diff --git a/.travis.yml b/.travis.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acd8878
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.travis.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+sudo: required
+dist: trusty
+language: generic
+ - gcc
+ email:
+ on_success: always
+ on_failure: always
+# recipients:
+# - jane@doe
+ matrix:
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="indigo" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="indigo" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="indigo" PRERELEASE=true
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="jade" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="jade" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="jade" PRERELEASE=true
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="kinetic" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="kinetic" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu
+ - USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="kinetic" PRERELEASE=true
+ allow_failures:
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="indigo" PRERELEASE=true
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="jade" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="jade" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="jade" PRERELEASE=true
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="kinetic" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros/ubuntu
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="kinetic" ROS_REPOSITORY_PATH=http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu
+ - env: USE_DEB=true ROS_DISTRO="kinetic" PRERELEASE=true
+ - git clone https://github.com/ros-industrial/industrial_ci.git .ci_config
+ - source .ci_config/travis.sh
+# - source ./travis.sh # Enable this when you have a package-local script
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index e63f966..a9a1172 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -3,19 +3,28 @@ project(ratslam_ros)
+# Enable Cxx11 support
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++11")
+ set(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "-std=c++0x")
+ message(FATAL_ERROR "The compiler ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER} has no C++11 support. Please use a different C++ compiler.")
## Find catkin macros and libraries
## if COMPONENTS list like find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS xyz)
## is used, also find other catkin packages
find_package(catkin REQUIRED COMPONENTS message_generation std_msgs roscpp sensor_msgs nav_msgs tf visualization_msgs image_transport nav_msgs) ## actionlib_msgs)
+find_package(OpenCV REQUIRED)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS serialization)
find_package(Irrlicht REQUIRED)
find_package(OpenGL REQUIRED)
## Generate messages in the 'msg' folder
@@ -58,45 +67,53 @@ CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime geometry_msgs std_msgs
## Your package locations should be listed before other locations
# include_directories(include)
+ src
#ratslam library
add_library(ratslam src/ratslam/experience_map.cpp src/ratslam/posecell_network.cpp src/ratslam/local_view_match.cpp src/ratslam/visual_odometry.cpp)
+ ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
-# uncomment is you don't have irrlicht installed
+# comment this out, if you don't have irrlicht installed
add_executable(ratslam_lv src/main_lv.cpp)
- ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+ ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
add_executable(ratslam_pc src/main_pc.cpp)
- ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+ ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
add_executable(ratslam_em src/main_em.cpp)
- ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+ ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
add_executable(ratslam_vo src/main_vo.cpp)
- ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+ ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
#config files for devel
set(MEDIA_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/media) #devel use the files in the source dir
@@ -145,3 +162,22 @@ install(DIRECTORY src/media/
+## setup test data download target
+ irat_aus_test.bag
+ COMMAND if [ ! -e ./tests ]\; then mkdir tests\; fi
+ COMMAND if [ ! -e ./tests/irat_aus_test.bag ]\; then wget https://www.dropbox.com/s/ukiob6h0reavhem/irat_aus_test.bag?dl=0 -O tests/irat_aus_test.bag\; fi
+## add download target to test target dependencies
+add_dependencies(tests irat_aus_test.bag)
+## add rostests
+find_package(rostest REQUIRED)
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ddf1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# RatSLAM ROS (OpenRatSLAM)
+[![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sem23/ratslam.svg?branch=ratslam_ros)](https://travis-ci.org/sem23/ratslam)
+## Package Summary
+This package contains the RatSLAM sources including ROS wrappers. The package provides a biological inspired monocular
+vision SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) system. Using this system you can create a topological map of the
+environment, which means there are just paths and **no** gridmap, like an occupancy grid. As a gimmick, the system is
+able to perfom pathplanning on the current map.
+Authors Documentation:
+The ROS version of RatSLAM has been designed as a more modular version than the other library in this project - the algorithm has been divided into 3 individual RatSLAM ROS nodes and one visual odometry node. This version is referred to as OpenRatSLAM.
+OpenRatSLAM is based on the RatSLAM C++ library written by David Ball and Scott Heath, with support and additions by Michael Milford. The RatSLAM algorithm was originally designed and implemented by Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth.
+OpenRatSLAM has only been tested on Ubuntu and as ROS support for platforms other than Linux is still limited, this will probably not change.
+* Maintainer status: maintained
+* Maintainers: David M. Ball \, Peter Rudolph \
+* Authors: Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth (RatSLAM), David Ball and Scott Heath (RatSLAM C++), David M. Ball (OpenRatSLAM)
+* License: GNU General Public License v3.0
+* Source: git https://github.com/sem23/ratslam.git (branch: ratslam_ros)
+## 1. External Documentation
+[David Ball, Scott Heath, Janet Wiles, Gordon Wyeth, Peter Corke, Michael Milford: OpenRatSLAM: an open source brain-based SLAM system, Autonomous Robots, 2013](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10514-012-9317-9).
+## 2. Hardware Requirements
+To get RatSLAM working you need a properly setup monocular camera and an odometry source. The odometry can be generated
+using the visual odometry node, which is provided by the package. But note, that a wheel based odometry is much more
+accurate in most cases.
+## 3. Example
+Several examples are provided [here](https://github.com/davidmball/ratslam/blob/wiki/RatSLAMROS.md#running-ratslam).
+## 4. Nodes
+### 4.1 ratslam_em
+The experience map is used to store the experiences made by the robot. This node provides a topological map, loop closing capabilites
+and a dijkstra pathplanning algorithm.
+#### 4.1.1 Subscribed Topics
+"odom" ([nav_msgs/Odometry](http://docs.ros.org/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Odometry.html))
+> The current odometry.
+topic_root + "/PoseCell/TopologicalAction" (ratslam_ros/TopologicalAction)
+> The topological action.
+topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/SetGoalPose" ([geometry_msgs/PoseStamped](http://docs.ros.org/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/PoseStamped.html))
+> The goal pose to where path will be planned.
+#### 4.1.2 Published Topics
+topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/Map" (ratslam_ros/TopologicalMap)
+> The experience map in RatSLAM format.
+topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/MapMarker" ([visualization_msgs/Marker](http://docs.ros.org/api/visualization_msgs/html/msg/Marker.html))
+> The experience map as ROS visualization markers for displaying puposes.
+topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/RobotPose" ([geometry_msgs/PoseStamped](http://docs.ros.org/api/geometry_msgs/html/msg/PoseStamped.html))
+> The current pose of the robot in map.
+topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/PathToGoal" ([nav_msgs/Path](http://docs.ros.org/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Path.html))
+> The current planned path (published if triggered to plan).
+#### 4.1.3 Parameters
+**Note:** Only ROS parameters are mentioned. All others are explained in external documentation. The parameter "topic_root" can be found there!
+"map_frame" (Default: "map")
+> The name of the map frame.
+"odom_frame" (Default: "odom")
+> The name of the odometry frame.
+"base_frame" (Default: "base_link")
+> The name of the base frame.
+"tf_update_rate" (Default: 20.0)
+> The update rate [hz] of the map_frame -> odom_frame transformation broadcaster.
+"map_save_period" (Default: 10.0)
+> The period [seconds] after which a map is saved.
+"map_file_path" (Default: "ratslam-latest.bmap")
+> The file path where map is saved.
+#### 4.1.4 Required tf Transforms
+odom_frame -> base_frame
+> Usually provided by the odometry system (e.g., the driver for the mobile base).
+#### 4.1.5 Provided tf Transforms
+map_frame -> odom_frame
+> The current estimate of the robot's pose within the map frame.
+### 4.2 ratslam_pc
+The pose cell network is used to track odometry information based on movement, vision and recognition.
+#### 4.2.1 Subscribed Topics
+"odom" ([nav_msgs/Odometry](http://docs.ros.org/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Odometry.html))
+> The current odometry.
+topic_root + "/LocalView/Template" (ratslam_ros/ViewTemplate)
+> The current matched template.
+#### 4.2.2 Published Topics
+topic_root + "/PoseCell/TopologicalAction" (ratslam_ros/TopologicalMap)
+> The topological action performed by network.
+#### 4.2.3 Parameters
+**Note:** Only ROS parameters are mentioned. All others are explained in external documentation.
+"pcn_save_period" (Default: 10.0)
+> The period [seconds] after which a pose cell network state is saved.
+"pcn_file_path" (Default: "ratslam-latest.bpcn")
+> The file path where pose cell network state is saved.
+### 4.3 ratslam_lv
+The local view matcher is used to match the camera templates against previous experienced ones. This node provides the matching of images.
+#### 4.3.1 Subscribed Topics
+"image" ([sensor_msgs/Image](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Image.html))
+> ImageTransport image subscriber.
+"camera_info" ([sensor_msgs/CameraInfo](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/CameraInfo.html))
+> ImageTransport camera info subscriber.
+#### 4.3.2 Published Topics
+topic_root + "/LocalView/Template" (ratslam_ros/ViewTemplate)
+> The current matched template.
+#### 4.3.3 Parameters
+**Note:** Only ROS parameters are mentioned. All others are explained in external documentation. The parameter "topic_root" can be found there!
+"lvm_save_period" (Default: 10.0)
+> The period [seconds] after which a local view matcher state is saved.
+"lvm_file_path" (Default: "ratslam-latest.blvm")
+> The file path where local view matcher state is saved.
+### 4.4 ratslam_vo
+The visual odometry node. This node can be used to generate an odometry source from monocular camera input.
+**Note:** Using wheel based odometry is more accurate in most cases.
+#### 4.4.1 Subscribed Topics
+"image" ([sensor_msgs/Image](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/Image.html))
+> ImageTransport image subscriber.
+"camera_info" ([sensor_msgs/CameraInfo](http://docs.ros.org/api/sensor_msgs/html/msg/CameraInfo.html))
+> ImageTransport camera info subscriber.
+#### 4.4.2 Published Topics
+"odom" ([nav_msgs/Odometry](http://docs.ros.org/api/nav_msgs/html/msg/Odometry.html))
+> The current odometry generated from vision source.
diff --git a/config/config_irataus_test.txt.in b/config/config_irataus_test.txt.in
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ff5449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/config_irataus_test.txt.in
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+vt_shift_match = 4
+vt_step_match = 1
+vt_match_threshold = 0.03
+vt_active_decay = 1.0
+pc_dim_xy = 11
+pc_vt_inject_energy = 0.1
+pc_cell_x_size = 0.015
+exp_delta_pc_threshold = 2
diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index b9434fe..305b5bb 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -1,43 +1,56 @@
- 0.0.1
+ 1.0.0
- scott
+ Michael Milford
+ Gordon Wyeth
+ David Ball
+ Scott Heath
David Ball
+ Peter Rudolph
+ libirrlicht-dev
+ opengl
+ cv_bridge
- opencv2
+ compressed_image_transport
+ wget
+ libirrlicht-dev
+ opengl
+ cv_bridge
- opencv2
+ compressed_image_transport
+ wget
diff --git a/script/path_follower.py b/script/path_follower.py
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c3cd2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/script/path_follower.py
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
+This file implements a naive path following controller.
+Note: As the controller does not care about collision
+ avoidance so the path must be carefully planned
+ and so to say "drivable"! Changing environment
+ and moving object will be a game-killer.
+Copyright {2017} {Peter Rudolph}
+Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+limitations under the License.
+# ROS
+import numpy as np
+import rospy
+from tf import ExtrapolationException, LookupException
+from tf.listener import TransformListener
+# ROS msgs
+from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
+from nav_msgs.msg import Path
+class PathFollowController(object):
+ """
+ This implements a naive path following controller.
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ # vars
+ self._accept_path = True
+ self._path = Path()
+ # params
+ self._update_rate = rospy.get_param('~update_rate', 10)
+ self._base_frame = rospy.get_param('~base_frame', 'base_footprint')
+ self._min_lin_vel = rospy.get_param('~min_lin_vel', 0.2)
+ self._max_lin_vel = rospy.get_param('~max_lin_vel', 1.0)
+ self._min_ang_vel = rospy.get_param('~min_ang_vel', 15. * np.pi / 180.)
+ self._max_ang_vel = rospy.get_param('~max_ang_vel', 45. * np.pi / 180.)
+ self._min_goal_dist = rospy.get_param('~min_goal_dist', 0.05)
+ self._min_drive_angle = rospy.get_param('~min_drive_angle', 25.0 * np.pi / 180.)
+ # tf
+ self._tfl = TransformListener()
+ # pubs
+ self._cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher('cmd_vel', Twist, queue_size=1)
+ # subs
+ self._path_sub = rospy.Subscriber('path', Path, self._path_cb, queue_size=1)
+ def _path_cb(self, msg):
+ """
+ The path callback updating the current path.
+ :type msg: Path
+ :param msg: The path message.
+ """
+ if self._accept_path:
+ # setup current path
+ self._path = msg
+ # do not accept new paths
+ self._accept_path = False
+ # log
+ rospy.loginfo('Received new path!')
+ def run(self, update_rate=20):
+ """
+ Continuously drives to goals in current path.
+ If goal is reached it is removed from current path.
+ :type update_rate: int
+ :param update_rate: The loop update rate.
+ """
+ r = rospy.Rate(update_rate)
+ while not rospy.is_shutdown():
+ # do nothing else than accepting new paths
+ # if we do not have a current path
+ if len(self._path.poses) == 0:
+ # accept new paths
+ self._accept_path = True
+ r.sleep()
+ continue
+ # get current goal
+ goal_pose_ = self._path.poses[-1]
+ # try transform goal to base frame
+ try:
+ goal_pose = self._tfl.transformPose(self._base_frame, goal_pose_)
+ except (ExtrapolationException, LookupException):
+ rospy.logwarn('Could not get transform {} -> {}.'.format(goal_pose_.header.frame_id, self._base_frame))
+ r.sleep()
+ continue
+ # distance to goal pose
+ x = goal_pose.pose.position.x
+ y = goal_pose.pose.position.y
+ dist = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
+ angle = np.math.atan2(y, x)
+ # remove goal if we are close too
+ # TODO: turn towards last goals heading
+ if dist < self._min_goal_dist:
+ self._path.poses.pop()
+ # setup commanded velocities
+ cmd_vel = Twist()
+ cmd_vel.angular.z = angle
+ # limit turn rate (angular velocity)
+ if abs(angle) > self._max_ang_vel:
+ cmd_vel.angular.z = max(min(dist, self._max_ang_vel), self._min_ang_vel) * np.sign(cmd_vel.angular.z)
+ # only drive if we are almost facing the goal
+ if abs(angle) < self._min_drive_angle:
+ # limit speed to distance or max speed
+ cmd_vel.linear.x = max(min(dist, self._max_lin_vel), self._min_lin_vel)
+ # publish velocities
+ self._cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel)
+ # sleep
+ r.sleep()
+# initialize ROS node
+# initialize controller
+pfc = PathFollowController()
+# loop
diff --git a/src/graphics/experience_map_scene.h b/src/graphics/experience_map_scene.h
index afd2011..b62f274 100644
--- a/src/graphics/experience_map_scene.h
+++ b/src/graphics/experience_map_scene.h
@@ -35,20 +35,27 @@
#include "path_node.h"
namespace ratslam
class ExperienceMapScene
- ExperienceMapScene(ptree & settings, ExperienceMap *in_map) :
- exp_map_scene(NULL), exp_map_path(NULL), exp_map_goal_path(NULL), exp_map_exps(NULL), map(in_map)
+ ExperienceMapScene(ptree& settings, ExperienceMap* in_map)
+ : exp_map_scene(NULL)
+ , exp_map_path(NULL)
+ , exp_map_goal_path(NULL)
+ , exp_map_exps(NULL)
+ , max_x(DBL_MAX)
+ , min_x(-DBL_MAX)
+ , max_y(DBL_MAX)
+ , min_y(-DBL_MAX)
+ , map(in_map)
int width = 800;
int height = 800;
@@ -59,9 +66,9 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
driver = device->getVideoDriver();
scene = device->getSceneManager();
- irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode * camera = scene->addCameraSceneNode(
- NULL, irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * height), -10),
- irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * height), 0));
+ irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera =
+ scene->addCameraSceneNode(NULL, irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * height), -10),
+ irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * height), 0));
irr::core::matrix4 proj;
proj.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH((irr::f32)width, (irr::f32)height, (irr::f32)0.01, (irr::f32)100);
camera->setProjectionMatrix(proj, true);
@@ -81,12 +88,12 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
exp_map_goal_path->getMaterial(0).Thickness = 2.0f;
// todo: use relative path here and if can't find the image then draw a simple robot shape box
- get_setting_from_ptree(media_path, settings, "media_path", (std::string)"");
- get_setting_from_ptree(image_file, settings, "image_file", (std::string)"");
+ get_setting_from_ptree(media_path, settings, "media_path", (std::string) "");
+ get_setting_from_ptree(image_file, settings, "image_file", (std::string) "");
// add the irat texture
- irr::video::ITexture * irat_texture = exp_map_scene->getVideoDriver()->getTexture(
- (media_path + "/" + image_file).c_str());
+ irr::video::ITexture* irat_texture =
+ exp_map_scene->getVideoDriver()->getTexture((media_path + "/" + image_file).c_str());
if (irat_texture == 0)
std::cout << "WARNING: Unable to load texture: " << (media_path + "/" + image_file) << std::endl;
@@ -95,29 +102,27 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
// add a cube node and texture it with the irat
if (irat_texture)
- irat_node = exp_map_scene->addMeshSceneNode(
- exp_map_scene->getGeometryCreator()->createCubeMesh(
- irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(irat_texture->getSize().Width / 8.0),
- (irr::f32)(irat_texture->getSize().Height / 8.0), (irr::f32)0.1)),
- NULL);
+ irat_node =
+ exp_map_scene->addMeshSceneNode(exp_map_scene->getGeometryCreator()->createCubeMesh(irr::core::vector3df(
+ (irr::f32)(irat_texture->getSize().Width / 8.0),
+ (irr::f32)(irat_texture->getSize().Height / 8.0), (irr::f32)0.1)),
+ NULL);
- irat_node = exp_map_scene->addMeshSceneNode(
- exp_map_scene->getGeometryCreator()->createCubeMesh(
- irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(535.0 / 8.0),
- (irr::f32)(289.0 / 8.0), (irr::f32)0.1)),
- NULL);
+ irat_node =
+ exp_map_scene->addMeshSceneNode(exp_map_scene->getGeometryCreator()->createCubeMesh(irr::core::vector3df(
+ (irr::f32)(535.0 / 8.0), (irr::f32)(289.0 / 8.0), (irr::f32)0.1)),
+ NULL);
irat_node->getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- if (irat_texture)
- {
- irat_node->getMaterial(0).setTexture(0, irat_texture);
- }
+ if (irat_texture)
+ {
+ irat_node->getMaterial(0).setTexture(0, irat_texture);
+ }
irat_node->getMaterial(0).MaterialType = irr::video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ALPHA_CHANNEL_REF;
update_viewport(0, 0, width, height);
@@ -130,7 +135,7 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
void update_experiences()
- double x, y; //, facing;
+ double x, y; //, facing;
unsigned int i;
min_x = DBL_MAX;
@@ -162,7 +167,6 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
max_y = y;
// account for the size of the robot
@@ -170,7 +174,6 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
min_y = min_y - 0.1;
max_x = max_x + 0.1;
max_y = max_y + 0.1;
void update_links()
@@ -194,11 +197,11 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
y2d1 = (int)(((map->experiences[exp1_id].y_m - min_y) / (max_y - min_y) * viewport_height));
x2d2 = (int)(((map->experiences[exp2_id].x_m - min_x) / (max_x - min_x) * viewport_width));
y2d2 = (int)(((map->experiences[exp2_id].y_m - min_y) / (max_y - min_y) * viewport_height));
- exp_map_goal_path->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)x2d1, (irr::f32)y2d1, (irr::f32)-1.0));
- exp_map_goal_path->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)x2d2, (irr::f32)y2d2, (irr::f32)-1.0));
+ exp_map_goal_path->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)x2d1, (irr::f32)y2d1, (irr::f32) - 1.0));
+ exp_map_goal_path->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)x2d2, (irr::f32)y2d2, (irr::f32) - 1.0));
- void update_goal_list(const std::deque &goals)
+ void update_goal_list(const std::deque& goals)
unsigned int i;
@@ -213,10 +216,7 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
wchar_t buffer[200];
swprintf(buffer, 200, L"%i", i);
numberNodes[i] = exp_map_scene->addBillboardTextSceneNode(
- exp_map_scene->getGUIEnvironment()->getBuiltInFont(),
- buffer,
- irr::core::dimension2d(50, 50),
+ exp_map_scene->getGUIEnvironment()->getBuiltInFont(), buffer, NULL, irr::core::dimension2d(50, 50),
irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)((map->experiences[goals[i]].x_m - min_x) / (max_x - min_x) * viewport_width),
(irr::f32)((map->experiences[goals[i]].y_m - min_y) / (max_y - min_y) * viewport_height),
@@ -228,10 +228,7 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
wchar_t buffer[200];
swprintf(buffer, 200, L"x");
numberNodes[i] = exp_map_scene->addBillboardTextSceneNode(
- exp_map_scene->getGUIEnvironment()->getBuiltInFont(),
- buffer,
- irr::core::dimension2d(50, 50),
+ exp_map_scene->getGUIEnvironment()->getBuiltInFont(), buffer, NULL, irr::core::dimension2d(50, 50),
(irr::f32)((map->experiences[map->waypoint_exp_id].x_m - min_x) / (max_x - min_x) * viewport_width),
(irr::f32)((map->experiences[map->waypoint_exp_id].y_m - min_y) / (max_y - min_y) * viewport_height),
@@ -258,7 +255,7 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
map->experiences[exp].th_rad += 2 * M_PI;
- double agent_rad = map->experiences[exp].th_rad + map->relative_rad;
+ double agent_rad = map->experiences[exp].th_rad + map->relative_rad;
double facing_ratio = tan(agent_rad);
if (agent_rad > 0 && agent_rad < M_PI_2)
@@ -291,8 +288,9 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
viewport_height = height;
// setup an orthogonal matrix
- irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode * exp_map_camera = exp_map_scene->addCameraSceneNode(
- NULL, irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * viewport_width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * viewport_height), (irr::f32)-40),
+ irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode* exp_map_camera = exp_map_scene->addCameraSceneNode(
+ irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * viewport_width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * viewport_height), (irr::f32) - 40),
irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(0.5 * viewport_width), (irr::f32)(0.5 * viewport_height), (irr::f32)0));
irr::core::matrix4 proj;
proj.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH((irr::f32)(1.0 * viewport_width), (irr::f32)(1.0 * viewport_height),
@@ -302,9 +300,9 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
void set_viewport()
- exp_map_scene->getVideoDriver()->setViewPort(
- irr::core::rect((irr::s32)viewport_x, (irr::s32)viewport_y, (irr::s32)(viewport_x + viewport_width),
- (irr::s32)(viewport_y + viewport_height)));
+ exp_map_scene->getVideoDriver()->setViewPort(irr::core::rect((irr::s32)viewport_x, (irr::s32)viewport_y,
+ (irr::s32)(viewport_x + viewport_width),
+ (irr::s32)(viewport_y + viewport_height)));
void update_scene()
@@ -329,7 +327,6 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
void draw_all()
@@ -340,29 +337,29 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
- void screen_to_world(int x, int y, double & x_m, double & y_m)
+ void screen_to_world(int x, int y, double& x_m, double& y_m)
x_m = (double)(x - viewport_x) / viewport_width * (max_x - min_x) + min_x;
y_m = (double)max_y - (y - viewport_y) / viewport_height * (max_y - min_y);
- void update_ptr(ExperienceMap *in_map)
+ void update_ptr(ExperienceMap* in_map)
map = in_map;
- irr::scene::ISceneManager * exp_map_scene;
- PathNode * exp_map_path;
- PathNode * exp_map_exps;
- PathNode * exp_map_goal_path;
- irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode * irat_node;
+ irr::scene::ISceneManager* exp_map_scene;
+ PathNode* exp_map_path;
+ PathNode* exp_map_exps;
+ PathNode* exp_map_goal_path;
+ irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode* irat_node;
std::string media_path;
std::string image_file;
- irr::IrrlichtDevice *device;
- irr::video::IVideoDriver * driver;
- irr::scene::ISceneManager * scene;
+ irr::IrrlichtDevice* device;
+ irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver;
+ irr::scene::ISceneManager* scene;
double min_x;
double max_x;
@@ -373,12 +370,9 @@ class ExperienceMapScene
std::vector numberNodes;
- ratslam::ExperienceMap *map;
+ ratslam::ExperienceMap* map;
// namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/graphics/local_view_scene.h b/src/graphics/local_view_scene.h
index 8762ae7..a966c92 100644
--- a/src/graphics/local_view_scene.h
+++ b/src/graphics/local_view_scene.h
@@ -37,72 +37,66 @@
namespace ratslam
class LocalViewScene
- LocalViewScene(ptree & settings, LocalViewMatch *in_vt)
+ LocalViewScene(ptree& settings, LocalViewMatch* in_vt)
get_setting_from_ptree(vt_window_width, settings, "vt_window_width", 640);
get_setting_from_ptree(vt_window_height, settings, "vt_window_height", 480);
// the camera image is in the top half and the two template windows in the bottom half
- // vt_window_height = vtm->IMAGE_HEIGHT * ((double)vt_window_width/vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH) * 2;
+ // vt_window_height = vtm->IMAGE_HEIGHT * ((double)vt_window_width/vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH) * 2;
- device = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, irr::core::dimension2d(vt_window_width, vt_window_height), 32, false,
- false, false);
+ device =
+ irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, irr::core::dimension2d(vt_window_width, vt_window_height),
+ 32, false, false, false);
device->setWindowCaption(L"openRatSLAM Local View");
driver = device->getVideoDriver();
scene = device->getSceneManager();
view_template_scene = scene->createNewSceneManager(false);
void draw_all()
- device->run(); // TODO return the bool for quiting
+ device->run(); // TODO return the bool for quiting
driver->beginScene(true, true, irr::video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0));
// TODO not always true for greyscale
- draw_image(vtm->view_rgb, vtm->greyscale, -1.0f, 1.0f, vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH, vtm->IMAGE_HEIGHT, (double)vt_window_width/vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH, -(double)vt_window_width/vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH);
+ draw_image(vtm->view_rgb, vtm->greyscale, -1.0f, 1.0f, vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH, vtm->IMAGE_HEIGHT,
+ (double)vt_window_width / vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH, -(double)vt_window_width / vtm->IMAGE_WIDTH);
- draw_image((const double*)&vtm->templates[vtm->current_vt].data[0], true, -1, 0.0,
- (double)vt_window_width/vtm->TEMPLATE_X_SIZE,
- -(double)vt_window_height/vtm->TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE/4);
+ draw_image((const double*)&vtm->templates[vtm->current_vt].data[0], true, -1, 0.0, vtm->TEMPLATE_X_SIZE,
+ vtm->TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE, (double)vt_window_width / vtm->TEMPLATE_X_SIZE,
+ -(double)vt_window_height / vtm->TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE / 4);
- draw_image((const double*)&vtm->current_view[0],true, -1.0, -0.5,
- (double)vt_window_width/vtm->TEMPLATE_X_SIZE,
- -(double)vt_window_height/vtm->TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE/4);
+ draw_image((const double*)&vtm->current_view[0], true, -1.0, -0.5, vtm->TEMPLATE_X_SIZE, vtm->TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE,
+ (double)vt_window_width / vtm->TEMPLATE_X_SIZE, -(double)vt_window_height / vtm->TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE / 4);
- void update_ptr(LocalViewMatch *vt_in)
+ void update_ptr(LocalViewMatch* vt_in)
vtm = vt_in;
+ void draw_image(const double* image, bool greyscale, float x, float y, int width, int height, double scale_x,
+ double scale_y)
+ {
+ unsigned char* texture_ptr_start = (unsigned char*)malloc(width * height * (greyscale ? 1 : 3));
- void draw_image(const double * image, bool greyscale, float x, float y, int width, int height, double scale_x, double scale_y)
- {
- unsigned char* texture_ptr_start = (unsigned char *) malloc(width*height * (greyscale ? 1 : 3));
- const double * image_ptr = image;
- const double * image_end = image_ptr + width * height * (greyscale ? 1 : 3);
- unsigned char *texture_ptr = texture_ptr_start;
+ const double* image_ptr = image;
+ const double* image_end = image_ptr + width * height * (greyscale ? 1 : 3);
+ unsigned char* texture_ptr = texture_ptr_start;
for (; image_ptr < image_end;)
*(texture_ptr++) = (unsigned char)(*(image_ptr++) * 255.0);
@@ -110,28 +104,28 @@ class LocalViewScene
draw_image(texture_ptr_start, greyscale, x, y, width, height, scale_x, scale_y);
- }
- void draw_image(const unsigned char * image, bool greyscale, float x, float y, int width, int height, double scale_x, double scale_y)
- {
- glRasterPos2f(x,y);
- glPixelZoom(scale_x, scale_y);
- if (greyscale)
- glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
- else
- glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
- }
+ }
+ void draw_image(const unsigned char* image, bool greyscale, float x, float y, int width, int height, double scale_x,
+ double scale_y)
+ {
+ glRasterPos2f(x, y);
+ glPixelZoom(scale_x, scale_y);
+ if (greyscale)
+ glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_LUMINANCE, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
+ else
+ glDrawPixels(width, height, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image);
+ }
- irr::IrrlichtDevice *device;
- irr::video::IVideoDriver * driver;
- irr::scene::ISceneManager * scene;
- LocalViewMatch *vtm;
- irr::scene::ISceneManager * view_template_scene;
+ irr::IrrlichtDevice* device;
+ irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver;
+ irr::scene::ISceneManager* scene;
+ LocalViewMatch* vtm;
+ irr::scene::ISceneManager* view_template_scene;
int vt_window_width, vt_window_height;
-}; // namespace ratslam
+}; // namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/graphics/path_node.h b/src/graphics/path_node.h
index 4997f4b..1e40807 100644
--- a/src/graphics/path_node.h
+++ b/src/graphics/path_node.h
@@ -34,145 +34,135 @@
class PathNode : public irr::scene::ISceneNode
- PathNode(irr::scene::ISceneNode * parent)
- : irr::scene::ISceneNode(parent, parent->getSceneManager())
- {
- }
- ~PathNode()
- {
- }
- virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode()
- {
- // if the node is visible then register it for
- // rendering
- if (IsVisible)
- {
- SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this);
- }
- // register children
- ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode();
- }
- virtual void render()
- {
- // get the device
- irr::video::IVideoDriver * driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
- driver->setMaterial(mat);
- driver->setTransform(irr::video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
- //std::vector::iterator it1 = vertices.begin();
- //std::vector::iterator it2;
- if (vertices.size() == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- irr::u32 primitive_count;
- switch(primitive_type)
- {
- case irr::scene::EPT_LINES:
- primitive_count = indices.size() / 2;
- break;
- case irr::scene::EPT_POINTS:
- primitive_count = indices.size();
- break;
- case irr::scene::EPT_LINE_STRIP:
- primitive_count = indices.size() - 1;
- break;
- default:
- primitive_count = indices.size() / 3;
- break;
- }
- driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList((void*)&vertices[0], vertices.size(),
- &indices[0], primitive_count, irr::video::EVT_STANDARD, this->primitive_type,
- irr::video::EIT_32BIT);
- /*switch (primitive_type)
- {
- case irr::scene::EPT_LINES:
- for (it2 = it1 + 1; it2 != points.end(); it1++, it2++)
- {
- if ((*it1).X == FLT_MAX || (*it2).X == FLT_MAX)
- {
- continue;
- }
- driver->draw3DLine(*it1, *it2, irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 0, 0));
- }
- break;
- default:
- }*/
- }
- virtual const irr::core::aabbox3d& getBoundingBox() const
- {
- // not actually using this, but return the box
- // anyway
- return box;
- }
- virtual irr::u32 getMaterialCount()
- {
- // return the material count
- return 1;
- }
- virtual irr::video::SMaterial& getMaterial(irr::u32 i)
- {
- // return the material
- return mat;
- }
- void addPoint(const irr::core::vector3df & point)
- {
- // points.push_back(point);
- irr::video::S3DVertex vertex;
- vertex.Pos = point;
- indices.push_back(vertices.size());
- vertices.push_back(vertex);
- }
- void clearPoints()
- {
- indices.clear();
- vertices.clear();
- }
- /*void addGap()
- {
- irr::core::vector3df gap;
- gap.X = FLT_MAX;
- points.push_back(gap);
- }*/
- void setPrimitiveType(irr::scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE primitive_type)
- {
- this->primitive_type = primitive_type;
- }
+ PathNode(irr::scene::ISceneNode *parent) : irr::scene::ISceneNode(parent, parent->getSceneManager())
+ {
+ }
+ ~PathNode()
+ {
+ }
+ virtual void OnRegisterSceneNode()
+ {
+ // if the node is visible then register it for
+ // rendering
+ if (IsVisible)
+ {
+ SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this);
+ }
+ // register children
+ ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode();
+ }
+ virtual void render()
+ {
+ // get the device
+ irr::video::IVideoDriver *driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
+ driver->setMaterial(mat);
+ driver->setTransform(irr::video::ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
+ // std::vector::iterator it1 = vertices.begin();
+ // std::vector::iterator it2;
+ if (vertices.size() == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ irr::u32 primitive_count;
+ switch (primitive_type)
+ {
+ case irr::scene::EPT_LINES:
+ primitive_count = indices.size() / 2;
+ break;
+ case irr::scene::EPT_POINTS:
+ primitive_count = indices.size();
+ break;
+ case irr::scene::EPT_LINE_STRIP:
+ primitive_count = indices.size() - 1;
+ break;
+ default:
+ primitive_count = indices.size() / 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ driver->drawVertexPrimitiveList((void *)&vertices[0], vertices.size(), &indices[0], primitive_count,
+ irr::video::EVT_STANDARD, this->primitive_type, irr::video::EIT_32BIT);
+ /*switch (primitive_type)
+ {
+ case irr::scene::EPT_LINES:
+ for (it2 = it1 + 1; it2 != points.end(); it1++, it2++)
+ {
+ if ((*it1).X == FLT_MAX || (*it2).X == FLT_MAX)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ driver->draw3DLine(*it1, *it2, irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 0, 0));
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ }*/
+ }
+ virtual const irr::core::aabbox3d &getBoundingBox() const
+ {
+ // not actually using this, but return the box
+ // anyway
+ return box;
+ }
+ virtual irr::u32 getMaterialCount()
+ {
+ // return the material count
+ return 1;
+ }
+ virtual irr::video::SMaterial &getMaterial(irr::u32 i)
+ {
+ // return the material
+ return mat;
+ }
+ void addPoint(const irr::core::vector3df &point)
+ {
+ // points.push_back(point);
+ irr::video::S3DVertex vertex;
+ vertex.Pos = point;
+ indices.push_back(vertices.size());
+ vertices.push_back(vertex);
+ }
+ void clearPoints()
+ {
+ indices.clear();
+ vertices.clear();
+ }
+ /*void addGap()
+ {
+ irr::core::vector3df gap;
+ gap.X = FLT_MAX;
+ points.push_back(gap);
+ }*/
+ void setPrimitiveType(irr::scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE primitive_type)
+ {
+ this->primitive_type = primitive_type;
+ }
- // scene node variables
- irr::core::aabbox3d box;
- irr::video::SMaterial mat;
- // std::vector points;
- std::vector vertices;
- std::vector indices;
- irr::scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE primitive_type;
+ // scene node variables
+ irr::core::aabbox3d box;
+ irr::video::SMaterial mat;
+ // std::vector points;
+ std::vector vertices;
+ std::vector indices;
+ irr::scene::E_PRIMITIVE_TYPE primitive_type;
#endif /* PATHGRAPHNODE_H_ */
diff --git a/src/graphics/posecell_scene.h b/src/graphics/posecell_scene.h
index 631fa76..2699c69 100644
--- a/src/graphics/posecell_scene.h
+++ b/src/graphics/posecell_scene.h
@@ -36,39 +36,41 @@
namespace ratslam
class PosecellScene
- PosecellScene(ptree & settings, PosecellNetwork *in_pc) :
- pose_cells_scene(NULL), particles(NULL), position_line(NULL), pose_cell_history(NULL), posecells(in_pc)
+ PosecellScene(ptree& settings, PosecellNetwork* in_pc)
+ : pose_cells_scene(NULL), particles(NULL), position_line(NULL), pose_cell_history(NULL), posecells(in_pc)
- window_width = 400;
- window_height = 400;
+ window_width = 400;
+ window_height = 400;
- device = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, irr::core::dimension2d(window_width, window_height), 32, false, false, false);
+ device = irr::createDevice(irr::video::EDT_OPENGL, irr::core::dimension2d(window_width, window_height),
+ 32, false, false, false);
device->setWindowCaption(L"openRatSLAM Pose Cell Network");
driver = device->getVideoDriver();
scene = device->getSceneManager();
- get_setting_from_ptree(media_path, settings, "media_path", (std::string)"");
+ get_setting_from_ptree(media_path, settings, "media_path", (std::string) "");
pose_cells_scene = scene->createNewSceneManager(false);
- particles = new irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode*[NUM_PARTICLES];
+ particles = new irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode* [NUM_PARTICLES];
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_PARTICLES; i++)
- particles[i] = pose_cells_scene->addBillboardSceneNode(pose_cells_scene->getRootSceneNode(), irr::core::dimension2d(2, 2));
+ particles[i] = pose_cells_scene->addBillboardSceneNode(pose_cells_scene->getRootSceneNode(),
+ irr::core::dimension2d(2, 2));
particles[i]->setMaterialFlag(irr::video::EMF_LIGHTING, false);
particles[i]->getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
- particles[i]->setMaterialTexture(0, pose_cells_scene->getVideoDriver()->getTexture((media_path + "/particle.bmp").c_str()));
+ particles[i]->setMaterialTexture(
+ 0, pose_cells_scene->getVideoDriver()->getTexture((media_path + "/particle.bmp").c_str()));
- position_line = pose_cells_scene->addMeshSceneNode(pose_cells_scene->getGeometryCreator()->createCylinderMesh(0.5, 1.0, 5, irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)),
- pose_cells_scene->getRootSceneNode());
+ position_line = pose_cells_scene->addMeshSceneNode(
+ pose_cells_scene->getGeometryCreator()->createCylinderMesh(0.5, 1.0, 5, irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 0, 0)),
+ pose_cells_scene->getRootSceneNode());
position_line->getMaterial(0).Lighting = false;
position_line->getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 0, 0);
@@ -76,54 +78,77 @@ class PosecellScene
pose_cell_history->getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr::video::SColor(255, 0, 255, 0);
- PathNode * pose_cell_boundary = new PathNode(pose_cells_scene->getRootSceneNode());
+ PathNode* pose_cell_boundary = new PathNode(pose_cells_scene->getRootSceneNode());
pose_cell_boundary->getMaterial(0).EmissiveColor = irr::video::SColor(255, 255, 255, 255);
pose_cell_boundary->getMaterial(0).Thickness = 2.0f;
// bottom
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
// top
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
// sides
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
- irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode * pose_cell_camera = pose_cells_scene->addCameraSceneNode(NULL, irr::core::vector3df(10, 40, -40), irr::core::vector3df(0, 0, 0));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(-posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ pose_cell_boundary->addPoint(
+ irr::core::vector3df(posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f, posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2.0f, -posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2.0f));
+ irr::scene::ICameraSceneNode* pose_cell_camera =
+ pose_cells_scene->addCameraSceneNode(NULL, irr::core::vector3df(10, 40, -40), irr::core::vector3df(0, 0, 0));
irr::core::matrix4 proj;
- proj.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH((irr::f32)posecells->PC_DIM_XY * 2 + 1, (irr::f32)50, (irr::f32)0.01, (irr::f32)100);
+ proj.buildProjectionMatrixOrthoLH((irr::f32)posecells->PC_DIM_XY * 2 + 1, (irr::f32)50, (irr::f32)0.01,
+ (irr::f32)100);
pose_cell_camera->setProjectionMatrix(proj, true);
- void update_pose_cells(double * pose_cells, int PC_DIM_XY, int PC_DIM_TH)
+ void update_pose_cells(double* pose_cells, int PC_DIM_XY, int PC_DIM_TH)
irr::core::matrix4 mat;
irr::core::vector3df trans;
@@ -140,8 +165,9 @@ class PosecellScene
if (next_particle < NUM_PARTICLES)
- particles[next_particle]->setPosition(
- irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(i - posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2), (irr::f32)(k - posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2), (irr::f32)(j - posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2)));
+ particles[next_particle]->setPosition(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(i - posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2),
+ (irr::f32)(k - posecells->PC_DIM_TH / 2),
+ (irr::f32)(j - posecells->PC_DIM_XY / 2)));
@@ -159,18 +185,23 @@ class PosecellScene
void update_position(double x, double y, double th, int PC_DIM_XY, int PC_DIM_TH)
- position_line->setPosition(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(x - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2), (irr::f32)(th - (double)PC_DIM_TH / 2), (irr::f32)(y - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2)));
+ position_line->setPosition(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(x - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2),
+ (irr::f32)(th - (double)PC_DIM_TH / 2),
+ (irr::f32)(y - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2)));
- position_line->setScale(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)0.5, (irr::f32)-th, (irr::f32)0.5));
+ position_line->setScale(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)0.5, (irr::f32) - th, (irr::f32)0.5));
// TODO free points after eg 1000 points
- pose_cell_history->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(x - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2), (irr::f32)(-(double)PC_DIM_TH / 2), (irr::f32)(y - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2)));
+ pose_cell_history->addPoint(irr::core::vector3df((irr::f32)(x - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2),
+ (irr::f32)(-(double)PC_DIM_TH / 2),
+ (irr::f32)(y - (double)PC_DIM_XY / 2)));
void update_scene()
update_pose_cells(posecells->posecells_memory, posecells->PC_DIM_XY, posecells->PC_DIM_TH);
- update_position(posecells->best_x, posecells->best_y, posecells->best_th, posecells->PC_DIM_XY, posecells->PC_DIM_TH);
+ update_position(posecells->best_x, posecells->best_y, posecells->best_th, posecells->PC_DIM_XY,
+ posecells->PC_DIM_TH);
void clear_history()
@@ -180,13 +211,13 @@ class PosecellScene
void draw_all()
- device->run(); // TODO return the bool for quiting
+ device->run(); // TODO return the bool for quiting
driver->beginScene(true, true, irr::video::SColor(255, 0, 0, 0));
- void update_ptr(PosecellNetwork *pc_in)
+ void update_ptr(PosecellNetwork* pc_in)
posecells = pc_in;
@@ -194,24 +225,21 @@ class PosecellScene
static const int NUM_PARTICLES = 500;
- irr::scene::ISceneManager * pose_cells_scene;
- irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode ** particles;
- irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode * position_line;
- PathNode * pose_cell_history;
- PosecellNetwork *posecells;
+ irr::scene::ISceneManager* pose_cells_scene;
+ irr::scene::IBillboardSceneNode** particles;
+ irr::scene::IMeshSceneNode* position_line;
+ PathNode* pose_cell_history;
+ PosecellNetwork* posecells;
- irr::IrrlichtDevice *device;
- irr::video::IVideoDriver * driver;
- irr::scene::ISceneManager * scene;
+ irr::IrrlichtDevice* device;
+ irr::video::IVideoDriver* driver;
+ irr::scene::ISceneManager* scene;
std::string media_path;
unsigned int window_width, window_height;
// namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/main_em.cpp b/src/main_em.cpp
index f221261..9e51bda 100644
--- a/src/main_em.cpp
+++ b/src/main_em.cpp
@@ -29,8 +29,12 @@
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "ratslam/experience_map.h"
@@ -43,25 +47,53 @@
+// pubs
ros::Publisher pub_em;
ros::Publisher pub_pose;
ros::Publisher pub_em_markers;
ros::Publisher pub_goal_path;
+// tf
+tf::TransformListener* tf_listener;
+tf::TransformBroadcaster* tf_broadcaster;
+tf::Transform map_to_odom;
+// odom
+double odom_pose[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
+double mpose[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose_output;
ratslam_ros::TopologicalMap em_map;
visualization_msgs::Marker em_marker;
+ratslam::ExperienceMap* em;
#include "graphics/experience_map_scene.h"
-ratslam::ExperienceMapScene *ems;
+ratslam::ExperienceMapScene* ems;
bool use_graphics;
using namespace ratslam;
-void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::ExperienceMap *em)
+std::string map_frame = std::string("map");
+std::string odom_frame = std::string("odom");
+std::string base_frame = std::string("base_link");
+double tf_update_rate = 20.0;
+double map_save_period = 10.0;
+std::string map_file_path = std::string("ratslam-latest.bmap");
+ * \brief The Odometry callback function.
+ *
+ * \param odo The incoming odometry message.
+ * \param em Pointer to current experience map.
+ */
+void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo)
- ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("EM:odo_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << odo->header.seq << " v=" << odo->twist.twist.linear.x << " r=" << odo->twist.twist.angular.z);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("EM:odo_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << odo->header.seq
+ << " v=" << odo->twist.twist.linear.x << " r=" << odo->twist.twist.angular.z);
static ros::Time prev_time(0);
@@ -76,7 +108,7 @@ void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::ExperienceMap *em)
if (em->get_current_goal_id() >= 0)
// (prev_goal_update.toSec() == 0 || (odo->header.stamp - prev_goal_update).toSec() > 5)
- //em->calculate_path_to_goal(odo->header.stamp.toSec());
+ // em->calculate_path_to_goal(odo->header.stamp.toSec());
prev_goal_update = odo->header.stamp;
@@ -89,10 +121,10 @@ void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::ExperienceMap *em)
static geometry_msgs::PoseStamped pose;
path.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- path.header.frame_id = "1";
+ path.header.frame_id = map_frame;
pose.header.seq = 0;
- pose.header.frame_id = "1";
+ pose.header.frame_id = map_frame;
unsigned int trace_exp_id = em->get_goals()[0];
while (trace_exp_id != em->get_goal_path_final_exp())
@@ -108,12 +140,11 @@ void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::ExperienceMap *em)
path.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- path.header.frame_id = "1";
+ path.header.frame_id = map_frame;
@@ -124,9 +155,10 @@ void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::ExperienceMap *em)
prev_time = odo->header.stamp;
-void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action, ratslam::ExperienceMap *em)
+void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action)
- ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("EM:action_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} action=" << action->action << " src=" << action->src_id << " dst=" << action->dest_id);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("EM:action_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} action=" << action->action
+ << " src=" << action->src_id << " dst=" << action->dest_id);
switch (action->action)
@@ -144,13 +176,16 @@ void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action, ratslam::Exp
em->on_set_experience(action->dest_id, action->relative_rad);
+ default:
+ ROS_WARN("Received invalid action!");
+ break;
pose_output.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- pose_output.header.frame_id = "1";
+ pose_output.header.frame_id = map_frame;
pose_output.pose.position.x = em->get_experience(em->get_current_id())->x_m;
pose_output.pose.position.y = em->get_experience(em->get_current_id())->y_m;
pose_output.pose.position.z = 0;
@@ -160,6 +195,10 @@ void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action, ratslam::Exp
pose_output.pose.orientation.w = cos(em->get_experience(em->get_current_id())->th_rad / 2.0);
+ mpose[0] = em->get_experience(em->get_current_id())->x_m;
+ mpose[1] = em->get_experience(em->get_current_id())->y_m;
+ mpose[2] = em->get_experience(em->get_current_id())->th_rad;
static ros::Time prev_pub_time(0);
if (action->header.stamp - prev_pub_time > ros::Duration(30.0))
@@ -200,13 +239,13 @@ void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action, ratslam::Exp
em_marker.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
- em_marker.header.frame_id = "1";
+ em_marker.header.frame_id = map_frame;
em_marker.type = visualization_msgs::Marker::LINE_LIST;
em_marker.points.resize(em->get_num_links() * 2);
em_marker.action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
em_marker.scale.x = 0.01;
- //em_marker.scale.y = 1;
- //em_marker.scale.z = 1;
+ // em_marker.scale.y = 1;
+ // em_marker.scale.z = 1;
em_marker.color.a = 1;
em_marker.ns = "em";
em_marker.id = 0;
@@ -215,7 +254,6 @@ void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action, ratslam::Exp
em_marker.pose.orientation.z = 0;
em_marker.pose.orientation.w = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < em->get_num_links(); i++)
em_marker.points[i * 2].x = em->get_experience(em->get_link(i)->exp_from_id)->x_m;
em_marker.points[i * 2].y = em->get_experience(em->get_link(i)->exp_from_id)->y_m;
@@ -236,53 +274,143 @@ void action_callback(ratslam_ros::TopologicalActionConstPtr action, ratslam::Exp
-void set_goal_pose_callback(geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr pose, ratslam::ExperienceMap * em)
+void set_goal_pose_callback(geometry_msgs::PoseStampedConstPtr pose)
em->add_goal(pose->pose.position.x, pose->pose.position.y);
+void tf_update_timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
+ tf::StampedTransform odom_to_base_;
+ try
+ {
+ tf_listener->lookupTransform(odom_frame, base_frame, ros::Time(0), odom_to_base_);
+ }
+ catch (tf::TransformException& e)
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("Failed to compute odom pose. Exception: %s", e.what());
+ return;
+ }
+ tf::Transform odom_to_base = odom_to_base_;
+ tf::Transform base_to_map =
+ tf::Transform(tf::createQuaternionFromRPY(0, 0, mpose[2]), tf::Vector3(mpose[0], mpose[1], 0.0)).inverse();
+ map_to_odom = (odom_to_base * base_to_map).inverse();
+ ros::Time tf_expiration = ros::Time::now() + ros::Duration(0.5);
+ tf_broadcaster->sendTransform(tf::StampedTransform(map_to_odom, tf_expiration, map_frame, odom_frame));
-int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+void save_map_timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
- ROS_INFO_STREAM(argv[0] << " - openRatSLAM Copyright (C) 2012 David Ball and Scott Heath");
- ROS_INFO_STREAM("RatSLAM algorithm by Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth");
- ROS_INFO_STREAM("Distributed under the GNU GPL v3, see the included license file.");
+ // create and open a character archive for output
+ std::ofstream ofs(map_file_path.c_str());
+ // save map to archive file
+ {
+ boost::archive::binary_oarchive binary_archive(ofs);
+ // write class instance to archive
+ binary_archive << *em;
+ // archive and stream closed when destructors are called
+ }
+bool load_map(const std::string& file_path)
+ try
+ {
+ // create and open an archive for input
+ std::ifstream ifs(file_path.c_str());
+ boost::archive::binary_iarchive binary_archive(ifs);
+ // read class state from archive
+ binary_archive >> *em;
+ // archive and stream closed when destructors are called
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
+ // print info without ROS because it is not initialized yet
+ std::cout << argv[0] << " - openRatSLAM Copyright (C) 2012 David Ball and Scott Heath";
+ std::cout << "RatSLAM algorithm by Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth";
+ std::cout << "Distributed under the GNU GPL v3, see the included license file.";
if (argc < 2)
- ROS_FATAL_STREAM("USAGE: " << argv[0] << " ");
+ std::cout << "USAGE: " << argv[0] << " ";
+ // initialize ROS node
+ ros::init(argc, argv, "RatSLAMExperienceMap");
std::string topic_root = "";
boost::property_tree::ptree settings, general_settings, ratslam_settings;
read_ini(argv[1], settings);
get_setting_child(ratslam_settings, settings, "ratslam", true);
get_setting_child(general_settings, settings, "general", true);
- get_setting_from_ptree(topic_root, general_settings, "topic_root", (std::string)"");
+ // backward compatibility, namespace or private nodehandle should do it more ROS like
+ get_setting_from_ptree(topic_root, general_settings, "topic_root", (std::string) "");
- if (!ros::isInitialized())
+ ros::NodeHandle node;
+ ros::NodeHandle priv_node("~");
+ // setup tf
+ tf::TransformListener tf_listener_;
+ tf::TransformBroadcaster tf_broadcaster_;
+ tf_listener = &tf_listener_;
+ tf_broadcaster = &tf_broadcaster_;
+ // params
+ priv_node.param("map_frame", map_frame, map_frame);
+ priv_node.param("odom_frame", odom_frame, odom_frame);
+ priv_node.param("base_frame", base_frame, base_frame);
+ priv_node.param("tf_update_rate", tf_update_rate, tf_update_rate);
+ priv_node.param("map_save_period", map_save_period, map_save_period);
+ priv_node.param("map_file_path", map_file_path, map_file_path);
+ // check backward compatibility with configs that have topic_root set
+ std::string odom_topic = "odom";
+ if (!topic_root.empty())
- ros::init(argc, argv, "RatSLAMExperienceMap");
+ odom_topic = topic_root + "/odom";
- ros::NodeHandle node;
- ratslam::ExperienceMap * em = new ratslam::ExperienceMap(ratslam_settings);
+ // create the experience map object
+ em = new ratslam::ExperienceMap(ratslam_settings);
+ // try to load map
+ if (!load_map(map_file_path))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("Could not load map from file \"%s\"", map_file_path.c_str());
+ }
+ // pubs
pub_em = node.advertise(topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/Map", 1);
pub_em_markers = node.advertise(topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/MapMarker", 1);
pub_pose = node.advertise(topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/RobotPose", 1);
pub_goal_path = node.advertise(topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/PathToGoal", 1);
- ros::Subscriber sub_odometry = node.subscribe(topic_root + "/odom", 0, boost::bind(odo_callback, _1, em), ros::VoidConstPtr(),
+ // subs
+ ros::Subscriber sub_odometry = node.subscribe(odom_topic, 0, odo_callback, ros::VoidConstPtr(),
- ros::Subscriber sub_action = node.subscribe(topic_root + "/PoseCell/TopologicalAction", 0, boost::bind(action_callback, _1, em),
- ros::VoidConstPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
+ ros::Subscriber sub_action =
+ node.subscribe(topic_root + "/PoseCell/TopologicalAction", 0, action_callback,
+ ros::VoidConstPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
+ ros::Subscriber sub_goal =
+ node.subscribe(topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/SetGoalPose", 0, set_goal_pose_callback,
+ ros::VoidConstPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
- ros::Subscriber sub_goal = node.subscribe(topic_root + "/ExperienceMap/SetGoalPose", 0, boost::bind(set_goal_pose_callback, _1, em),
- ros::VoidConstPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
+ // timers
+ ros::Timer tf_update_timer = priv_node.createTimer(ros::Duration(1.0 / tf_update_rate), tf_update_timer_callback);
+ ros::Timer save_map_timer = priv_node.createTimer(ros::Duration(map_save_period), save_map_timer_callback);
boost::property_tree::ptree draw_settings;
@@ -298,4 +426,3 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
return 0;
diff --git a/src/main_lv.cpp b/src/main_lv.cpp
index a9b63d9..ba58ebe 100644
--- a/src/main_lv.cpp
+++ b/src/main_lv.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,10 @@
using namespace std;
@@ -47,29 +51,34 @@ using namespace std;
#include "ratslam/local_view_match.h"
#include "graphics/local_view_scene.h"
-ratslam::LocalViewScene *lvs = NULL;
+ratslam::LocalViewScene* lvs = NULL;
bool use_graphics;
+ros::Publisher pub_vt;
using namespace ratslam;
-ratslam::LocalViewMatch * lv = NULL;
+ratslam::LocalViewMatch* lv = NULL;
+std::string lvm_file_path = std::string("ratslam-latest.blvm");
+double lvm_save_period = 10.0;
-void image_callback(sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr image, ros::Publisher * pub_vt)
+void image_callback(sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr image)
ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("LV:image_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << image->header.seq);
static ratslam_ros::ViewTemplate vt_output;
- lv->on_image(&image->data[0], (image->encoding == "bgr8" ? false : true), image->width, image->height);
+ lv->on_image(&image->data[0], !(image->encoding == "bgr8"), image->width, image->height);
vt_output.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
vt_output.current_id = lv->get_current_vt();
vt_output.relative_rad = lv->get_relative_rad();
- pub_vt->publish(vt_output);
+ pub_vt.publish(vt_output);
if (use_graphics)
@@ -79,7 +88,39 @@ void image_callback(sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr image, ros::Publisher * pub_vt)
-int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+void save_lvm_timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
+ // create and open a character archive for output
+ std::ofstream ofs(lvm_file_path.c_str());
+ // save map to archive file
+ {
+ boost::archive::binary_oarchive binary_archive(ofs);
+ // write class instance to archive
+ binary_archive << *lv;
+ // archive and stream closed when destructors are called
+ }
+bool load_lvm(const std::string& file_path)
+ try
+ {
+ // create and open an archive for input
+ std::ifstream ifs(file_path.c_str());
+ boost::archive::binary_iarchive binary_archive(ifs);
+ // read class state from archive
+ binary_archive >> *lv;
+ // archive and stream closed when destructors are called
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ROS_INFO_STREAM(argv[0] << " - openRatSLAM Copyright (C) 2012 David Ball and Scott Heath");
ROS_INFO_STREAM("RatSLAM algorithm by Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth");
@@ -96,28 +137,53 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
read_ini(argv[1], settings);
get_setting_child(general_settings, settings, "general", true);
- get_setting_from_ptree(topic_root, general_settings, "topic_root", (std::string)"");
+ // backward compatibility, namespace or private nodehandle should do it more ROS like
+ get_setting_from_ptree(topic_root, general_settings, "topic_root", (std::string) "");
get_setting_child(ratslam_settings, settings, "ratslam", true);
+ // initialize ROS node
+ ros::init(argc, argv, "RatSLAMViewTemplate");
+ // setup public and private nodehandles
+ ros::NodeHandle node;
+ ros::NodeHandle priv_node("~");
+ // params
+ priv_node.param("lvm_save_period", lvm_save_period, lvm_save_period);
+ priv_node.param("lvm_file_path", lvm_file_path, lvm_file_path);
+ // check backward compatibility with configs that have topic_root set
+ std::string image_topic = "image";
+ if (!topic_root.empty())
+ {
+ // prepend with topic with topic_root setting
+ image_topic = topic_root + "/camera/image";
+ }
lv = new ratslam::LocalViewMatch(ratslam_settings);
- if (!ros::isInitialized())
+ // try to load lvm
+ if (!load_lvm(lvm_file_path))
- ros::init(argc, argv, "RatSLAMViewTemplate");
+ ROS_WARN("Could not load LocalViewMatch from file \"%s\"", lvm_file_path.c_str());
- ros::NodeHandle node;
- ros::Publisher pub_vt = node.advertise(topic_root + "/LocalView/Template", 0);
+ // pubs
+ pub_vt = node.advertise(topic_root + "/LocalView/Template", 0);
+ // image transport
image_transport::ImageTransport it(node);
- image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe(topic_root + "/camera/image", 0, boost::bind(image_callback, _1, &pub_vt));
+ image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe(image_topic, 0, image_callback);
+ // timers
+ ros::Timer lvm_save_timer = node.createTimer(ros::Duration(lvm_save_period), save_lvm_timer_callback);
- boost::property_tree::ptree draw_settings;
- get_setting_child(draw_settings, settings, "draw", true);
- get_setting_from_ptree(use_graphics, draw_settings, "enable", true);
- if (use_graphics)
- lvs = new ratslam::LocalViewScene(draw_settings, lv);
+ boost::property_tree::ptree draw_settings;
+ get_setting_child(draw_settings, settings, "draw", true);
+ get_setting_from_ptree(use_graphics, draw_settings, "enable", true);
+ if (use_graphics)
+ lvs = new ratslam::LocalViewScene(draw_settings, lv);
diff --git a/src/main_pc.cpp b/src/main_pc.cpp
index 0411d19..f632c21 100644
--- a/src/main_pc.cpp
+++ b/src/main_pc.cpp
@@ -26,33 +26,41 @@
* along with this program. If not, see .
-using namespace std;
-#include "utils/utils.h"
-#include "ratslam/posecell_network.h"
+#include "utils/utils.h"
+#include "ratslam/posecell_network.h"
#include "graphics/posecell_scene.h"
-ratslam::PosecellScene *pcs;
+ratslam::PosecellScene* pcs;
bool use_graphics;
+using namespace std;
using namespace ratslam;
+ratslam::PosecellNetwork* pc;
+ros::Publisher pub_pc;
ratslam_ros::TopologicalAction pc_output;
+std::string pcn_file_path = std::string("ratslam-latest.bpcn");
+double pcn_save_period = 10.0;
-void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::PosecellNetwork *pc, ros::Publisher * pub_pc)
+void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo)
- ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("PC:odo_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << odo->header.seq << " v=" << odo->twist.twist.linear.x << " r=" << odo->twist.twist.angular.z);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("PC:odo_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << odo->header.seq
+ << " v=" << odo->twist.twist.linear.x << " r=" << odo->twist.twist.angular.z);
static ros::Time prev_time(0);
@@ -68,40 +76,73 @@ void odo_callback(nav_msgs::OdometryConstPtr odo, ratslam::PosecellNetwork *pc,
pc_output.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();
pc_output.dest_id = pc->get_current_exp_id();
- pc_output.relative_rad = pc->get_relative_rad();
- pub_pc->publish(pc_output);
- ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("PC:action_publish{odo}{" << ros::Time::now() << "} action{" << pc_output.header.seq << "}=" << pc_output.action << " src=" << pc_output.src_id << " dest=" << pc_output.dest_id);
+ pc_output.relative_rad = pc->get_relative_rad();
+ pub_pc.publish(pc_output);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("PC:action_publish{odo}{" << ros::Time::now() << "} action{" << pc_output.header.seq
+ << "}=" << pc_output.action << " src=" << pc_output.src_id
+ << " dest=" << pc_output.dest_id);
- if (use_graphics)
- {
- pcs->update_scene();
- pcs->draw_all();
- }
+ if (use_graphics)
+ {
+ pcs->update_scene();
+ pcs->draw_all();
+ }
prev_time = odo->header.stamp;
-void template_callback(ratslam_ros::ViewTemplateConstPtr vt, ratslam::PosecellNetwork *pc, ros::Publisher * pub_pc)
+void template_callback(ratslam_ros::ViewTemplateConstPtr vt)
- ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("PC:vt_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << vt->header.seq << " id=" << vt->current_id << " rad=" << vt->relative_rad);
+ ROS_DEBUG_STREAM("PC:vt_callback{" << ros::Time::now() << "} seq=" << vt->header.seq << " id=" << vt->current_id
+ << " rad=" << vt->relative_rad);
pc->on_view_template(vt->current_id, vt->relative_rad);
- if (use_graphics)
- {
- pcs->update_scene();
- pcs->draw_all();
- }
+ if (use_graphics)
+ {
+ pcs->update_scene();
+ pcs->draw_all();
+ }
+void save_pcn_timer_callback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
+ // create and open a character archive for output
+ std::ofstream ofs(pcn_file_path.c_str());
+ // save map to archive file
+ {
+ boost::archive::binary_oarchive binary_archive(ofs);
+ // write class instance to archive
+ pc->save(binary_archive, 1);
+ // archive and stream closed when destructors are called
+ }
+bool load_pcn(const std::string& file_path)
+ try
+ {
+ // create and open an archive for input
+ std::ifstream ifs(file_path.c_str());
+ boost::archive::binary_iarchive binary_archive(ifs);
+ // read class state from archive
+ pc->load(binary_archive, 1);
+ // archive and stream closed when destructors are called
+ return true;
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
-int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ROS_INFO_STREAM(argv[0] << " - openRatSLAM Copyright (C) 2012 David Ball and Scott Heath");
ROS_INFO_STREAM("RatSLAM algorithm by Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth");
@@ -120,28 +161,53 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
get_setting_child(general_settings, settings, "general", true);
get_setting_from_ptree(topic_root, general_settings, "topic_root", (std::string) "");
- if (!ros::isInitialized())
+ // initialize ROS node
+ ros::init(argc, argv, "RatSLAMPoseCells");
+ // setup public and private nodehandles
+ ros::NodeHandle node;
+ ros::NodeHandle priv_node("~");
+ // params
+ priv_node.param("pcn_save_period", pcn_save_period, pcn_save_period);
+ priv_node.param("pcn_file_path", pcn_file_path, pcn_file_path);
+ // check backward compatibility with configs that have topic_root set
+ std::string odom_topic = "odom";
+ if (!topic_root.empty())
- ros::init(argc, argv, "RatSLAMPoseCells");
+ odom_topic = topic_root + "/odom";
- ros::NodeHandle node;
+ // create PoseCellNetwork object
+ pc = new ratslam::PosecellNetwork(ratslam_settings);
+ // try to load pcn
+ if (!load_pcn(pcn_file_path))
+ {
+ ROS_WARN("Could not load PoseCellNetwork from file \"%s\"", pcn_file_path.c_str());
+ }
- ratslam::PosecellNetwork * pc = new ratslam::PosecellNetwork(ratslam_settings);
- ros::Publisher pub_pc = node.advertise(topic_root + "/PoseCell/TopologicalAction", 0);
+ // pubs
+ pub_pc = node.advertise(topic_root + "/PoseCell/TopologicalAction", 0);
- ros::Subscriber sub_odometry = node.subscribe(topic_root + "/odom", 0, boost::bind(odo_callback, _1, pc, &pub_pc), ros::VoidConstPtr(),
+ // subs
+ ros::Subscriber sub_odometry = node.subscribe(odom_topic, 0, odo_callback, ros::VoidConstPtr(),
- ros::Subscriber sub_template = node.subscribe(topic_root + "/LocalView/Template", 0, boost::bind(template_callback, _1, pc, &pub_pc),
- ros::VoidConstPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
+ ros::Subscriber sub_template =
+ node.subscribe(topic_root + "/LocalView/Template", 0, template_callback,
+ ros::VoidConstPtr(), ros::TransportHints().tcpNoDelay());
+ // timers
+ ros::Timer pcn_save_timer = node.createTimer(ros::Duration(pcn_save_period), save_pcn_timer_callback);
boost::property_tree::ptree draw_settings;
get_setting_child(draw_settings, settings, "draw", true);
get_setting_from_ptree(use_graphics, draw_settings, "enable", true);
if (use_graphics)
- pcs = new ratslam::PosecellScene(draw_settings, pc);
+ pcs = new ratslam::PosecellScene(draw_settings, pc);
diff --git a/src/main_vo.cpp b/src/main_vo.cpp
index 3e3ec3d..c3eacb5 100644
--- a/src/main_vo.cpp
+++ b/src/main_vo.cpp
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
using namespace std;
#include "utils/utils.h"
@@ -44,8 +45,7 @@ using namespace std;
-ratslam::VisualOdometry *vo = NULL;
+ratslam::VisualOdometry* vo = NULL;
ros::Publisher pub_vo;
using namespace ratslam;
@@ -56,7 +56,8 @@ void image_callback(sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr image)
static nav_msgs::Odometry odom_output;
- vo->on_image(&image->data[0], (image->encoding == "bgr8" ? false : true), image->width, image->height, &odom_output.twist.twist.linear.x, &odom_output.twist.twist.angular.z);
+ vo->on_image(&image->data[0], (image->encoding == "bgr8" ? false : true), image->width, image->height,
+ &odom_output.twist.twist.linear.x, &odom_output.twist.twist.angular.z);
odom_output.header.stamp = image->header.stamp;
@@ -64,8 +65,7 @@ void image_callback(sensor_msgs::ImageConstPtr image)
-int main(int argc, char * argv[])
+int main(int argc, char* argv[])
ROS_INFO_STREAM(argv[0] << " - openRatSLAM Copyright (C) 2012 David Ball and Scott Heath");
ROS_INFO_STREAM("RatSLAM algorithm by Michael Milford and Gordon Wyeth");
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
read_ini(argv[1], settings);
ratslam::get_setting_child(vo_settings, settings, "visual_odometry", true);
ratslam::get_setting_child(general_settings, settings, "general", true);
+ // backward compatibility, namespace or private nodehandle should do it more ROS like
ratslam::get_setting_from_ptree(topic_root, general_settings, "topic_root", (std::string) "");
vo = new ratslam::VisualOdometry(vo_settings);
@@ -93,10 +94,22 @@ int main(int argc, char * argv[])
ros::NodeHandle node;
- pub_vo = node.advertise(topic_root + "/odom", 0);
+ std::string odom_topic = "odom";
+ std::string image_topic = "image";
+ // check backward compatibility with configs that have topic_root set
+ if (!topic_root.empty())
+ {
+ image_topic = topic_root + "/camera/image";
+ odom_topic = topic_root + "/odom";
+ }
+ // pubs
+ pub_vo = node.advertise(odom_topic, 0);
+ // subs
image_transport::ImageTransport it(node);
- image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe(topic_root + "/camera/image", 1, image_callback);
+ image_transport::Subscriber sub = it.subscribe(image_topic, 1, image_callback);
diff --git a/src/ratslam/experience_map.cpp b/src/ratslam/experience_map.cpp
index da76932..2455aa7 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/experience_map.cpp
+++ b/src/ratslam/experience_map.cpp
@@ -36,7 +36,6 @@ using namespace std;
namespace ratslam
ExperienceMap::ExperienceMap(ptree settings)
get_setting_from_ptree(EXP_CORRECTION, settings, "exp_correction", 0.5);
@@ -54,13 +53,12 @@ ExperienceMap::ExperienceMap(ptree settings)
goal_timeout_s = 0;
goal_success = false;
- accum_delta_facing = EXP_INITIAL_EM_DEG * M_PI/180;
+ accum_delta_facing = EXP_INITIAL_EM_DEG * M_PI / 180;
accum_delta_x = 0;
accum_delta_y = 0;
accum_delta_time_s = 0;
relative_rad = 0;
@@ -69,12 +67,11 @@ ExperienceMap::~ExperienceMap()
-// create a new experience for a given position
+// create a new experience for a given position
int ExperienceMap::on_create_experience(unsigned int exp_id)
experiences.resize(experiences.size() + 1);
- Experience * new_exp = &(*(experiences.end() - 1));
+ Experience* new_exp = &(*(experiences.end() - 1));
if (experiences.size() == 0)
@@ -118,8 +115,8 @@ bool ExperienceMap::iterate()
int i;
unsigned int link_id;
unsigned int exp_id;
- Experience * link_from, *link_to;
- Link * link;
+ Experience* link_from, *link_to;
+ Link* link;
double lx, ly, df;
for (i = 0; i < EXP_LOOPS; i++)
@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ bool ExperienceMap::iterate()
// create a link between two experiences
bool ExperienceMap::on_create_link(int exp_id_from, int exp_id_to, double rel_rad)
- Experience * current_exp = &experiences[exp_id_from];
+ Experience* current_exp = &experiences[exp_id_from];
// check if the link already exists
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < experiences[exp_id_from].links_from.size(); i++)
@@ -182,7 +179,7 @@ bool ExperienceMap::on_create_link(int exp_id_from, int exp_id_to, double rel_ra
links.resize(links.size() + 1);
- Link * new_link = &(*(links.end() - 1));
+ Link* new_link = &(*(links.end() - 1));
new_link->exp_to_id = exp_id_to;
new_link->exp_from_id = exp_id_from;
@@ -222,17 +219,16 @@ int ExperienceMap::on_set_experience(int new_exp_id, double rel_rad)
struct compare
- bool operator()(const Experience *exp1, const Experience *exp2)
+ bool operator()(const Experience* exp1, const Experience* exp2)
return exp1->time_from_current_s > exp2->time_from_current_s;
-double exp_euclidean_m(Experience *exp1, Experience *exp2)
+double exp_euclidean_m(Experience* exp1, Experience* exp2)
return sqrt(
(double)((exp1->x_m - exp2->x_m) * (exp1->x_m - exp2->x_m) + (exp1->y_m - exp2->y_m) * (exp1->y_m - exp2->y_m)));
double ExperienceMap::dijkstra_distance_between_experiences(int id1, int id2)
@@ -265,7 +261,7 @@ double ExperienceMap::dijkstra_distance_between_experiences(int id1, int id2)
for (id = 0; id < exp->links_to.size(); id++)
- Link *link = &links[exp->links_to[id]];
+ Link* link = &links[exp->links_to[id]];
link_time_s = exp->time_from_current_s + link->delta_time_s;
if (link_time_s < experiences[link->exp_from_id].time_from_current_s)
@@ -276,7 +272,7 @@ double ExperienceMap::dijkstra_distance_between_experiences(int id1, int id2)
for (id = 0; id < exp->links_from.size(); id++)
- Link *link = &links[exp->links_from[id]];
+ Link* link = &links[exp->links_from[id]];
link_time_s = exp->time_from_current_s + link->delta_time_s;
if (link_time_s < experiences[link->exp_to_id].time_from_current_s)
@@ -298,7 +294,6 @@ double ExperienceMap::dijkstra_distance_between_experiences(int id1, int id2)
// return true if path to goal found
bool ExperienceMap::calculate_path_to_goal(double time_s)
unsigned int id;
waypoint_exp_id = -1;
@@ -306,18 +301,18 @@ bool ExperienceMap::calculate_path_to_goal(double time_s)
return false;
// check if we are within thres of the goal or timeout
- if (exp_euclidean_m(&experiences[current_exp_id], &experiences[goal_list[0]]) < 0.1
- || ((goal_timeout_s != 0) && time_s > goal_timeout_s))
+ if (exp_euclidean_m(&experiences[current_exp_id], &experiences[goal_list[0]]) < 0.1 ||
+ ((goal_timeout_s != 0) && time_s > goal_timeout_s))
if (goal_timeout_s != 0 && time_s > goal_timeout_s)
-// cout << "Timed out reaching goal ... sigh" << endl;
+ // cout << "Timed out reaching goal ... sigh" << endl;
goal_success = false;
if (exp_euclidean_m(&experiences[current_exp_id], &experiences[goal_list[0]]) < 0.1)
goal_success = true;
- // cout << "Goal reached ... yay!" << endl;
+ // cout << "Goal reached ... yay!" << endl;
goal_timeout_s = 0;
@@ -362,7 +357,7 @@ bool ExperienceMap::calculate_path_to_goal(double time_s)
for (id = 0; id < exp->links_to.size(); id++)
- Link *link = &links[exp->links_to[id]];
+ Link* link = &links[exp->links_to[id]];
link_time_s = exp->time_from_current_s + link->delta_time_s;
if (link_time_s < experiences[link->exp_from_id].time_from_current_s)
@@ -373,7 +368,7 @@ bool ExperienceMap::calculate_path_to_goal(double time_s)
for (id = 0; id < exp->links_from.size(); id++)
- Link *link = &links[exp->links_from[id]];
+ Link* link = &links[exp->links_from[id]];
link_time_s = exp->time_from_current_s + link->delta_time_s;
if (link_time_s < experiences[link->exp_to_id].time_from_current_s)
@@ -385,7 +380,6 @@ bool ExperienceMap::calculate_path_to_goal(double time_s)
if (!exp_heap.empty())
const_cast(&exp_heap.top()) + exp_heap.size(), compare());
// now do the current to goal links
@@ -416,7 +410,7 @@ bool ExperienceMap::get_goal_waypoint()
double dist;
unsigned int trace_exp_id = goal_list[0];
- Experience *robot_exp = &experiences[current_exp_id];
+ Experience* robot_exp = &experiences[current_exp_id];
while (trace_exp_id != goal_path_final_exp_id)
@@ -446,9 +440,8 @@ void ExperienceMap::add_goal(double x_m, double y_m)
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < experiences.size(); i++)
- dist = sqrt(
- (experiences[i].x_m - x_m) * (experiences[i].x_m - x_m)
- + (experiences[i].y_m - y_m) * (experiences[i].y_m - y_m));
+ dist = sqrt((experiences[i].x_m - x_m) * (experiences[i].x_m - x_m) +
+ (experiences[i].y_m - y_m) * (experiences[i].y_m - y_m));
if (dist < min_dist)
min_id = i;
@@ -458,16 +451,14 @@ void ExperienceMap::add_goal(double x_m, double y_m)
if (min_dist < 0.1)
double ExperienceMap::get_subgoal_m() const
- return (
- waypoint_exp_id == -1 ? 0 :
- sqrt(
- (double)pow((experiences[waypoint_exp_id].x_m - experiences[current_exp_id].x_m), 2)
- + (double)pow((experiences[waypoint_exp_id].y_m - experiences[current_exp_id].y_m), 2)));
+ return (waypoint_exp_id == -1 ?
+ 0 :
+ sqrt((double)pow((experiences[waypoint_exp_id].x_m - experiences[current_exp_id].x_m), 2) +
+ (double)pow((experiences[waypoint_exp_id].y_m - experiences[current_exp_id].y_m), 2)));
double ExperienceMap::get_subgoal_rad() const
@@ -482,5 +473,4 @@ double ExperienceMap::get_subgoal_rad() const
-} // namespace ratslam
+} // namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/ratslam/experience_map.h b/src/ratslam/experience_map.h
index 3391443..3d9f533 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/experience_map.h
+++ b/src/ratslam/experience_map.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "math.h"
@@ -44,6 +45,7 @@
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
@@ -53,7 +55,6 @@ using boost::property_tree::ptree;
namespace ratslam
* The Link structure describes a link
* between two experiences.
@@ -68,17 +69,16 @@ struct Link
int exp_from_id;
double delta_time_s;
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & d;
- ar & heading_rad;
- ar & facing_rad;
- ar & exp_to_id;
- ar & exp_from_id;
- ar & delta_time_s;
- }
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar &d;
+ ar &heading_rad;
+ ar &facing_rad;
+ ar &exp_to_id;
+ ar &exp_from_id;
+ ar &delta_time_s;
+ }
@@ -87,52 +87,52 @@ struct Link
struct Experience
- int id; // its own id
+ int id; // its own id
double x_m, y_m, th_rad;
int vt_id;
- std::vector links_from; // links from this experience
- std::vector links_to; // links to this experience
+ std::vector links_from; // links from this experience
+ std::vector links_to; // links to this experience
// goal navigation
double time_from_current_s;
unsigned int goal_to_current, current_to_goal;
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & id;
- ar & x_m & y_m & th_rad;
- ar & vt_id;
- ar & links_from & links_to;
- ar & time_from_current_s;
- ar & goal_to_current & current_to_goal;
- }
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar &id;
+ ar &x_m &y_m &th_rad;
+ ar &vt_id;
+ ar &links_from &links_to;
+ ar &time_from_current_s;
+ ar &goal_to_current ¤t_to_goal;
+ }
class ExperienceMapScene;
class ExperienceMap
friend class ExperienceMapScene;
ExperienceMap(ptree settings);
// create a new experience for a given position
int on_create_experience(unsigned int exp_id);
bool on_create_link(int exp_id_from, int exp_id_to, double rel_rad);
Experience *get_experience(int id)
return &experiences[id];
- Link * get_link(int id)
+ Link *get_link(int id)
return &links[id];
@@ -164,29 +164,38 @@ class ExperienceMap
// functions for setting and handling goals.
void add_goal(double x_m, double y_m);
void add_goal(int id)
bool calculate_path_to_goal(double time_s);
bool get_goal_waypoint();
void clear_goal_list()
int get_current_goal_id()
return (goal_list.size() == 0) ? -1 : (int)goal_list.front();
void delete_current_goal()
bool get_goal_success()
return goal_success;
double get_subgoal_m() const;
double get_subgoal_rad() const;
const std::deque &get_goals() const
@@ -196,37 +205,35 @@ class ExperienceMap
unsigned int get_goal_path_final_exp()
- return goal_path_final_exp_id;
+ return goal_path_final_exp_id;
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar &EXP_LOOPS;
+ ar &MAX_GOALS;
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & EXP_LOOPS;
- ar & MAX_GOALS;
- ar & experiences;
- ar & links;
- ar & goal_list;
+ ar &experiences;
+ ar &links;
+ ar &goal_list;
- ar & current_exp_id & prev_exp_id;
+ ar ¤t_exp_id &prev_exp_id;
- ar & accum_delta_facing;
- ar & accum_delta_x;
- ar & accum_delta_y;
- ar & accum_delta_time_s;
+ ar &accum_delta_facing;
+ ar &accum_delta_x;
+ ar &accum_delta_y;
+ ar &accum_delta_time_s;
- ar & waypoint_exp_id;
- ar & goal_success;
- ar & goal_timeout_s;
- ar & goal_path_final_exp_id;
- ar & relative_rad;
+ ar &waypoint_exp_id;
+ ar &goal_success;
+ ar &goal_timeout_s;
+ ar &goal_path_final_exp_id;
- }
+ ar &relative_rad;
+ }
friend class boost::serialization::access;
@@ -235,11 +242,11 @@ class ExperienceMap
// calculate distance between two experiences using djikstras algorithm
// can be very slow for many experiences
double dijkstra_distance_between_experiences(int id1, int id2);
unsigned int MAX_GOALS;
@@ -262,9 +269,7 @@ class ExperienceMap
bool goal_success;
double goal_timeout_s;
unsigned int goal_path_final_exp_id;
-#endif // _EXPERIENCE_MAP_H_
+#endif // _EXPERIENCE_MAP_H_
diff --git a/src/ratslam/local_view_match.cpp b/src/ratslam/local_view_match.cpp
index 5e4b5af..f543d59 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/local_view_match.cpp
+++ b/src/ratslam/local_view_match.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,9 @@
using namespace std;
@@ -42,18 +44,15 @@ using namespace std;
namespace ratslam
LocalViewMatch::LocalViewMatch(ptree settings)
get_setting_from_ptree(VT_MIN_PATCH_NORMALISATION_STD, settings, "vt_min_patch_normalisation_std", (double)0);
get_setting_from_ptree(VT_PATCH_NORMALISATION, settings, "vt_patch_normalise", 0);
- get_setting_from_ptree(VT_NORMALISATION, settings, "vt_normalisation", (double) 0);
+ get_setting_from_ptree(VT_NORMALISATION, settings, "vt_normalisation", (double)0);
get_setting_from_ptree(VT_SHIFT_MATCH, settings, "vt_shift_match", 25);
get_setting_from_ptree(VT_STEP_MATCH, settings, "vt_step_match", 5);
get_setting_from_ptree(VT_PANORAMIC, settings, "vt_panoramic", 0);
get_setting_from_ptree(VT_MATCH_THRESHOLD, settings, "vt_match_threshold", 0.03);
get_setting_from_ptree(TEMPLATE_X_SIZE, settings, "template_x_size", 1);
get_setting_from_ptree(TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE, settings, "template_y_size", 1);
@@ -72,13 +71,12 @@ LocalViewMatch::LocalViewMatch(ptree settings)
prev_vt = 0;
-void LocalViewMatch::on_image(const unsigned char *view_rgb, bool greyscale, unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height)
+void LocalViewMatch::on_image(const unsigned char* view_rgb, bool greyscale, unsigned int image_width,
+ unsigned int image_height)
if (view_rgb == NULL)
@@ -111,11 +109,9 @@ void LocalViewMatch::on_image(const unsigned char *view_rgb, bool greyscale, uns
cout << "VTN[" << setw(4) << get_current_vt() << "] " << endl;
-void LocalViewMatch::clip_view_x_y(int &x, int &y)
+void LocalViewMatch::clip_view_x_y(int& x, int& y)
if (x < 0)
x = 0;
@@ -126,7 +122,6 @@ void LocalViewMatch::clip_view_x_y(int &x, int &y)
y = 0;
else if (y > TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE - 1)
void LocalViewMatch::convert_view_to_view_template(bool grayscale)
@@ -143,11 +138,11 @@ void LocalViewMatch::convert_view_to_view_template(bool grayscale)
if (grayscale)
- for (int y_block = IMAGE_VT_Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE; y_block +=
- y_block_size, y_block_count++)
+ for (int y_block = IMAGE_VT_Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE;
+ y_block += y_block_size, y_block_count++)
- for (int x_block = IMAGE_VT_X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE; x_block +=
- x_block_size, x_block_count++)
+ for (int x_block = IMAGE_VT_X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ x_block += x_block_size, x_block_count++)
for (int x = x_block; x < (x_block + x_block_size); x++)
@@ -165,19 +160,19 @@ void LocalViewMatch::convert_view_to_view_template(bool grayscale)
- for (int y_block = IMAGE_VT_Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE; y_block +=
- y_block_size, y_block_count++)
+ for (int y_block = IMAGE_VT_Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE;
+ y_block += y_block_size, y_block_count++)
- for (int x_block = IMAGE_VT_X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE; x_block +=
- x_block_size, x_block_count++)
+ for (int x_block = IMAGE_VT_X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ x_block += x_block_size, x_block_count++)
for (int x = x_block; x < (x_block + x_block_size); x++)
for (int y = y_block; y < (y_block + y_block_size); y++)
pos = (x + y * IMAGE_WIDTH) * 3;
- current_view[data_next] += ((double)(view_rgb[pos]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 1])
- + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 2]));
+ current_view[data_next] +=
+ ((double)(view_rgb[pos]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 1]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 2]));
current_view[data_next] /= (255.0 * 3.0);
@@ -251,8 +246,8 @@ void LocalViewMatch::convert_view_to_view_template(bool grayscale)
patch_y_clip = patch_y;
clip_view_x_y(patch_x_clip, patch_y_clip);
- patch_sum += ((current_view_copy[patch_x_clip + patch_y_clip * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] - patch_mean)
- * (current_view_copy[patch_x_clip + patch_y_clip * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] - patch_mean));
+ patch_sum += ((current_view_copy[patch_x_clip + patch_y_clip * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] - patch_mean) *
+ (current_view_copy[patch_x_clip + patch_y_clip * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] - patch_mean));
@@ -260,8 +255,11 @@ void LocalViewMatch::convert_view_to_view_template(bool grayscale)
current_view[x + y * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] = 0.5;
- else {
- current_view[x + y * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] = max((double) 0, min(1.0, (((current_view_copy[x + y * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] - patch_mean) / patch_std) + 3.0)/6.0 ));
+ else
+ {
+ current_view[x + y * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] =
+ max((double)0,
+ min(1.0, (((current_view_copy[x + y * TEMPLATE_X_SIZE] - patch_mean) / patch_std) + 3.0) / 6.0));
@@ -273,18 +271,17 @@ void LocalViewMatch::convert_view_to_view_template(bool grayscale)
for (int i = 0; i < current_view.size(); i++)
sum += current_view[i];
- current_mean = sum/current_view.size();
+ current_mean = sum / current_view.size();
// create and add a visual template to the collection
int LocalViewMatch::create_template()
templates.resize(templates.size() + 1);
- VisualTemplate * new_template = &(*(templates.end() - 1));
+ VisualTemplate* new_template = &(*(templates.end() - 1));
new_template->id = templates.size() - 1;
- double * data_ptr = ¤t_view[0];
+ double* data_ptr = ¤t_view[0];
for (int i = 0; i < TEMPLATE_SIZE; i++)
@@ -294,10 +291,10 @@ int LocalViewMatch::create_template()
return templates.size() - 1;
-// compare a visual template to all the stored templates, allowing for
+// compare a visual template to all the stored templates, allowing for
// slen pixel shifts in each direction
// returns the matching template and the MSE
-void LocalViewMatch::compare(double &vt_err, unsigned int &vt_match_id)
+void LocalViewMatch::compare(double& vt_err, unsigned int& vt_match_id)
if (templates.size() == 0)
@@ -306,22 +303,22 @@ void LocalViewMatch::compare(double &vt_err, unsigned int &vt_match_id)
- double *data = ¤t_view[0];
+ double* data = ¤t_view[0];
double mindiff, cdiff;
mindiff = DBL_MAX;
vt_err = DBL_MAX;
int min_template = 0;
- double *template_ptr;
- double *column_ptr;
- double *template_row_ptr;
- double *column_row_ptr;
- double *template_start_ptr;
- double *column_start_ptr;
+ double* template_ptr;
+ double* column_ptr;
+ double* template_row_ptr;
+ double* column_row_ptr;
+ double* template_start_ptr;
+ double* column_start_ptr;
int row_size;
int sub_row_size;
- double *column_end_ptr;
+ double* column_end_ptr;
VisualTemplate vt;
int min_offset;
@@ -330,126 +327,124 @@ void LocalViewMatch::compare(double &vt_err, unsigned int &vt_match_id)
+ BOOST_FOREACH (vt, templates)
+ {
+ if (abs(current_mean - vt.mean) > VT_MATCH_THRESHOLD + epsilon)
+ continue;
+ // for each vt try matching the view at different offsets
+ // try to fast break based on error already great than previous errors
+ // handles 2d images shifting only in the x direction
+ // note I haven't tested on a 1d yet.
+ for (offset = 0; offset < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE; offset += VT_STEP_MATCH)
+ {
+ cdiff = 0;
+ template_start_ptr = &vt.data[0] + offset;
+ column_start_ptr = &data[0];
+ row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ column_end_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_SIZE - offset;
+ sub_row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE - offset;
+ // do from offset to end
+ for (column_row_ptr = column_start_ptr, template_row_ptr = template_start_ptr; column_row_ptr < column_end_ptr;
+ column_row_ptr += row_size, template_row_ptr += row_size)
+ {
+ for (column_ptr = column_row_ptr, template_ptr = template_row_ptr; column_ptr < column_row_ptr + sub_row_size;
+ column_ptr++, template_ptr++)
+ {
+ cdiff += abs(*column_ptr - *template_ptr);
+ }
+ // fast breaks
+ if (cdiff > mindiff)
+ break;
+ }
+ // do from start to offset
+ template_start_ptr = &vt.data[0];
+ column_start_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_X_SIZE - offset;
+ row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ column_end_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_SIZE;
+ sub_row_size = offset;
+ for (column_row_ptr = column_start_ptr, template_row_ptr = template_start_ptr; column_row_ptr < column_end_ptr;
+ column_row_ptr += row_size, template_row_ptr += row_size)
+ {
+ for (column_ptr = column_row_ptr, template_ptr = template_row_ptr; column_ptr < column_row_ptr + sub_row_size;
+ column_ptr++, template_ptr++)
+ {
+ cdiff += abs(*column_ptr - *template_ptr);
+ }
+ // fast breaks
+ if (cdiff > mindiff)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cdiff < mindiff)
+ {
+ mindiff = cdiff;
+ min_template = vt.id;
+ min_offset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vt_relative_rad = (double)min_offset / TEMPLATE_X_SIZE * 2.0 * M_PI;
+ if (vt_relative_rad > M_PI)
+ vt_relative_rad = vt_relative_rad - 2.0 * M_PI;
+ vt_err = mindiff / (double)TEMPLATE_SIZE;
+ vt_match_id = min_template;
+ vt_error = vt_err;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BOOST_FOREACH (vt, templates)
+ {
+ if (abs(current_mean - vt.mean) > VT_MATCH_THRESHOLD + epsilon)
+ continue;
+ // for each vt try matching the view at different offsets
+ // try to fast break based on error already great than previous errors
+ // handles 2d images shifting only in the x direction
+ // note I haven't tested on a 1d yet.
+ for (offset = 0; offset < VT_SHIFT_MATCH * 2 + 1; offset += VT_STEP_MATCH)
+ {
+ cdiff = 0;
+ template_start_ptr = &vt.data[0] + offset;
+ column_start_ptr = &data[0] + VT_SHIFT_MATCH;
+ row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ column_end_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_SIZE - VT_SHIFT_MATCH;
+ sub_row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE - 2 * VT_SHIFT_MATCH;
+ for (column_row_ptr = column_start_ptr, template_row_ptr = template_start_ptr; column_row_ptr < column_end_ptr;
+ column_row_ptr += row_size, template_row_ptr += row_size)
+ {
+ for (column_ptr = column_row_ptr, template_ptr = template_row_ptr; column_ptr < column_row_ptr + sub_row_size;
+ column_ptr++, template_ptr++)
+ {
+ cdiff += abs(*column_ptr - *template_ptr);
+ }
- BOOST_FOREACH(vt, templates)
- {
- if (abs(current_mean - vt.mean) > VT_MATCH_THRESHOLD + epsilon)
- continue;
- // for each vt try matching the view at different offsets
- // try to fast break based on error already great than previous errors
- // handles 2d images shifting only in the x direction
- // note I haven't tested on a 1d yet.
- for (offset = 0; offset < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE; offset += VT_STEP_MATCH)
- {
- cdiff = 0;
- template_start_ptr = &vt.data[0] + offset;
- column_start_ptr = &data[0];
- row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
- column_end_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_SIZE - offset;
- sub_row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE - offset;
- // do from offset to end
- for (column_row_ptr = column_start_ptr, template_row_ptr = template_start_ptr; column_row_ptr < column_end_ptr; column_row_ptr+=row_size, template_row_ptr+=row_size)
- {
- for (column_ptr = column_row_ptr, template_ptr = template_row_ptr; column_ptr < column_row_ptr + sub_row_size; column_ptr++, template_ptr++)
- {
- cdiff += abs(*column_ptr - *template_ptr);
- }
- // fast breaks
- if (cdiff > mindiff)
- break;
- }
- // do from start to offset
- template_start_ptr = &vt.data[0];
- column_start_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_X_SIZE - offset;
- row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
- column_end_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_SIZE;
- sub_row_size = offset;
- for (column_row_ptr = column_start_ptr, template_row_ptr = template_start_ptr; column_row_ptr < column_end_ptr; column_row_ptr+=row_size, template_row_ptr+=row_size)
- {
- for (column_ptr = column_row_ptr, template_ptr = template_row_ptr; column_ptr < column_row_ptr + sub_row_size; column_ptr++, template_ptr++)
- {
- cdiff += abs(*column_ptr - *template_ptr);
- }
- // fast breaks
- if (cdiff > mindiff)
- break;
- }
- if (cdiff < mindiff)
- {
- mindiff = cdiff;
- min_template = vt.id;
- min_offset = offset;
- }
- }
- }
- vt_relative_rad = (double) min_offset/TEMPLATE_X_SIZE * 2.0 * M_PI;
- if (vt_relative_rad > M_PI)
- vt_relative_rad = vt_relative_rad - 2.0 * M_PI;
- vt_err = mindiff / (double) TEMPLATE_SIZE;
- vt_match_id = min_template;
- vt_error = vt_err;
- } else {
- BOOST_FOREACH(vt, templates)
- {
- if (abs(current_mean - vt.mean) > VT_MATCH_THRESHOLD + epsilon)
- continue;
- // for each vt try matching the view at different offsets
- // try to fast break based on error already great than previous errors
- // handles 2d images shifting only in the x direction
- // note I haven't tested on a 1d yet.
- for (offset = 0; offset < VT_SHIFT_MATCH*2+1; offset += VT_STEP_MATCH)
- {
- cdiff = 0;
- template_start_ptr = &vt.data[0] + offset;
- column_start_ptr = &data[0] + VT_SHIFT_MATCH;
- row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
- column_end_ptr = &data[0] + TEMPLATE_SIZE - VT_SHIFT_MATCH;
- sub_row_size = TEMPLATE_X_SIZE - 2*VT_SHIFT_MATCH;
- for (column_row_ptr = column_start_ptr, template_row_ptr = template_start_ptr; column_row_ptr < column_end_ptr; column_row_ptr+=row_size, template_row_ptr+=row_size)
- {
- for (column_ptr = column_row_ptr, template_ptr = template_row_ptr; column_ptr < column_row_ptr + sub_row_size; column_ptr++, template_ptr++)
- {
- cdiff += abs(*column_ptr - *template_ptr);
- }
- // fast breaks
- if (cdiff > mindiff)
- break;
- }
- if (cdiff < mindiff)
- {
- mindiff = cdiff;
- min_template = vt.id;
- min_offset = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- vt_relative_rad = 0;
- vt_err = mindiff / (double)(TEMPLATE_SIZE - 2 * VT_SHIFT_MATCH * TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE);
- vt_match_id = min_template;
- vt_error = vt_err;
+ // fast breaks
+ if (cdiff > mindiff)
+ break;
+ }
+ if (cdiff < mindiff)
+ {
+ mindiff = cdiff;
+ min_template = vt.id;
+ min_offset = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ vt_relative_rad = 0;
+ vt_err = mindiff / (double)(TEMPLATE_SIZE - 2 * VT_SHIFT_MATCH * TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE);
+ vt_match_id = min_template;
+ vt_error = vt_err;
diff --git a/src/ratslam/local_view_match.h b/src/ratslam/local_view_match.h
index c8cabed..8f2d635 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/local_view_match.h
+++ b/src/ratslam/local_view_match.h
@@ -43,9 +43,11 @@
#include "math.h"
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
@@ -54,21 +56,19 @@ using boost::property_tree::ptree;
namespace ratslam
struct VisualTemplate
unsigned int id;
std::vector data;
double mean;
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & id;
- ar & data;
- ar & mean;
- }
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar &id;
+ ar &data;
+ ar &mean;
+ }
class LocalViewMatch
@@ -92,36 +92,35 @@ class LocalViewMatch
return vt_relative_rad;
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & templates;
- ar & current_view;
- ar & current_mean;
- ar & image_size;
- ar & current_vt;
- ar & vt_error;
- ar & prev_vt;
- ar & vt_relative_rad;
- }
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive &ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar &templates;
+ ar ¤t_view;
+ ar ¤t_mean;
+ ar &image_size;
+ ar ¤t_vt;
+ ar &vt_error;
+ ar &prev_vt;
+ ar &vt_relative_rad;
+ }
friend class boost::serialization::access;
@@ -130,6 +129,7 @@ class LocalViewMatch
void clip_view_x_y(int &x, int &y);
// create and add a visual template to the collection
@@ -180,9 +180,8 @@ class LocalViewMatch
const unsigned char *view_rgb;
bool greyscale;
-} // namespace ratslam
+} // namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/ratslam/posecell_network.cpp b/src/ratslam/posecell_network.cpp
index d128ef9..658f119 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/posecell_network.cpp
+++ b/src/ratslam/posecell_network.cpp
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ using namespace std;
namespace ratslam
PosecellNetwork::PosecellNetwork(ptree settings)
@@ -71,7 +70,6 @@ PosecellNetwork::PosecellNetwork(ptree settings)
odo_update = false;
vt_update = false;
void PosecellNetwork::pose_cell_builder()
@@ -85,22 +83,22 @@ void PosecellNetwork::pose_cell_builder()
posecells_elements = PC_DIM_XY * PC_DIM_XY * PC_DIM_TH;
// allocate the memory
- posecells_memory = (Posecell *)malloc((size_t)posecells_memory_size);
- pca_new_memory = (Posecell *)malloc((size_t)posecells_memory_size);
+ posecells_memory = (Posecell*)malloc((size_t)posecells_memory_size);
+ pca_new_memory = (Posecell*)malloc((size_t)posecells_memory_size);
// zero all the memory
memset(posecells_memory, 0, (size_t)posecells_memory_size);
memset(pca_new_memory, 0, (size_t)posecells_memory_size);
// allocate first level pointers
- posecells = (Posecell ***)malloc(sizeof(Posecell**) * PC_DIM_TH);
- pca_new = (Posecell ***)malloc(sizeof(Posecell**) * PC_DIM_TH);
+ posecells = (Posecell***)malloc(sizeof(Posecell**) * PC_DIM_TH);
+ pca_new = (Posecell***)malloc(sizeof(Posecell**) * PC_DIM_TH);
for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_TH; i++)
// allocate second level pointers
- posecells[i] = (Posecell **)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * PC_DIM_XY);
- pca_new[i] = (Posecell **)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * PC_DIM_XY);
+ posecells[i] = (Posecell**)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * PC_DIM_XY);
+ pca_new[i] = (Posecell**)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * PC_DIM_XY);
for (j = 0; j < PC_DIM_XY; j++)
@@ -111,18 +109,18 @@ void PosecellNetwork::pose_cell_builder()
// for path integration
- pca_new_rot_ptr = (Posecell **)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2));
- pca_new_rot_ptr2 = (Posecell **)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2));
+ pca_new_rot_ptr = (Posecell**)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2));
+ pca_new_rot_ptr2 = (Posecell**)malloc(sizeof(Posecell*) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2));
for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_XY + 2; i++)
pca_new_rot_ptr[i] = &pca_new_memory[(i * (PC_DIM_XY + 2))];
pca_new_rot_ptr2[i] = &pca_new_memory[(PC_DIM_XY + 2) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2) + (i * (PC_DIM_XY + 2))];
- posecells_plane_th = (Posecell *)malloc(sizeof(Posecell) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2));
+ posecells_plane_th = (Posecell*)malloc(sizeof(Posecell) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2) * (PC_DIM_XY + 2));
- PC_W_EXCITE = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * PC_W_E_DIM * PC_W_E_DIM * PC_W_E_DIM);
- PC_W_INHIB = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double) * PC_W_I_DIM * PC_W_I_DIM * PC_W_I_DIM);
+ PC_W_EXCITE = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * PC_W_E_DIM * PC_W_E_DIM * PC_W_E_DIM);
+ PC_W_INHIB = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double) * PC_W_I_DIM * PC_W_I_DIM * PC_W_I_DIM);
posecells[(int)best_th][(int)best_y][(int)best_x] = 1;
@@ -130,10 +128,10 @@ void PosecellNetwork::pose_cell_builder()
PC_W_E_DIM_HALF = (int)floor((double)PC_W_E_DIM / 2.0);
PC_W_I_DIM_HALF = (int)floor((double)PC_W_I_DIM / 2.0);
- PC_E_XY_WRAP = (int *)malloc((PC_DIM_XY + PC_W_E_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
- PC_E_TH_WRAP = (int *)malloc((PC_DIM_TH + PC_W_E_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
- PC_I_XY_WRAP = (int *)malloc((PC_DIM_XY + PC_W_I_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
- PC_I_TH_WRAP = (int *)malloc((PC_DIM_TH + PC_W_I_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
+ PC_E_XY_WRAP = (int*)malloc((PC_DIM_XY + PC_W_E_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
+ PC_E_TH_WRAP = (int*)malloc((PC_DIM_TH + PC_W_E_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
+ PC_I_XY_WRAP = (int*)malloc((PC_DIM_XY + PC_W_I_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
+ PC_I_TH_WRAP = (int*)malloc((PC_DIM_TH + PC_W_I_DIM - 1) * sizeof(int));
@@ -141,17 +139,17 @@ void PosecellNetwork::pose_cell_builder()
- PC_AVG_XY_WRAP = (int *)malloc((PC_DIM_XY + 2 * PC_CELLS_TO_AVG) * sizeof(int));
- PC_AVG_TH_WRAP = (int *)malloc((PC_DIM_TH + 2 * PC_CELLS_TO_AVG) * sizeof(int));
+ PC_AVG_XY_WRAP = (int*)malloc((PC_DIM_XY + 2 * PC_CELLS_TO_AVG) * sizeof(int));
+ PC_AVG_TH_WRAP = (int*)malloc((PC_DIM_TH + 2 * PC_CELLS_TO_AVG) * sizeof(int));
// sine and cosine lookups
- PC_XY_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP = (double *)malloc(PC_DIM_XY * sizeof(double));
- PC_XY_SUM_COS_LOOKUP = (double *)malloc(PC_DIM_XY * sizeof(double));
- PC_TH_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP = (double *)malloc(PC_DIM_TH * sizeof(double));
- PC_TH_SUM_COS_LOOKUP = (double *)malloc(PC_DIM_TH * sizeof(double));
+ PC_XY_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP = (double*)malloc(PC_DIM_XY * sizeof(double));
+ PC_XY_SUM_COS_LOOKUP = (double*)malloc(PC_DIM_XY * sizeof(double));
+ PC_TH_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP = (double*)malloc(PC_DIM_TH * sizeof(double));
+ PC_TH_SUM_COS_LOOKUP = (double*)malloc(PC_DIM_TH * sizeof(double));
for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_XY; i++)
@@ -239,7 +237,6 @@ PosecellNetwork::~PosecellNetwork()
bool PosecellNetwork::inject(int act_x, int act_y, int act_z, double energy)
if (act_x < PC_DIM_XY && act_x >= 0 && act_y < PC_DIM_XY && act_y >= 0 && act_z < PC_DIM_TH && act_z >= 0)
posecells[act_z][act_y][act_x] += energy;
@@ -272,7 +269,6 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::excite(void)
// pc.Posecells = pca_new;
memcpy(posecells_memory, pca_new_memory, posecells_memory_size);
return true;
bool PosecellNetwork::inhibit(void)
@@ -338,12 +334,11 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::normalise(void)
for (i = 0; i < posecells_elements; i++)
posecells_memory[i] /= total;
- //assert(posecells_memory[i] >= 0);
- //assert(!isnan(posecells_memory[i]));
+ // assert(posecells_memory[i] >= 0);
+ // assert(!isnan(posecells_memory[i]));
return true;
bool PosecellNetwork::path_integration(double vtrans, double vrot)
@@ -363,7 +358,6 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::path_integration(double vtrans, double vrot)
// for dir_pc=1:PARAMS.PC_DIM_TH
for (dir_pc = 0; dir_pc < PC_DIM_TH; dir_pc++)
// % radians
// dir = (dir_pc - 1) * pc.PC_C_SIZE_TH;
double dir = dir_pc * PC_C_SIZE_TH + angle_to_add;
@@ -400,11 +394,11 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::path_integration(double vtrans, double vrot)
weight_sw = vtrans * vtrans * cos(dir90) * sin(dir90);
// weight_se = vtrans*sin(dir90) - vtrans^2 *cos(dir90) * sin(dir90);
- weight_se = //vtrans*sin(dir90) - vtrans*vtrans*cos(dir90)*sin(dir90);
+ weight_se = // vtrans*sin(dir90) - vtrans*vtrans*cos(dir90)*sin(dir90);
vtrans * sin(dir90) * (1.0 - vtrans * cos(dir90));
// weight_nw = vtrans*cos(dir90) - vtrans^2 *cos(dir90) * sin(dir90);
- weight_nw = // vtrans*cos(dir90) - vtrans*vtrans*cos(dir90)*sin(dir90);
+ weight_nw = // vtrans*cos(dir90) - vtrans*vtrans*cos(dir90)*sin(dir90);
vtrans * cos(dir90) * (1.0 - vtrans * sin(dir90));
// weight_ne = 1.0 - weight_sw - weight_se - weight_nw;
@@ -413,30 +407,36 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::path_integration(double vtrans, double vrot)
/* if (weight_sw < 0 || weight_se < 0 || weight_nw < 0 || weight_ne < 0)
printf("WARNING: weights are negative, vtrans(%f) is either negative or too big\n", vtrans);
- printf("WARNING: continuing, but expect possible failures soon! Update POSECELL_VTRANS_SCALING to fix this.\n", vtrans);
+ printf("WARNING: continuing, but expect possible failures soon! Update POSECELL_VTRANS_SCALING to fix this.\n",
+ vtrans);
// % circular shift and multiple by the contributing weight
// % copy those shifted elements for the wrap around
- // pca_new = pca_new.*weight_ne + [pca_new(:,end) pca_new(:,1:end-1)].*weight_nw + [pca_new(end,:); pca_new(1:end-1,:)].*weight_se + circshift(pca_new, [1 1]).*weight_sw;
+ // pca_new = pca_new.*weight_ne + [pca_new(:,end) pca_new(:,1:end-1)].*weight_nw + [pca_new(end,:);
+ // pca_new(1:end-1,:)].*weight_se + circshift(pca_new, [1 1]).*weight_sw;
// first element
- pca_new_rot_ptr2[0][0] = pca_new_rot_ptr[0][0] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[0][PC_DIM_XY + 1] * weight_se + pca_new_rot_ptr[PC_DIM_XY + 1][0] * weight_nw;
+ pca_new_rot_ptr2[0][0] = pca_new_rot_ptr[0][0] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[0][PC_DIM_XY + 1] * weight_se +
+ pca_new_rot_ptr[PC_DIM_XY + 1][0] * weight_nw;
// first row
for (i = 1; i < PC_DIM_XY + 2; i++)
- pca_new_rot_ptr2[0][i] = pca_new_rot_ptr[0][i] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[0][i - 1] * weight_se + pca_new_rot_ptr[PC_DIM_XY + 1][i] * weight_nw;
+ pca_new_rot_ptr2[0][i] = pca_new_rot_ptr[0][i] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[0][i - 1] * weight_se +
+ pca_new_rot_ptr[PC_DIM_XY + 1][i] * weight_nw;
for (j = 1; j < PC_DIM_XY + 2; j++)
// first column
- pca_new_rot_ptr2[j][0] = pca_new_rot_ptr[j][0] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[j][PC_DIM_XY + 1] * weight_se + pca_new_rot_ptr[j - 1][0] * weight_nw;
+ pca_new_rot_ptr2[j][0] = pca_new_rot_ptr[j][0] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[j][PC_DIM_XY + 1] * weight_se +
+ pca_new_rot_ptr[j - 1][0] * weight_nw;
// all the rest
for (i = 1; i < PC_DIM_XY + 2; i++)
- pca_new_rot_ptr2[j][i] = pca_new_rot_ptr[j][i] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[j][i - 1] * weight_se + pca_new_rot_ptr[j - 1][i] * weight_nw;
+ pca_new_rot_ptr2[j][i] = pca_new_rot_ptr[j][i] * weight_ne + pca_new_rot_ptr[j][i - 1] * weight_se +
+ pca_new_rot_ptr[j - 1][i] * weight_nw;
@@ -474,7 +474,7 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::path_integration(double vtrans, double vrot)
// % unrotate the pose cell xy layer
// pc.Posecells(:,:,dir_pc) = rot90(pca90, 4 - floor(dir * 2/pi));
rot90_square(posecells[dir_pc], PC_DIM_XY, 4 - (int)floor(dir * 2.0 / M_PI));
- //end
+ // end
// end
@@ -538,7 +538,6 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::path_integration(double vtrans, double vrot)
// assert(posecells[k][j][i] >= 0);
// end
@@ -551,7 +550,7 @@ double PosecellNetwork::find_best()
int i, j, k;
double x = -1, y = -1, th = -1;
- double * x_sums, *y_sums, *z_sums;
+ double* x_sums, *y_sums, *z_sums;
double sum_x1, sum_x2, sum_y1, sum_y2;
// % find the max activated cell
@@ -660,12 +659,12 @@ double PosecellNetwork::find_best()
return max;
-double * PosecellNetwork::get_cells(void)
+double* PosecellNetwork::get_cells(void)
return posecells_memory;
-bool PosecellNetwork::set_cells(double * cells)
+bool PosecellNetwork::set_cells(double* cells)
if (memcpy(posecells_memory, cells, posecells_memory_size) != NULL)
return true;
@@ -676,11 +675,12 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::set_cells(double * cells)
double PosecellNetwork::get_delta_pc(double x, double y, double th)
double pc_th_corrected = best_th - vt_delta_pc_th;
- if (pc_th_corrected < 0)
- pc_th_corrected = PC_DIM_TH + pc_th_corrected;
+ if (pc_th_corrected < 0)
+ pc_th_corrected = PC_DIM_TH + pc_th_corrected;
if (pc_th_corrected >= PC_DIM_TH)
- pc_th_corrected = pc_th_corrected - PC_DIM_TH;
- return sqrt(pow(get_min_delta(best_x, x, PC_DIM_XY), 2) + pow(get_min_delta(best_y, y, PC_DIM_XY), 2) + pow(get_min_delta(pc_th_corrected, th, PC_DIM_TH), 2));
+ pc_th_corrected = pc_th_corrected - PC_DIM_TH;
+ return sqrt(pow(get_min_delta(best_x, x, PC_DIM_XY), 2) + pow(get_min_delta(best_y, y, PC_DIM_XY), 2) +
+ pow(get_min_delta(pc_th_corrected, th, PC_DIM_TH), 2));
double PosecellNetwork::get_min_delta(double d1, double d2, double max)
@@ -740,7 +740,7 @@ bool PosecellNetwork::pose_cell_inhibit_helper(int x, int y, int z)
return true;
-void PosecellNetwork::circshift2d(double * array, double * array_buffer, int dimx, int dimy, int shiftx, int shifty)
+void PosecellNetwork::circshift2d(double* array, double* array_buffer, int dimx, int dimy, int shiftx, int shifty)
if (shifty == 0)
@@ -786,7 +786,7 @@ void PosecellNetwork::circshift2d(double * array, double * array_buffer, int dim
-int PosecellNetwork::rot90_square(double ** array, int dim, int rot)
+int PosecellNetwork::rot90_square(double** array, int dim, int rot)
double centre = (double)(dim - 1) / 2.0f;
@@ -824,7 +824,7 @@ int PosecellNetwork::rot90_square(double ** array, int dim, int rot)
d = 0;
- return 1;
+ return 1;
if (rot % 2 == 1)
@@ -840,8 +840,8 @@ int PosecellNetwork::rot90_square(double ** array, int dim, int rot)
is1 = id;
js1 = jd;
- id = (int)(a * ((float)(is1) - centre) + b * ((float)(js1) - centre) + centre);
- jd = (int)(c * ((float)(is1) - centre) + d * ((float)(js1) - centre) + centre);
+ id = (int)(a * ((float)(is1)-centre) + b * ((float)(js1)-centre) + centre);
+ jd = (int)(c * ((float)(is1)-centre) + d * ((float)(js1)-centre) + centre);
tmp_new = array[jd][id];
array[jd][id] = tmp_old;
tmp_old = tmp_new;
@@ -857,7 +857,7 @@ int PosecellNetwork::rot90_square(double ** array, int dim, int rot)
return true;
-int PosecellNetwork::generate_wrap(int * wrap, int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, int start3, int end3)
+int PosecellNetwork::generate_wrap(int* wrap, int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, int start3, int end3)
int i, j;
i = 0;
@@ -880,16 +880,18 @@ int PosecellNetwork::generate_wrap(int * wrap, int start1, int end1, int start2,
double PosecellNetwork::norm2d(double var, int x, int y, int z, int dim_centre)
- return 1.0 / (var * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI))
- * exp((-(x - dim_centre) * (x - dim_centre) - (y - dim_centre) * (y - dim_centre) - (z - dim_centre) * (z - dim_centre)) / (2.0 * var * var));
+ return 1.0 / (var * sqrt(2.0 * M_PI)) *
+ exp((-(x - dim_centre) * (x - dim_centre) - (y - dim_centre) * (y - dim_centre) -
+ (z - dim_centre) * (z - dim_centre)) /
+ (2.0 * var * var));
void PosecellNetwork::create_experience()
- PosecellVisualTemplate * pcvt = &visual_templates[current_vt];
+ PosecellVisualTemplate* pcvt = &visual_templates[current_vt];
experiences.resize(experiences.size() + 1);
current_exp = experiences.size() - 1;
- PosecellExperience * exp = &experiences[current_exp];
+ PosecellExperience* exp = &experiences[current_exp];
exp->x_pc = x();
exp->y_pc = y();
exp->th_pc = th();
@@ -897,10 +899,9 @@ void PosecellNetwork::create_experience()
PosecellNetwork::PosecellAction PosecellNetwork::get_action()
- PosecellExperience * experience;
+ PosecellExperience* experience;
double delta_pc;
PosecellAction action = NO_ACTION;
@@ -908,9 +909,10 @@ PosecellNetwork::PosecellAction PosecellNetwork::get_action()
odo_update = false;
vt_update = false;
- } else {
- return action;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return action;
if (visual_templates.size() == 0)
@@ -923,17 +925,19 @@ PosecellNetwork::PosecellAction PosecellNetwork::get_action()
action = CREATE_NODE;
- } else {
+ }
+ else
+ {
experience = &experiences[current_exp];
delta_pc = get_delta_pc(experience->x_pc, experience->y_pc, experience->th_pc);
- PosecellVisualTemplate * pcvt = &visual_templates[current_vt];
+ PosecellVisualTemplate* pcvt = &visual_templates[current_vt];
if (pcvt->exps.size() == 0)
action = CREATE_NODE;
- }
+ }
else if (delta_pc > EXP_DELTA_PC_THRESHOLD || current_vt != prev_vt)
// go through all the exps associated with the current view and find the one with the closest delta_pc
@@ -943,7 +947,7 @@ PosecellNetwork::PosecellAction PosecellNetwork::get_action()
double min_delta = DBL_MAX;
double delta_pc;
- // find the closest experience in pose cell space
+ // find the closest experience in pose cell space
for (i = 0; i < pcvt->exps.size(); i++)
// make sure we aren't comparing to the current experience
@@ -1010,24 +1014,24 @@ void PosecellNetwork::on_odo(double vtrans, double vrot, double time_diff_s)
void PosecellNetwork::create_view_template()
- PosecellVisualTemplate * pcvt;
+ PosecellVisualTemplate* pcvt;
visual_templates.resize(visual_templates.size() + 1);
pcvt = &visual_templates[visual_templates.size() - 1];
pcvt->pc_x = x();
pcvt->pc_y = y();
pcvt->pc_th = th();
pcvt->decay = VT_ACTIVE_DECAY;
void PosecellNetwork::on_view_template(unsigned int vt, double vt_rad)
- PosecellVisualTemplate * pcvt;
+ PosecellVisualTemplate* pcvt;
if (vt >= visual_templates.size())
// must be a new template
- assert(vt == visual_templates.size()-1);
+ assert(vt == visual_templates.size() - 1);
@@ -1039,7 +1043,9 @@ void PosecellNetwork::on_view_template(unsigned int vt, double vt_rad)
if (vt != current_vt)
- } else {
+ }
+ else
+ {
pcvt->decay += VT_ACTIVE_DECAY;
@@ -1047,18 +1053,18 @@ void PosecellNetwork::on_view_template(unsigned int vt, double vt_rad)
double energy = PC_VT_INJECT_ENERGY * 1.0 / 30.0 * (30.0 - exp(1.2 * pcvt->decay));
if (energy > 0)
- vt_delta_pc_th = vt_rad / (2.0*M_PI) * PC_DIM_TH;
- double pc_th_corrected = pcvt->pc_th + vt_rad / (2.0*M_PI) * PC_DIM_TH;
- if (pc_th_corrected < 0)
- pc_th_corrected = PC_DIM_TH + pc_th_corrected;
- if (pc_th_corrected >= PC_DIM_TH)
- pc_th_corrected = pc_th_corrected - PC_DIM_TH;
+ vt_delta_pc_th = vt_rad / (2.0 * M_PI) * PC_DIM_TH;
+ double pc_th_corrected = pcvt->pc_th + vt_rad / (2.0 * M_PI) * PC_DIM_TH;
+ if (pc_th_corrected < 0)
+ pc_th_corrected = PC_DIM_TH + pc_th_corrected;
+ if (pc_th_corrected >= PC_DIM_TH)
+ pc_th_corrected = pc_th_corrected - PC_DIM_TH;
inject((int)pcvt->pc_x, (int)pcvt->pc_y, (int)pc_th_corrected, energy);
- for (unsigned int i=0; i < visual_templates.size(); i++)
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < visual_templates.size(); i++)
visual_templates[i].decay -= PC_VT_RESTORE;
if (visual_templates[i].decay < VT_ACTIVE_DECAY)
@@ -1068,8 +1074,7 @@ void PosecellNetwork::on_view_template(unsigned int vt, double vt_rad)
prev_vt = current_vt;
current_vt = vt;
-vt_update = true;
+ vt_update = true;
-} // namespace ratslam
+} // namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/ratslam/posecell_network.h b/src/ratslam/posecell_network.h
index ce3bbeb..4004c2b 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/posecell_network.h
+++ b/src/ratslam/posecell_network.h
@@ -37,11 +37,13 @@
#include "math.h"
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
typedef double Posecell;
@@ -53,41 +55,50 @@ typedef double Posecell;
namespace ratslam
struct PosecellVisualTemplate
- unsigned int id;
- double pc_x, pc_y, pc_th;
- double decay;
- std::vector exps;
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & id;
- ar & pc_x & pc_y & pc_th;
- ar & decay;
- }
+ unsigned int id;
+ double pc_x, pc_y, pc_th;
+ double decay;
+ std::vector exps;
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar& id;
+ ar& pc_x& pc_y& pc_th;
+ ar& decay;
+ }
-struct PosecellExperience {
+struct PosecellExperience
double x_pc, y_pc, th_pc;
int vt_id;
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar& x_pc& y_pc& th_pc;
+ ar& vt_id;
+ }
class PosecellNetwork
friend class PosecellScene;
- enum PosecellAction {NO_ACTION = 0, CREATE_NODE, CREATE_EDGE, SET_NODE};
+ enum PosecellAction
+ {
+ NO_ACTION = 0,
+ };
PosecellNetwork(ptree settings);
void on_odo(double vtrans, double vrot, double time_diff_s);
@@ -101,86 +112,101 @@ class PosecellNetwork
return best_x;
double y()
return best_y;
double th()
return best_th;
// get and set all the cells as one array
- double * get_cells();
- bool set_cells(double * cells);
+ double* get_cells();
+ bool set_cells(double* cells);
// access to some of the constants specified in
// RatSLAM properties.
double get_delta_pc(double x, double y, double th);
- unsigned int get_current_exp_id() { return current_exp; }
- double get_relative_rad() { return vt_delta_pc_th * 2.0 * M_PI / PC_DIM_TH; }
- template
- void save(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) const
- {
- ar & PC_DIM_XY;
- ar & PC_DIM_TH;
- ar & PC_W_E_DIM;
- ar & PC_W_I_DIM;
- ar & PC_W_E_VAR;
- ar & PC_W_I_VAR;
- ar & best_x;
- ar & best_y;
- ar & best_th;
- int i, j, k;
- for (k = 0; k < PC_DIM_TH; k++)
- for (j = 0; j < PC_DIM_XY; j++)
- for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_XY; i++)
- ar & posecells[k][j][i];
- }
- template
- void load(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
- ar & PC_DIM_XY;
- ar & PC_DIM_TH;
- ar & PC_W_E_DIM;
- ar & PC_W_I_DIM;
- ar & PC_W_E_VAR;
- ar & PC_W_I_VAR;
- ar & best_x;
- ar & best_y;
- ar & best_th;
- pose_cell_builder();
- int i, j, k;
- for (k = 0; k < PC_DIM_TH; k++)
- for (j = 0; j < PC_DIM_XY; j++)
- for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_XY; i++)
- ar & posecells[k][j][i];
- }
+ unsigned int get_current_exp_id()
+ {
+ return current_exp;
+ }
+ double get_relative_rad()
+ {
+ return vt_delta_pc_th * 2.0 * M_PI / PC_DIM_TH;
+ }
+ template
+ void save(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version) const
+ {
+ ar& PC_DIM_XY;
+ ar& PC_DIM_TH;
+ ar& PC_W_E_DIM;
+ ar& PC_W_I_DIM;
+ ar& PC_W_E_VAR;
+ ar& PC_W_I_VAR;
+ ar& best_x;
+ ar& best_y;
+ ar& best_th;
+ ar& visual_templates;
+ ar& experiences;
+ int i, j, k;
+ for (k = 0; k < PC_DIM_TH; k++)
+ for (j = 0; j < PC_DIM_XY; j++)
+ for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_XY; i++)
+ ar& posecells[k][j][i];
+ }
+ template
+ void load(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
+ ar& PC_DIM_XY;
+ ar& PC_DIM_TH;
+ ar& PC_W_E_DIM;
+ ar& PC_W_I_DIM;
+ ar& PC_W_E_VAR;
+ ar& PC_W_I_VAR;
+ ar& best_x;
+ ar& best_y;
+ ar& best_th;
+ ar& visual_templates;
+ ar& experiences;
+ pose_cell_builder();
+ int i, j, k;
+ for (k = 0; k < PC_DIM_TH; k++)
+ for (j = 0; j < PC_DIM_XY; j++)
+ for (i = 0; i < PC_DIM_XY; i++)
+ ar& posecells[k][j][i];
+ }
friend class boost::serialization::access;
void create_experience();
void create_view_template();
// inject energy into a specific point in the network
@@ -189,6 +215,7 @@ class PosecellNetwork
// locally excite and inhibit points. Excite spreads energy and
// inhibit compresses.
bool excite();
bool inhibit();
// global inhibition
@@ -209,15 +236,25 @@ class PosecellNetwork
- PosecellNetwork(const PosecellNetwork & other);
- const PosecellNetwork & operator=(const PosecellNetwork & other);
+ PosecellNetwork(const PosecellNetwork& other);
+ const PosecellNetwork& operator=(const PosecellNetwork& other);
void pose_cell_builder();
bool pose_cell_excite_helper(int x, int y, int z);
bool pose_cell_inhibit_helper(int x, int y, int z);
- void circshift2d(double * array, double * array_buffer, int dimx, int dimy, int shiftx, int shifty);
- int rot90_square(double ** array, int dim, int rot);
- int generate_wrap(int * wrap, int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, int start3, int end3);
+ void circshift2d(double* array, double* array_buffer, int dimx, int dimy, int shiftx, int shifty);
+ int rot90_square(double** array, int dim, int rot);
+ int generate_wrap(int* wrap, int start1, int end1, int start2, int end2, int start3, int end3);
double norm2d(double var, int x, int y, int z, int dim_centre);
double get_min_delta(double d1, double d2, double max);
int PC_DIM_XY;
@@ -244,34 +281,34 @@ class PosecellNetwork
bool odo_update;
bool vt_update;
- Posecell *** posecells;
- Posecell * posecells_memory;
+ Posecell*** posecells;
+ Posecell* posecells_memory;
int posecells_memory_size;
int posecells_elements;
- Posecell *** pca_new;
- Posecell * pca_new_memory;
- Posecell ** pca_new_rot_ptr;
- Posecell ** pca_new_rot_ptr2;
- Posecell * posecells_plane_th;
- double * PC_W_EXCITE;
- double * PC_W_INHIB;
+ Posecell*** pca_new;
+ Posecell* pca_new_memory;
+ Posecell** pca_new_rot_ptr;
+ Posecell** pca_new_rot_ptr2;
+ Posecell* posecells_plane_th;
+ double* PC_W_EXCITE;
+ double* PC_W_INHIB;
- int * PC_E_XY_WRAP;
- int * PC_E_TH_WRAP;
- int * PC_I_XY_WRAP;
- int * PC_I_TH_WRAP;
+ int* PC_E_XY_WRAP;
+ int* PC_E_TH_WRAP;
+ int* PC_I_XY_WRAP;
+ int* PC_I_TH_WRAP;
- int * PC_AVG_XY_WRAP;
- int * PC_AVG_TH_WRAP;
+ int* PC_AVG_XY_WRAP;
+ int* PC_AVG_TH_WRAP;
- double * PC_XY_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP;
- double * PC_XY_SUM_COS_LOOKUP;
- double * PC_TH_SUM_SIN_LOOKUP;
- double * PC_TH_SUM_COS_LOOKUP;
double PC_C_SIZE_TH;
@@ -280,9 +317,7 @@ class PosecellNetwork
unsigned int current_vt, prev_vt;
unsigned int current_exp, prev_exp;
diff --git a/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.cpp b/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.cpp
index c0fbe3f..05910cf 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.cpp
+++ b/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.cpp
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
namespace ratslam
VisualOdometry::VisualOdometry(ptree settings)
get_setting_from_ptree(VTRANS_IMAGE_X_MIN, settings, "vtrans_image_x_min", 0);
@@ -61,7 +60,8 @@ VisualOdometry::VisualOdometry(ptree settings)
first = true;
-void VisualOdometry::on_image(const unsigned char * data, bool greyscale, unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height, double *vtrans_ms, double *vrot_rads)
+void VisualOdometry::on_image(const unsigned char* data, bool greyscale, unsigned int image_width,
+ unsigned int image_height, double* vtrans_ms, double* vrot_rads)
double dummy;
@@ -81,14 +81,17 @@ void VisualOdometry::on_image(const unsigned char * data, bool greyscale, unsign
first = false;
- convert_view_to_view_template(&vtrans_profile[0], data, greyscale, VTRANS_IMAGE_X_MIN, VTRANS_IMAGE_X_MAX, VTRANS_IMAGE_Y_MIN, VTRANS_IMAGE_Y_MAX);
+ convert_view_to_view_template(&vtrans_profile[0], data, greyscale, VTRANS_IMAGE_X_MIN, VTRANS_IMAGE_X_MAX,
visual_odo(&vtrans_profile[0], vtrans_profile.size(), &vtrans_prev_profile[0], vtrans_ms, &dummy);
- convert_view_to_view_template(&vrot_profile[0], data, greyscale, VROT_IMAGE_X_MIN, VROT_IMAGE_X_MAX, VROT_IMAGE_Y_MIN, VROT_IMAGE_Y_MAX);
+ convert_view_to_view_template(&vrot_profile[0], data, greyscale, VROT_IMAGE_X_MIN, VROT_IMAGE_X_MAX, VROT_IMAGE_Y_MIN,
visual_odo(&vrot_profile[0], vrot_profile.size(), &vrot_prev_profile[0], &dummy, vrot_rads);
-void VisualOdometry::visual_odo(double *data, unsigned short width, double *olddata, double *vtrans_ms, double *vrot_rads)
+void VisualOdometry::visual_odo(double* data, unsigned short width, double* olddata, double* vtrans_ms,
+ double* vrot_rads)
double mindiff = 1e6;
double minoffset = 0;
@@ -143,15 +146,14 @@ void VisualOdometry::visual_odo(double *data, unsigned short width, double *oldd
olddata[i] = data[i];
- *vrot_rads = minoffset * CAMERA_FOV_DEG / IMAGE_WIDTH * CAMERA_HZ * M_PI / 180.0;
- *vtrans_ms = mindiff * VTRANS_SCALING;
+ *vrot_rads = minoffset* CAMERA_FOV_DEG / IMAGE_WIDTH* CAMERA_HZ* M_PI / 180.0;
+ *vtrans_ms = mindiff* VTRANS_SCALING;
if (*vtrans_ms > VTRANS_MAX)
*vtrans_ms = VTRANS_MAX;
-void VisualOdometry::convert_view_to_view_template(double *current_view, const unsigned char *view_rgb, bool grayscale, int X_RANGE_MIN, int X_RANGE_MAX, int Y_RANGE_MIN,
- int Y_RANGE_MAX)
+void VisualOdometry::convert_view_to_view_template(double* current_view, const unsigned char* view_rgb, bool grayscale,
unsigned int TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE = 1;
@@ -170,9 +172,11 @@ void VisualOdometry::convert_view_to_view_template(double *current_view, const u
if (grayscale)
- for (int y_block = Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE; y_block += y_block_size, y_block_count++)
+ for (int y_block = Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE;
+ y_block += y_block_size, y_block_count++)
- for (int x_block = X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE; x_block += x_block_size, x_block_count++)
+ for (int x_block = X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ x_block += x_block_size, x_block_count++)
for (int x = x_block; x < (x_block + x_block_size); x++)
@@ -190,16 +194,19 @@ void VisualOdometry::convert_view_to_view_template(double *current_view, const u
- for (int y_block = Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE; y_block += y_block_size, y_block_count++)
+ for (int y_block = Y_RANGE_MIN, y_block_count = 0; y_block_count < TEMPLATE_Y_SIZE;
+ y_block += y_block_size, y_block_count++)
- for (int x_block = X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE; x_block += x_block_size, x_block_count++)
+ for (int x_block = X_RANGE_MIN, x_block_count = 0; x_block_count < TEMPLATE_X_SIZE;
+ x_block += x_block_size, x_block_count++)
for (int x = x_block; x < (x_block + x_block_size); x++)
for (int y = y_block; y < (y_block + y_block_size); y++)
pos = (x + y * IMAGE_WIDTH) * 3;
- current_view[data_next] += ((double)(view_rgb[pos]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 1]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 2]));
+ current_view[data_next] +=
+ ((double)(view_rgb[pos]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 1]) + (double)(view_rgb[pos + 2]));
current_view[data_next] /= (255.0 * 3.0);
@@ -208,9 +215,6 @@ void VisualOdometry::convert_view_to_view_template(double *current_view, const u
// namespace ratslam
diff --git a/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.h b/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.h
index bb084be..7b1c6cc 100644
--- a/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.h
+++ b/src/ratslam/visual_odometry.h
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
using boost::property_tree::ptree;
@@ -37,50 +38,52 @@ using boost::property_tree::ptree;
-namespace ratslam {
+namespace ratslam
class VisualOdometry
VisualOdometry(ptree settings);
- void on_image(const unsigned char * data, bool greyscale, unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height, double *vtrans_ms, double *vrot_rads);
+ void on_image(const unsigned char* data, bool greyscale, unsigned int image_width, unsigned int image_height,
+ double* vtrans_ms, double* vrot_rads);
- template
- void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
- {
+ template
+ void serialize(Archive& ar, const unsigned int version)
+ {
- ar & CAMERA_HZ;
+ ar& CAMERA_HZ;
- ar & VTRANS_MAX;
- ar & vtrans_profile;
- ar & vrot_profile;
+ ar& vtrans_profile;
+ ar& vrot_profile;
- ar & vtrans_prev_profile;
- ar & vrot_prev_profile;
+ ar& vtrans_prev_profile;
+ ar& vrot_prev_profile;
- ar & first;
- }
+ ar& first;
+ }
- VisualOdometry() {;}
+ VisualOdometry()
+ {
+ ;
+ }
@@ -109,10 +112,10 @@ class VisualOdometry
bool first;
- void visual_odo(double *data, unsigned short width, double *olddata, double *vtrans_ms, double *vrot_rads);
- void convert_view_to_view_template(double *current_view, const unsigned char *view_rgb, bool grayscale, int X_RANGE_MIN, int X_RANGE_MAX, int Y_RANGE_MIN, int Y_RANGE_MAX);
+ void visual_odo(double* data, unsigned short width, double* olddata, double* vtrans_ms, double* vrot_rads);
+ void convert_view_to_view_template(double* current_view, const unsigned char* view_rgb, bool grayscale,
-}; // namespace ratslam
+}; // namespace ratslam
diff --git a/tests/irat_aus.test b/tests/irat_aus.test
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d682e57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/irat_aus.test
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@