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- Book: Building Web APIs with FastAPI and Python by Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina; Amazon:
- Book discount: valid 5th - 25th of August 2022 (
## Timestamps
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This event aims to introduce the audience to the FastAPI framework and how to use it. An example API that allows user make predictions with the K-cluster classification algorithm is also demonstrated.
Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina is a software engineer and technical writer with four years of combined experience. He has published over twenty technical articles on different software technologies and is also the author of the FastAPI and MongoDB boilerplate.
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#python #apis #deployment
00:00 Welcome
00:30 Reshama introduces Data Umbrella
04:28 Reshama introduces Abdulazeez Abdulazeez Adeshina
05:28 Abdulazeez begins his talk
06:00 What are APIs?
06:55 Components of an API
10:28 Routing
11:12 Anatomy of Routes
12:33 Introduction to FastAPI
13:50 Installing FastAPI and unicorn
14:34 Building an attendees API
15:12 Writing a basic GET route that welcomes the user
16:18 Running uvicorn
17:50 Accessing the API Docs
18:50 Writing a POST route for registering attendees
22:15 Writing a GET route that returns all the attendees
23:52 Retrieving attendees by name
27:00 Delete Route for removing an attendee by name
36:22 FastAPI and Data
40:25 A Cluster Prediction app
44:43 Abdulazeez introduces his book "Building Web APIs with FastAPI and Python"
47:00 Reshama thanks Abdulazeez & End of Webinar