Find a templet in ./trainval_scripts/, for example: ./trainval_scripts/
python scripts/ FocalClick\
The args could be explained as follows:
FocalClick : the pipeline to inference, your could choose from [FocalClick, CDNet, Baseline] for different models.
--model_dir: the path to your models.
--checkpoint: the name of the model that you want to evalute; if "210,220,230", the 3 models 210.pth,220.pth,230.pth would be evaluate in turn.
--infer-size: The input size during inference; we choose 256 for FocalClick, 384 for Baseline and CDNet.
--vis: visualize the result or not. if --vis, the visualised result would be found at ./experiments/vis_val/.
--vis_path: you could set the path to save the visualised result, default='./experiments/vis_val/'
you could find a templet in ./trainval_scripts/