This repository was created for the project of the Data and Results Visualization PhD course.
We conducted a blind listening test on five classical mandolins and collected the responses from more than 100 people with different musical background. All the instruments were built by the same luthiers in a progressive fashion, starting from a model very close to tradition up to one with significant structural changes. With this test we want to determine whether the differences in the building reflect different sound characteristics
├── data
├── figures
├── script
├── notebook
├── .gitignore
data Folder containing the results of the surveys
figures Folder containing the generated figures
script Scripts files to generate figures
notebook Notebooks of the project
2 analysis have been conducted.
15 professional mandolin players were involved. They were asked to express which are the most meaningful adjectives to describe the sound of a mandolin.
- histogram with responses on adjective couples
- opinions on most relevant aspects in a mandolin
108 responses were collected from a heterogeneous population. 5 mandolins are heard in a blind listening test and are evaluated on 5 different acoustical aspects. Then 3 of these instruments are compared in pairs. Information on the background of the respondents is available.
- [x] information on the audience
- [x] boxplot/violin plot on the features of each violin
- [x] feature "fingerprint" of the instruments
- [ ] comparison of the mandolins
- [/] matrix plot (correlation between the features)
- [ ] correlation between answers and musical background of the respondents
- [ ] others (line plots?)