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User Guide For Pyarmor v4

This is the documentation for Pyarmor 3.4 and later.


Pyarmor v3.4 introduces a group new commands. For a simple package, use command obfuscate to obfuscate scripts directly. For complicated package, use Project to manage obfuscated scripts.

Project includes 2 files, one configure file and one project capsule. Use manifest template string, same as of Python Distutils, to specify the files to be obfuscated.

To create a project, use command init, use command info to show project information. config to update project settings, and build to obfuscate the scripts in the project.

Other commands, benchmark to metric performance, hdinfo to show hardware information, so that command licenses can generate license bind to fixed machine.

All the old commands capsule, encrypt, license are deprecated, and will be removed from v4.


Obfuscate Python Scripts

Obfuscate a simple script examples/ in the source path of Pyarmor

    python obfuscate --src examples --entry "*.py"
    # Note that quotation mark is required for file patterns, otherwise
    # it will be expanded base on current path by shell.

    # Obfuscated scripts are saved in default output path "dist"
    cd dist
    # Run obfuscated script

Import Obfuscated Module

Import obfuscated moduels in a normal python scripts

    python obfuscate --src examples/py2exe --entry
    # is obfuscated. Entry is not. Only two extra lines are
    # inserted at the begin.
    cd dist
      from pytransform import pyarmor_runtime
    # Run

Use Project to Manage Obfuscated Scripts

It's better to obfuscate a complicate python project, there are the several advantages:

  • Increment build, only updated scripts are obfuscated since last build

  • Obfuscate scripts by more modes

The following examples show how to obfuscate a python package pybench, which locates in the examples/pybench in the source of pyarmor.

    mkdir projects
    python init --src examples/pybench --entry \

    # This command will create 2 files: .pyarmor_config,
    # in the project path "projects/pybench"
    cd projects/pybench

    # And there is a shell script "pyarmor" is created at the same time.
    # (In windows, the name is "pyarmor.bat")
    # Show project information
    ./pyarmor info
    # Now run "pyarmor" to obfuscated all the scripts by subcommand "build"
    ./pyarmor build

    # Check obfuscated script
    cd dist

    # Run obfuscated script

After some source scripts changed, just run build again

    cd projects/pybench
    ./pyarmor build

Obfuscate scripts by other mode, for obfuscation mode, refer to How to obfuscate python scripts

    cd projects/pybench
    # Only obfuscate whole module, not each code object
    ./pyarmor config --obf-module-mode=des --obf-code-mode=none
    # Force rebuild all
    ./pyarmor build --force

Distribute Obfuscated Scripts

First obfuscate all scripts in build machine.

Then copy all the files in output path "dist" to target machine

That's all.

Note Python version in build machine must be same as in target machine. To be exact, the magic string value used to recognize byte-compiled code files (.pyc files) must be same.

License of Obfuscated Scripts

There is a file license.lic in the output path "dist", the default one permits the obfuscated scripts run in any machine and never expired. Replace it with others can change this behaviour.

For examples, expire obfuscated scripts on some day

    cd project/pybench
    # Generate a new license.lic
    ./pyarmor licenses --expired 2018-12-31 Customer-A
    # New license saved in "licenses/Customer-A/license.lic"
    # Readable text saved in "licenses/Customer-A/license.lic.txt"
    cat licenses/Customer-A/license.lic.txt

    # Replace default license.lic
    cp licenses/Customer-A/license.lic dist/
    # Run obfuscated scripts, it will not work after 2018-12-31
    cd dist

Command licenses used to generate new license, note that it's plural. It can generate batch licenses.

    cd project/pybench
    ./pyarmor licenses RCode-1 RCode-2 RCode-3 RCode-4 RCode-5
    ls licenses/

Bind obfuscated scripts in fixed machine

    # Run command hdinfo to get hardware information
    ./pyarmor hdinfo
    # Generate license bind to harddisk serial number
    ./pyarmor licenses --bind-disk '100304PBN2081SF3NJ5T' Customer-Tom
    # Generate license bind to ipv4 and mac address
    ./pyarmor licenses --bind-ipv4 '' \
                       --bind-mac '20:c1:d2:2f:a0:96' Customer-John
    # Generate license bind to domain name and expire on 2018-12-31
    ./pyarmor licenses -e 2018-12-31 --bind-domain '' \

Cross Platform

The only difference for cross platform is need to replace platform-dependent library _pytransform with the right one for target machine

All the latest prebuilt platform-dependent library _pytransform could be found here

The core of [Pyarmor] is written by C, the only dependency is libc. So it's not difficult to build for any other platform, even for embeded system. Contact [email protected] if you'd like to run encrypted scripts in other platform.


obfuscate odoo module

There is odoo module "web-login":


It's imported by odoo server,

    python init --src=/path/to/web-login \
    cd projects/odoo
    ./pyarmor config --output=dist/web-login
    ./pyarmor build
    # Obfuscated scripts saved in "dist/web-login"
    # Tell odoo server load "web-login" module from here

py2exe with obfuscated scripts

The problem is that all the scripts is in a zip file "" after py2exe packages obfuscated scripts.

Another challange is that py2exe cound not find dependent modules after scripts are obfuscated.

    python init --src=examples/py2exe \
                           --entry="," \
    cd projects/py2exe
    # This is the key, change default runtime-path
    ./pyarmor config --runtime-path=''
    # Obfuscate scirpts
    ./pyarmor build

    # First run py2exe in original package, so that all the required
    # python system library files are generated in the "dist"
    ( cd ../../examples/py2exe; python py2exe )
    # Move to final output
    mv ../../examples/py2exe/dist output/
    # Run py2exe in obfuscated package with "-i" and "-p", because
    # py2exe can not find dependent modules after they're obfuscated
    cd dist
    python py2exe --include queens --dist-dir ../output
    # Copy runtime files to "output"
    cp pyshield.* product.key license.lic _pytransform.dll ../output
    # Now run hello.exe
    cd ../output

Benchmark Test

How about the performance after scripts are obfuscated, run benchmark in target machine

    python benchmark

Configure File

Each project has a configure file. It's a json file, used to specify scripts to be obfuscated, and how to obfuscate etc.


Project name.


Base path to match files by manifest template string.

Generally it's absolute path.


A string specifies files to be obfuscated, same as of Python Distutils, default value is

    global-include *.py 

It means all files anywhere in the src tree matching.

Multi manifest template commands are spearated by comma, for example

    global-include *.py, exclude test*.py


A string includes one or many entry scripts.

When build project, insert the following bootstrap code for each entry:

    from pytransform import pyarmor_runtime

The entry name is relative to src.

Multi entries are separated by comma, for example,, another/

Note that entry may be NOT obfuscated, if manifest does not specify this entry. In this case, bootstrap code will be inserted into the header of entry script either. So that it can import other obfuscated modules.


A path used to save output of build. It's relative to current path of process.


Filename of project capsule.


How to obfuscate whole code object of module:

  • none

    No obfuscate

  • des

    Obfuscate whole code object by DES algorithm


How to obfuscate byte code of each code object:

  • none

    No obfuscate

  • des

    Obfuscate byte-code by DES algorithm

  • fast

    Obfuscate byte-code by a simple algorithm, it's faster than DES


None or any path.

When run obfuscated scripts, where to find dynamic library "_pytransform". The default value is None, it means it's in the same path of "".

It's useful when obfuscated scripts are packed into a zip file, for example, use py2exe to package obfuscated scripts. Set runtime_path to an empty string, and copy runtime files, _pytransform.dll, pyshield.key, pyshield.lic, product.key, license.lic to same path of zip file, will solve this problem.

Command Options

Available command: init, config, build, info, check, licenses, hdinfo, benchmark

See online document

    python <command> --help