ssh_voodo is a Ruby script to help with the task of running commands on remote machines via ssh. It allows you to run commands remotely in parallel and helps cache your password (including sudo) so you don't have to keep on entering your password. There's also an option to use ssh key.
It's hosted on
sudo gem install ssh_voodoo
ssh_voodoo -h
Usage: ssh_voodoo [options]
-s, --servers=SERVERS Servers to apply the actions to. Comma-separated list, or path to file containing list of servers (newline delimited)
--debug Print lots of messages
--use-ssh-key [FILE] Use ssh key instead of password
-c, --command=STRING What command to run on the remote server
--username=USERNAME What username to use for connecting to remote servers
--dw=INTEGER Number of workers for parallel ssh connections
Connection timeout
-h, --help Show this message