You will find in this document all the instructions necessary in order to contribute to this project.
- Eclipse 4.3 Kepler SR2
- Acceleo 3.4.2
- EGit 3.2.0
- EclEmma 2.3.0
- EMF Compare 2.1.3
- Sirius 1.0.0
- EMF 2.9.2
- EMF Xcore 1.1.1
Title of the issue from Github
Description of the work realized
Bug-Url: https://github.com/dartdesigner/Dart-Designer/issues/0123456789
Change-Id: 012345678901234567890123456789
The change id should be automatically generated by the git commit hook.
To build the Dart Designer, go into releng\org.obeonetwork.dsl.dart.releng\launcher, install the latest version of maven and use "mvn clean verify". The Dart Designer binaries will be available in packaging\org.obeonetwork.dsl.dart.product\target\products.