FTP-client based on winSocket for Windows
Clone the repo via git:
$ git clone https://github.com/danilchican/FTP-client.git
Add files to the Visual Studio project and compile program.
- create [host_id] - Create connection to your host
- close - Destroy created session
- pwd - Print working directory
- mkdir [name] - Create new directory
- rmdir [name] - Deletes the named directory on the remote host
- rm [file] - Deletes the named file on the remote host
- rn [from] [to] - Rename the file on the remote host
- download [file] [path] - Download the file from the remote host
- upload [file] [path] - Upload the file from client to the remote host
- hosts - Display list of hosts stored in database
- addhost [host] [port] [user] [pass] - Add new host to the database
- rmhost [id] - Delete host from the database
- cd [path] - Change current directory
- up - Moves up to the parent directory
- ls - Display the contents of a current directory
- help - Display available commands
- clear - Clear console screen
- exit - Exit from program