This public key is used to initialize all accounts in the local blockchain and via createAccount It should be used as the active and owner keys when updating auth on accounts you create
- eosjs :
This is the standard eosjs library at the core of this library. You have access to the rpc and api members.
- setupTestChain()
Sets up the test chain docker image. Must be the first function called in your suite. Only call once
- sleep(milliseconds) ⇒
Sleeps for the given milliseconds duration
- randomWamAccount() ⇒
Generates a random *.wam account name
- createAccount(account, [bytes]) ⇒
Create an account on the blockchain
- setContract(account, wasmFile, abiFile) ⇒
Set a contract on a blockchain account
- updateAuth(account, permission, parent) ⇒
Update permissions and keys on an account
- linkauth(account, requirement, permission, type) ⇒
Link actions to an account permission
- transfer(from, to, quantity, memo) ⇒
Transfer WAX
- getTableRows(code, table, scope, [limit]) ⇒
Get rows from a smart contract table
- genericAction(account, name, data, authorization) ⇒
Run a generic blockchain action
- dedupeTapos() ⇒
Generates the tapos fields for a transaction such that the expireSecods field is randomly generated. This allows for a weak way to deduplicate repeated transactions, which can happen a lot in testing.
This public key is used to initialize all accounts in the local blockchain and via createAccount It should be used as the active and owner keys when updating auth on accounts you create
This is the standard eosjs library at the core of this library. You have access to the rpc and api members.
Kind: global constant
Sets up the test chain docker image. Must be the first function called in your suite. Only call once
Kind: global function
Api: public
beforeAll(async () => {
await setupTestChain():
Sleeps for the given milliseconds duration
Kind: global function
Api: public
Param | Type | Description |
milliseconds | Number |
number of milliseconds to sleep |
Generates a random *.wam account name
Kind: global function
Returns: string
- a random wam account
Api: public
Create an account on the blockchain
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<TransactionReceipt>
- transaction receipt
Api: public
Param | Type | Default | Description |
account | string |
accouunt name to generate | |
[bytes] | Number |
1000000 |
number of RAM bytes to initialize the account with. Default 1000000 |
Set a contract on a blockchain account
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<TransactionReceipt>
- transaction receipt
Api: public
Param | Type | Description |
account | string |
accouunt to set the contract on |
wasmFile | string |
wasm file path to set |
abiFile | string |
abi file path to set |
Update permissions and keys on an account
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<TransactionReceipt>
- transaction receipt
Api: public
Param | Type | Description |
account | string |
accouunt to update |
permission | string |
permission to affect. Ex. 'active' |
parent | string |
parent of the above permission. Ex. 'owner' |
Link actions to an account permission
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<TransactionReceipt>
- transaction receipt
Api: public
Param | Type | Description |
account | string |
accouunt to update |
requirement | string |
permission required |
permission | string |
contract to associate |
type | string |
action to assocate on the code above |
Transfer WAX
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<TransactionReceipt>
- transaction receipt
Api: public
Param | Type | Description |
from | string |
accouunt to send from |
to | string |
account to send to |
quantity | string |
amount of WAX to send. Ex: '1.00000000 WAX' |
memo | string |
arbitrary message |
Get rows from a smart contract table
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<Array>
- array of table entries
Api: public
Param | Type | Default | Description |
code | string |
contract account to query | |
table | string |
table in the contract to query | |
scope | string |
scope for the table | |
[limit] | Number |
100 |
max rows to return. Default 100 |
Run a generic blockchain action
Kind: global function
Returns: Promise.<authorization>
- transaction receipt
Api: public
Param | Type | Description |
account | string |
contract account |
name | string |
action to fire |
data | Object |
action data json |
authorization | Authorization |
authorization object. Ie the actor executing the action |
Generates the tapos fields for a transaction such that the expireSecods field is randomly generated. This allows for a weak way to deduplicate repeated transactions, which can happen a lot in testing.
Kind: global function
Returns: Tapos
- tapos object
Api: public
actions: [...],