native Interface)?
  • What are thread pools? What framework have you used to build such thread pool?
  • Why I/O resources are most likely exposed to deadlocks?
  • Where we can use Callable interface? What is Future an object in Callable interface?
  • How can we determine how may cores we can utilize in current environment to build our thread pool?
  • How we can generate ThreadDump on the machine we have only console/CLI access?
  • What is a critical section?
  • What is thread pools? What framework have you used to build such thread pool?
  • Why Concurrency Utilities were introduced? What data structures it implements? What other mechanisms it provides?
  • What thread safe structures do you know in Java?
  • What concurrency patterns / good practices do you know?

Multithreading tasks

  • Implement a good singleton (with serialization / classloading and instantiation problems solved).
  • Implement double check idiom.


  • Draw diagram of Java collections.


  • How does Map interface correspond with Collection interface?
  • Map vs Switch statement performance?
  • Would you use Switch with String or Map instead?
  • What types can be used in switch (in different Java versions)?


  • What is HashMap initial size?
  • How is initial size calculated. Why is bit-shift preferred over modulo for calculations like this?
  • What is HashMap loadFactor?
  • What is default value of load factor for HashMap?
  • What is bucket?
  • What data structures are used for buckets?
  • Does put() method have return type or is it void method?
  • Does get() method have return type of is it void method?
  • How is item stored in HashMap when put() is called.
  • How is item retrieved when get() is called.
  • Where are nulls stored in HashMap ( with index )?
  • What data structure is HashMap build upon?
  • What are optimisations for storing items in HashMap? (i.e. LinkedList becomes a Tree if object has Comparable implemented)
  • Describe what rehashing is and when it occurs.
  • What data retrieval speed you would get from JDK 7 HashMap if someone implemented malicious hashcode that returns same value for all items put to map. Would such thing even work? If yes why if no why? What about JDK 8+ ?
  • Does Java HashMap support perfect hashing?
  • What needs to be implemented to make hash based collection working (hashcode/equals)
  • Synchronized map vs ConcurrentHashMap
  • How to make a good key in Map?


  • Can you put primitive types to List? Why?
  • When would you use ArrayList and when LinkedList?
  • How can we check whether the LinkedList has a loop?


  • What data structure is used for array list.
  • What is default size of underlying array if we don't specify initial size of ArrayList?
  • Is it good idea to define initial size of ArrayList and why?
  • What happens if underlying array gets filled up to much? ( ensureCapacity() )
  • What specific interface ArrayList implements that LinkedList does not?
  • What means that ArrayList implements RandomAccess?
  • Big O for each ArrayList methods.
  • Is ArrayList thred safe?
  • What other data structure would you use in place of ArrayList in multithreaded environment?
  • How many thread simple program that prints "Hello world" to console has?


  • Types of queues in Java


  • FIFO vs LIFO
  • Big O for collections (Hash, Tree, Linked, Array based)
  • When to use which types of collections? (hash vs tree vs linked)
  • Map vs Set vs Lists vs Queues
  • What is EnumSet?
  • What needs to be implemented to make i.e. tree based collection working (Comparable interface)
  • PECS - when to use super, extends. What limitations they have? (i.e. putting/getting from collections, cast required etc.)

Collections - practial tasks:

  • Implement custom Stack / List / Queue.
  • Implement custom Stack / List / Queue using pure TDD.
  • Implement Stack / List / Queue methods using only recursion.

JVM, Garbage Collector, JIT

  • Java memory model (heap vs stack, young generation vs old generation, metaspace etc.)
  • What flags do you know for tuning JVM/Garbage Collector?
  • How many thread simple program that prints "Hello world" to console has?
  • Describe Java memory model
  • How can we measure performance of the application? What tools do you know for such purpose?
  • Difference between PermGen and Metaspace (i.e. which is newer, which has dynamic space allocation)?
  • What is full/major/minor GC? How to avoid full GC?
  • Young vs Old generation
  • How GC works? (root, phases etc.)
  • Do you know difference between survivor 1 and survivor 2 in Java?
  • What is the structure of JVM heap (Eden, Survivor Space, Old Gen)?
  • How we can influence garbage collection in JVM?
  • Tools provided with JDK
  • What is profiling?
  • What is JIT?
  • Describe how the code is compiled in Java (javac -> JIT)
  • How the code is compiled in java? bytecode vs native code compiled by JIT
  • Is Java a compiled or interpreted language?
  • What optimizations do you know that are performed by JIT? (inlining, branch prediction,loop enrolling moving some objects from heap to stack etc.)
  • What is the difference between server/client JIT compiler?
  • What is "Stop the world" in GC? When it is run?
  • What is memory fragmentation and why this can effect JVM-based applications performance or possibility to work?
  • If JVM cannot allocate memory for big collection of data but we have more than enough memory what can be an issue on level of operation system that we can expect?
  • How to bypass memory limitations of JVM using JNI interface? Why we can do that?
  • How you will secure JVM application from perspective of performance, when you're developing socket application?
  • How to create a second instance of a singleton object?
  • What are the GC phases?
  • What Garbage Collectors do you know? What are the main differnces between them?
  • What is a difference between heap vs thread vs core dump? How to analyze these files? What tools can you use for that?
  • What is jcmd? How to use that?


  • How can we provide logging mechanisms inside Java application? What logging frameworks do you know?
  • Why it's better to use logging frameworks instead of output to System.out?


  • What is JMX?
  • Is JMX one way or two way communication protocol (read, write or read & write)?


  • Topic vs Queue in JMS


  • Sax vs DOM vs JAXB in XML parsing. What is the difference with the approach?
  • What is JAXB? What tools (i.e wsimport) do you know?
  • How we convert Java object to XML? What are steps in JAXB marshalling?
  • How transient keyword works in JAXB (XmlTransient)?
  • What is XSLTs?
  • WHat is a difference between DTD and XML Schema?